The Week of March 14 to 20
Lack of Vision
in Saskatchewan Education
- Sunday
March 14, 1999
Mario deSantis points out in a short editorial the failure for education leaders
within government to demonstrate the skills that students most need.
Red Eye Ball Hockey
- Sunday
March 14, 1999
Beeland Coop holds its second annual street hockey tournament in its parking lot
this weekend.
- Temperatures
Above Zero
March 14, 1999
Take a look at a couple of pictures of water collecting on Tisdale streets on Saturday
then check back to what it looked like a year ago.
Monday, The Ides of March, 1999
- The picture at right was taken about two weeks ago when I interrupted this pair
looking for a Taco place.
Wild windy morning out there today.
Great Expectations
- Tuesday
March 16, 1999
People of all ages life on a single concept and that is hope and the expectations
of what is to come.
Dutch Elm Warfare
- Wednesday
March 17, 1999
The battle to save the Elm tree in Tisdale and in Saskatchewan as a whole is limb
to limb street warfare.
Shelter Belt Cleanup
- Thursday
March 18, 1999
Here is a farmer knocking down some older trees to give a better view of his farm
yard and clear away the trees that are nearing the end of their cycle.
- Faster
Than Light Communications Installs New
Computers at Red Earth
- Thursday
March 18, 1999
FTLComm installs new machines at Red Earth and lets you have a look at the new computer
lab fitted out with a mix of Macintosh and Acer computers.
- John
William Head Memorial Education Centre
Work Nearing Completion
- Thursday
March 18, 1999
This is an update on the renovations to Red Earth's high school with some insight
in to life in the community and the role played by the school.
- Spirit
Week At John William Head Memorial Education Centre
March 18, 1999
Meet some of Red Earth's super kids who are celebrating the end of winter with some
activities this week.
Technology Vs
- Friday
March 19, 1999
Best Value installs shoplifting technology across its entrance as it intends to operate
store with low work force.
- Friday

March 19, 1999
Three grade seven guys on their way to school (8:40) on this dull Friday morning.
For two this year's hockey season is over but the tall guy reports that his team
still has a tournament to play in Saskatoon. Yesterday these fellows were among the
grade sevens who put on the great heritage day display in the RecPlex theatre as
a part of education week. Sorry I was to late getting there to show you any pictures
of the great event. Today is the second day of the six team Open Master's Men's Curling
championship we should have pictures in tomorrow's edition of this event.
- Saturday

March 20, 1999
That early morning cloud cover will disappear shortly and it looks like it going
to be a fine spring day. Sorry we did not get some pictures of the Masters Tournament
I tried to get some of the banquet but just did not connect.
- Rash Developing
In Our Back Yard
March 20, 1999
Interesting development in our back yard and upon looking around it looks like the
plague is spreading.