Tuesday, September 24, 2002 |
Ensign Front
Volume 5, N. 125
0800 Tuesday - scattered, stratus 1/10th,
visibility 15, 4º, wind 9 knots at 320, altimeter 30.07--- -WeatherLog
- Summer 1946
- Tuesday
September 24, 2002
The war had ended officially but in the minds of these young people who had grown
up in the 1930 and held their breath through the war, was it time to exhale?
The Greenwater report
- Monday
September 23, 2002
As fall sweeps over the countryside we get to check out the agricutlure scene as
winter wheat is being planted.
Does Paul Martin
share the blame?
- Monday
September 23, 2002
As so many Ontario and Quebec Liberals want to defer sainthood on the former finance
minister, Joe Hueglin points out that we must on ignore what he did in office.
The First official day of fall
- Sunday
September 22, 2002
Yesterday it was blustery, with an icey wind, squalls and almost violent sunshine.
The bad economics of the Bushes:
The new doctrine of a never ending war
- Sunday
September 22, 2002
Mario deSantis suspects that the world is dealing with a repeat performance as Bush
junior follows a similar militaristic pattern and the consequential economic fall
out will be similar to that produced by his father's leadership.
Inflation calculator
- Sunday
September 22, 2002
Ken Styan spotted an interesting web site that will figure out what something would
cost new today when you input the cost at its vintage date.
Sylvania the fall of 2002
- Saturday
September 21, 2002
Harvest is in progress, the leaves turning and children well into the new school
year. A look at rural life in a Saskatchewan village. This page includes a 620K Quicktime
VR panorama image.
Paul Martin no
financial wizard
- Saturday
September 21, 2002
Rudy Fernandes of White Rock B.C. gives us the quick review of the former finance
minister's achievements and it isn't pretty.
Why Now?
- Saturday
September 21, 2002
The auditor general asked the RCMP back in May to check into GroupAction but it was
this past week that they got around to it but this story is one that will not go
away. Even though the parliamentary committee looking into it was closed down by
Liberal MPs, something smells here. Bryan St. George from Kelowna is wondering why
- Saturday
September 21, 2002
The lives that touch our own and those lives that we touch are not species specific
as dogs and horse often define who and what we are. Bear was Mike Townsends fellow
The Albertan Response
to the Kyoto’s Issue: Instant Democracy against True Democracy
- Saturday
September 21, 2002
Mario deSantis explains the vulgar self interest of Alberta and its campaign for
its private business interests as it goes all out against the Kyoto Accord.
Elephant ears and pickles
- Friday
September 20, 2002
For over twenty years Gwen Betthel and her husband have been selling gas, service
and fabulous meals at their service station in Bjorkdale, but come spring, it will
be time to take it easy.
Autumn Morning
- Thursday
September 19, 2002
Long shafts of cool morning sunlight zip down the streets and lanes illuminating
the leaves that are about to depart for another year. As these pictures were being
taken the writer listened to the ramifications of the health workers strike. The
result is this rant, but you better look it over resistance is futile.
Old Senior's Centre demolished
- Wednesday
September 18, 2002
The town took the old and no longer used Senior's centre and tore it down this morning.
Blame Joe Clark
- Wednesday
September 18, 2002
Toronto Sun columnist claims that it is Joe Clark's fault that the unite the right
campaign failed and that we had a second term of Liberals. Paul Pelletier of St.
Paul Albert points out that the three hundred who met in Edmonton would definitely
not agree.
A 10% GST . .
. and that's just the beginning folks. . .
- Wednesday
September 18, 2002
Walter Robinson wrote this story yesterday afternoon and guessed at the time that
the rumour was perhaps just a trial balloon to get Canadians ready for tax hikes
as it was announced today that Canada slipped into the "red" in July.
Poverty and terrorism
- Wednesday
September 18, 2002
Richard Neumann points out that it might simplistic to suggest that third world poverty
leads to terrorism. We have included a couple of interesting references that suggest
that this is something we should all do some thinking about.
Bottom Of The Page Picture
of the Day

West of Zenon Park last Thursday afternoon.
- Ensign began publishing daily in May of 1998, all of
its stories and pictures are available online since then. You can use this search
engine to find the things you are looking for in past material posted on North
Central Internet News.
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