Wednesday, November 27, 2002 |
Ensign Front
Volume 5, N. 187
0900 Wednesday - Broken stratus 9/10ths,
ceiling 7,000, visibility 15, -5, wind 8 knots at 200, altimeter 30.03---------------------------WeatherLog
- The Dash
- Wednesday
November 27, 2002
The mysteries of what we put before us, what we keep close at hand. Stuff, just stuff
but that stuff is the substance of what we do and perhaps even what we think.
The Marrakech
- Wednesday
November 27, 2002
A conference in November a year ago worked out some of the details, almost completely
setting out what the Kyoto Protocol would entail in each country. Joe Hueglin brings
this detailed agreement to our attention and the links tell the story. This is quite
simply, "the plan" right from the camels mouth.
The plutocratic social philosophy: the
use of statistical tools to further the absence of critical thinking
- Wednesday
November 27, 2002
Mario deSantis addresses the issue of the fixation that modern society has with statistics
and polls.
Christmas Shopping,
Consider your hometown
- Tuesday
November 26, 2002
Most of the plan ahead folks will be getting ready for a trip or two
into one of Saskatchewan's cities for their buying bing and a visit to Sam Walton's
place but before you do that take a look at what is available at home.
The United States needs a regime change
more than Iraq needs one
- Tuesday
November 26, 2002
Mario deSantis makes the case that the US foreign policy is a failure and the country
itself is far more of a threat to world peace than any other.
Revenue Quebec:
A solution in search of a non-existent problem
- Tuesday
November 26, 2002
Walter Robinson is concerned that Quebec has decided to go into the taxation software
business and this trend could move to other provinces.
- Tuesday
November 26, 2002
Ron Thornton disagrees with Mario deSantis about the confusion over the Kyoto Accord
and points out that Carbon Dioxide is not a pollutant and the accord will see a transfer
of wealth from the wealthy countries to the poor ones.
Greenwater Report
- Monday
November 25, 2002
Gerald Crawford has been checking out the coyotes and has some Christmas shopping
ideas for you.
Canada should ratify the Kyoto's accord:
joining the international community rather than Bush's corporate welfare
- Monday
November 25, 2002
Mario deSantis refutes the concern about the corporate welfare aspects of the approval
of the Accord and concentrates on the primary issue, the one that most Canadians
Dispensing Justice
From The Shadows
- Monday
November 25, 2002
Ron Thornton from Edmonton thinks that Canada needs a better system of selecting
supreme court judges especially since the constitution places so much responsibility
for interpreting the rights enshrined in the Charter of Rights.
Frozen water vapour, we call it snow
- Sunday
November 24, 2002
A discussion about the course of this year's winter and a look at white stuff.
The dark side
of Sunday
- Sunday
November 24 2002
With the seasonal low angle of the sun the sharp and crisp shadows stripped the town.
Latest Kyoto plan
equals more corporate welfare
- Sunday
November 24, 2002
Walter Robinson explains the approach that the federal government looks to be taking
toward the Kyoto Protocol could cost Canadian taxpayers a lot of money as they will
have to pay the corporate "incentives." (To hear the music on this page
you will need QuickTime)
Is George Bush fighting for freedom and
- Saturday
November 23, 2002
Mario deSantis explains the absurdity of the the American government policies that
are being developed toward security and self defence of the homeland but are actually
something else entirely.
Human nature dictates
- Saturday
November 23, 2002
Joe Hueglin disapproves of the Prime Ministers refusal to accept the resignation
of his communication's director.
Sparrows and backyard flags
- Friday
November 22, 2002
The opposition and even a few government members get their shirts in a knot over
the prime minister's press representative referring to the US president by a term
he has rightfully earned. After all this is World War III.
The view from here
- Thursday
November 21, 2002
Our view of the world, even of our environment is distinctly related to where are
looking from. This set of pictures tells a lot about us. This story includes the
Quicktime song of the day from the sound track of "Oh Brother Where art
Thou" the song "Keep on the sunny side of life."
U.S. Senate passes No Fault Insurance
against Terrorism Attacks: The coexistence of terrorism and of the
war to extract oil
- Thursday
November 21, 2002
Mario deSantis discusses the absurdity of the concept of terrorism becoming a standard
part of the US economy.
The Shopping Cart
- Thursday
November 21, 2002
They are everywhrere in our consumer society of today, but that wasn't always the
Dr Janice MacKinnon
wants more private health care: A casual expert with no understanding
of the causality of problems
- Thursday
November 21, 2002
Mario deSantis points out another example of an obvious learning disorder. The reason
health care has been stumbling has been the cost crunch created by government reductions
in spending and bad management. This former cabinent ministers fails to realise her
own action created most of the problems and proposes to solve the problem by repeating
the same mistakes.
Bottom Of The Page Picture
of the Day

A glass snowfamily skiing in the Elements window today at noon.
- Ensign began publishing daily in May of 1998, all of
its stories and pictures are available online since then. You can use this search
engine to find the things you are looking for in past material posted on North
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