The Week of February 21 to 27
Two White Horses
Outstanding In Their Field
- Sunday
February 21, 1999
Saturday's amazing sunlight shines on a pair of horse on the outskirts of Nipawin.
A Few Minutes In Love
- Sunday
February 21, 1999
A small village with an interesting and definitely appealing name. Have a quick look
around in Love.
Prince Albert
Winter Festival Snow Sculptures
- Sunday
February 21, 1999
In preparation for the Winter Festival this week in Prince Albert artists were out
on the river Saturday afternoon creating their beautiful works. This page has
all of the pictures on one page so will take a few moments to download.
Dynamics in Education: Thinking Differently
- Sunday
February 21, 1999
This exciting approach to problem solving needs our full attention as Mario deSantis
explains the pitfalls of the present system and the way to make things work.
Snow Sculpture
- Monday
February 22, 1999
We went back to Prince Albert Sunday and have some pictures of the winners of the
Prince Albert Winter Festival Snow Sculpture contest.
- Prince
Albert Winter Festival SnowMobile Drag Races
February 22,1 999
Dazzling speed, incredible noise as races and race enthusiasts follow the competition
at Prince Albert's Winter Festival Sunday afternoon.
This Odd House
- Gingerbread
- Tuesday
February 23, 1999
This is the first of several articles featuring houses and the things about them,
this one is in Tisdale.
Rambler Rodeo
Sponsors for 1999
- Tuesday
February 23, 1999
This is a page of the advertisements for each of the sponsors of this year's rodeo.
This page takes a while to load as it has twenty-seven pictures.
This Odd House
- Skylight
- Wednesday
February 24, 1999
Michael Townsend shows us an odd design on a renovated house in Kamloops.
This Odd House
- Spires and Turrets
- Thursday
February 25, 1999
An unusual house challenges the imagination and wonder at what became of it.
- The
Limitations of Perceptual Reality - Part 2
February 25, 1999
Timothy Shire deals with apparitions and black holes in his second of a three part
series on what is real.
- Thursday, February 25, 1999

- After so many days of cloud the whispy alto-stratus this morning is welcomed
and with a temperature of -6 it looks like above freezing temperatures will be with
us before noon.
Tisdale RM Stockpile
- Friday
February 26, 1999
While Tisdale RM was stockpiling gravel the councillors from the North East municipalities
were meeting at the Tisdale RecPlex.
Wolf Creek Panorama
- Friday
February 26, 1999
The fabulous sunlight Thursday prompted a QuickTime VR panorama of some rural countryside.
This one is 186k so it should not take long to load.
New G3 Pro - Yosemite
- Saturday
February 27, 1999
The new machine came in yesterday and here is a review of it and the practical use
of such impressive technology.
Saturday, Shiny
and Bright
- February 27, 1999
A picture of this great morning and Data's take on things.
Tomorrow look for an informative article on the changes brought about by the Supreme
Court ruling on Friday and Mario deSantis explains the practical and postive educational
trend toward System Dynamics.