Thursday, October 3, 2002 |
Ensign Front
Volume 5, N. 134
0800 Thursday - Scattered alto-stratus 4/10ths,
visibility 15, 5º, wind 12 knots at 270, altimeter 29.58-- -WeatherLog
- Water line leak
- Thursday
October 3, 2002
The cast iron line that runs North and South by St. Matthew's Anglican church has
sprung a persistent leak and there is nothing to be done but go down there and fix
"Do as I say not as I
- Thursday
October 3, 2002
Joe Hueglin notes that the Liberal backbenchers are not particularly impressed with
the latest proposals to clean up the ethical problems in government and parliament
in general.
The Impact of the Saskatchewan health
care system
- Thursday
October 3, 2002
Stu Innes of Regina has been looking at the Saskatchewan health care system and the
issues that have come to light with the present strike.
Professional Health Workers Strike drags on
- Wednesday
October 2, 2002
Pickets went up in front of Tisdale's hospital and this afternoon around the Regional
adminsitration office.
Ramsey Clark letter to UN: Do
not support attack on Iraq
- Wednesday
October 2, 2002
The former United States Attorney General has for many years distingquished himself
as a humanitarian concerned about the oppressed of the world and used his well known
name to promo a number of causes. This remarkable document explains to the United
Nations the reasons that there should be no support for US adventures into Iraq.
$500 million credit
- Wednesday
October 2, 2002
Mike Reily tells us what was touted as savings to balance the budget looks like it
was just short sighted politically motivated measures that will ultimately result
in much larger costs while having reduced the country's cababilities considerably.
Prime Minister's
decision must be reconsidered
- Wednesday
October 2, 2002
Joe Hueglin maintains that forging ahead with the Kyoto Protocol is not a good plan
because of the trouble it will cause within the confederation. Joe does not dispute
the need for us to do something about the environment but that should not be a political
It Snowed
- Tuesday
October 1, 2002
What a way to end September and begin October. Snow began to take over the rainfall
last night at about 9:45 and there was two inches on the ground this morning. Lots
of pictures of the look around town this morning.
Big Cabbage
- Tuesday
October 1, 2002
Despite this morning's snow there were still lots of customers for the vendors on
hand at this morning's farmer's market.
Auction sale today
- Tuesday
October 1, 2002
Bruce Schapansky Auctions had a sale today with some very interesting items offered.
This page has twenty or more pictures and will take a moment to download on a modem
It rained all night
- Monday
September 30, 2002
This rain should be good news but that is not the case with almost 50% of the crop
in some areas still in the field this looks like yet another final blow to the crop
of 2002.
We can not blame
the poor for terrorism
- Monday
September 30, 2002
Rebecca Gingrich considers the Prime Minister's September 11 remarks and those at
the United Nations about the world's poor as "inane"
This land is my
land, too
- Monday
September 30, 2002
It has been called Western Alienation and with the Canadian Alliance
leader an avowed Alberta separatist, most Canadians, who do not live in Alberta,
will have a difficult time understanding the Alberta view point. Ron Thornton is
trying give you a peek at how Albertans feel about Kyoto and the very centralised
for Ontario/Quebec/only form of federal government that we have had since the country
was formed.
The Greenwater
- Monday
Sepember 30, 2002
To wet to combine so Gerald Crawford tells us about geese, beavers, wasps and another
form of wildlife the folks who are called hunters.
The RECPlex Domain
- Sunday
September 29, 2002
From atop the RECPlex arena we have a remarkable QuickTime VR (2MB)panorama of the
town. Spirit of cooperation and collaboration that is seen in the working of the
RECPlex is a model not only for this community but others as well. This page also
includes the 20 second intro to the Tisdale Town video (800K)
Yellow Pickup - 1999 Dodge Sport 4 x 4
- Sunday
September 29, 2002
A Yorkton resident from Tisdale stopped downtown Thursday just after noon and his
sharp pickup caught this photographer's eye.
Barenaked Ladies
- Saturday
September 28, 2002
One day they were standing in our back yard adorned in their fine yellow garment
with just a touch of green, the next morning the garments were falling away and the
next day they stood their cold and completely naked. This page includes a QuickTime
version of Neil Young's "Harvest Moon."
Is this bad?
- Saturday
September 28, 2002
This story relates an actual incident this week from a Saskatoon medical facility.
With no one in charge and no one responsible, no one is safe.
- Saturday
September 28, 2002
Mike Reilly has considered what is looking more and more like a new government in
this post-Martin time and is recommending the government focus its priorities and
leave its patronage in the past.
Terrorists not poor
- Saturday
September 28, 2002
Kristy Sewell takes exception with the wide spread belief and perception that the
poor of the world are responsible for terrorism and instead she points out that it
is the lack of democracy to be consider the real problem and points out what that
most of the terrorist involved in the 9-11 attack were from oil rich Saudi Arabia.
Parkland Photography September Meeting
- Friday
September 27, 2002
Mary Wright's third place image is seen here as the thirteen members enjoyed an evening
together and Gerald Crawford tells and shows us what the meeting was about.
Federal inaction must end
- Friday
September 27, 2002
It looks like the oceans, especially the one abundant Atlantic Grand Banks are running
close to empty and it also looks like many countries are determined to finish off
what's left. David Jackson, of Ottawa demands that the government of Canada do something
about the impending disaster.
Throne Speech
- Friday
September 27, 2002
Walter Robinson has some serious misgivings about the prospects of the federal government's
spending intentions and tosses out some suggestions about aboriginal problems.
Bottom Of The Page Picture
of the Day

Yesterday morning sun and the railway tracks from Heritage Road.
- Ensign began publishing daily in May of 1998, all of
its stories and pictures are available online since then. You can use this search
engine to find the things you are looking for in past material posted on North
Central Internet News.
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