The Week of August 1 to 7, 1999
- Sunday

August 1, 1999
Now this is a gloomy way to start off the Month. Temperatures dropped to around 5
during the night descending below dew point and hence the formation of cloud right
on the ground.
Camping In Black
and White
- Sunday
August 1, 1999
A look back at a vacation in 1983 and some black and white pictures of a part of
that trip.
Let's Face It
- Monday
August 2, 1999
We all wear one in one form or another, some days I see a lot of people with face
trouble, but this article deals with the human face, our non-verbal communicative
A View From The
- Tuesday
August 3, 1999
This article has two QuickTime VR panoramas in it and takes a few moments to load.
The idea with this article is try to share the visual experience of what Tisdale
and the surrounding countryside is like with people who have never been here or once
lived here and are now only remembering their former community.
- Saddle

- Tuesday
August 3, 1999
A visit to Tisdale's riding stable provides us with some interesting pictures and
information about serious horse care and riding.
Saskatoon Car
- Wednesday
August 4, 1999
Join Michael Townsend at the Saskatoon Car show, this beautiful collection
of images takes a while to download but it is worth the wait.
End Of An Era
- Wednesday
August 4, 1999
The warnings of the development of corporate farms are ten, perhaps twenty years
to late, as it has already happened and the reason government will not support argriculture
is that it is so heavily supporting those companies who will profit from its destruction.
Second Cut
- Wednesday
August 4, 1999
Nine days behind last year Tisdale Dehydration plant has begun its second cut of
the year.
Floor Pouring
- Thursday
August 5, 1999
We are keeping track of this new business as it becomes a reality. This picture was
taken at 8:30.
A Morning Look
- Thursday
August 5, 1999
As I drove around this morning I grabbed some snap shots of life in Tisdale just
before 9:00.
The Best Corn
Patch In Town
- Thursday
August 5, 1999
This remarkable patch of corn in a fine garden is quietly absorbing this great sunlight
as the ears are starting to fill and the folks at Ivory Chateau are going to be smiling
their way through a lot of corn this fall.
From Lawn To Foundation
- Friday
August 6, 1999
Vacation is over for the house on Caribou Crescent that went to the lawn for a couple
of weeks while its new basement was being prepared, today it is back where it belongs.
Flower Wall
- Friday
August 6, 1999
Only a block away there are two houses with what amounts to a wall of flowers.
- Purolator Progess

- Friday
August 6, 1999
Purolator's increased business in the Tisdale area has seen their semi coming directly
to Tisdale rather then the Tisdale trucks having to go to Melfort each morning.
Subterranean Fire
- Friday
August 6, 1999
This is one of those odd little problems that crops up in a housing development.
This Morning's
Loose Ends
- Friday
August 6, 1999
Four single pictures, unrelated to one another but the day would not be complete
without the incidentals.
Pretty Soon
- Saturday
August 7, 1999
Ayear ago today harvest
got underway in ernest in the Tisdale area. This crop photographed this morning against
this clear cool sky will be ready next week.
Everything, Including The Picket Fence
- Saturday
August 7, 1999
Here is a composite picture of a great farm yard North of Tisdale. Picture taken
this morning.
A View From A
- Saturday
August 7, 1999
Some pictures and reflections upon the special nature of Saskatchewan's small streams
and their little valleys.
Alternate Universe
- Farm Crisis
- Saturday
August 7, 1999
Carey Heilman takes us one step further to or from reality to consider the current
farm crisis the provincial government's response.
Up In Smoke
- Saturday
August 7, 1999
Concerns about air quality keep arising as we discover the reduction in spending
on the environment by both provincial and federal governments with emphasis on self
The Long View
- Saturday
August 7. 1999
A quick morning look toward Tisdale.