The Star Phoenix Versus Queen's Bench |
By Mario deSantis, July 16, 1999 |
I am appalled at the judgmental article of the StarPhoenix' Opinions(1) against Queen's Bench | |
a sustainable economic system is based on individual freedom, satisfaction of our needs, and creation of wealth |
Judge Ted Zarzeczny. Judge Zarzeczny imposed a $120,000 fine to Saskatchewan nurses who |
defied the law by not obeying the government's back to work legislation and the consequential | |
court's injunction. The writers of this article purport the interest of our failing "free market" | |
culture for economic stability and monetary growth based on greed, governmental regulations | |
and the rule of law. These writers cannot understand that a sustainable economic system is | |
based on individual freedom, satisfaction of our needs, and creation of wealth within the evolving | |
social order of common law; therefore, the article describes the $120,000 fine as a miniscule | |
penalty for breaking the law and contends that such a low fine has lessened the court's authority, | |
and that it will encourage other workers to demand higher wages by going on strike and defy the | |
law. | |
Further, the article states that the nurses avoided criminal records by donating the $120,000 penalty | |
the nurses had the legal right to strike to support their perceived needs |
to health foundations in Regina and Saskatoon, and that the Saskatchewan Association of Health |
Organizations, representing the health providers, will not be able to recover its legal costs. These | |
StarPhoenix writers are a laughing stock, and they just need to lower their arrogance, just a little bit, | |
and visit the web site of the North Central Internet News to realize that the governmental back to | |
work legislation was conceptually unconstitutional(2), that the nurses had the legal right to strike to | |
support their perceived needs(3), and that the Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations(4) | |
not only has plenty of taxpayer money to mismanage, but represent health districts which have | |
violated the rule of law in the past. | |
These StarPhoenix journalists should serve the public readers and not their self traditional | |
those desk-bound people with their hearts in a safe deposit box |
corporate interest; as a consequence, I suggest that they devote more attention in reporting |
the deliberate violation of the rule of law by our privileged and ubiquitous bureaucratic agencies, | |
including the Workers Compensation Board(5) and the Saskatchewan Association of Health | |
Organizations(6). As the nurses are concerned, I hope they will continue with their dedicated | |
effort to better the health care system and "...I promise you this much: I promise you this one | |
sweet victory over . . . those desk-bound people with their hearts in a safe deposit box and their | |
eyes hypnotized by desk calculators. I promise you this: You will outlive the bastards...''(7) | |
------------Endnotes: | |
Nurses' fine bad precedent, SP Opinions, The StarPhoenix, FORUM, July 12, 1999, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Steven Gibb, Les MacPherson, Sarath Peiris and Lawrence Thoner collaborate in writing SP editorials. | |
The Constitutionality of Bill 23 : Back to Work Legislation Against Saskatchewan Nurses, by Mario deSantis, June 9, 1999. Published in the North Central Internet News | |
Premier Romanow is breaking down Saskatchewan's Rule of Law, by Mario deSantis, June 17, 1999. Published in the North Central Internet News | |
The Saskatchewan Government and SAHO: Mismanaging Health Care and Blackmailing SUN Nurses. May 9, 1999. Published in the North Central Internet News | |
The WCB is defrauding the Saskatchewan People, by Mario deSantis, June 21, 1999. Published in the North Central Internet News | |
An ominous suspicion: has SAHO corrupted the pension fund? By Mario deSantis, February 16, 1999. Published in the North Central Internet News | |
Quote by Edward Abbey, an environmentalist and writer, worked as a ranger at the Arches National Park, Utah, in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Abbey Links: |