St. Boniface - Saturday, September 28, 2002 - by: Mike Reilly


As indicated by the Prime Minister's request for a Throne Speech, the remainder of his term in office will be marked by a new vision. Putting aside that most of Chretien's vision promised in the1993 Red Book has been left undone,


Canadian's should be concerned that new spending identified in the Prime Minister's new plan will not be accompanied by a budget until at least February 2003. The government will be asking Canadians if they can buy on credit without a strategy for paying it off.


The past month has seen several suggestions of new, or elevated tax programs, to offset proposed programs such as Kyoto and health care. However, this government has never had a revenue problem; it has a spending problem.


Each budget has cut essential services but increased spending in areas rife with patronage. The first thing any new finance plan should reduce is the policy of relying on "General Revenue" rather than devoting funds to the areas for which they were collected. For example, less than10% of gasoline tax revenue is used for roads and highway repair. Furthermore, all of GST revenue should be used to reduce the debt, and none for advertising contracts.




Jean Chretien should leave a fair and balanced budget as his legacy. Finance Minister Manley must immediately release a budget that would leave more money in the economy, reduce the tax burden on Canadians and spend in areas necessary such as health care, education, defense and the environment.



taxes for

Canadians have always understood that taxation is a necessary part of a compassionate society. However, we are not prepared to continue contributing to a tax system that collects money to benefit the political friends of Cabinet Ministers and an unearned legacy for a Prime Minister.


Mike Reilly




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