North Central Internet News - Ensign

Monday, March 17, 2003------------------------Ensign Front Page---------------------------Volume 5, N. 291

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Dare Devil

The Greenwater report
Monday, March 17, 2003
by: Gerald Crawford
Snowmobilers had a heavenly weekend but Gerald is concerned about the fish in Round Lake and the demise of the hotel in Porcupine Plain. But on the sunny side he and Doreen have been married for fifty years.

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Today In Ensign

* The Greenwater report - Gerald Crawford
* Mad Bush - Mario deSantis

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Table of Contents

Ensign's Index - Partial

Contributor's Index -

Find out about the contributors to Ensign and the article index of each.

Tim's Tip of the Day

Today's tip is for United States President Bush, "Can you say Milosevic?

Ensign Notes

Noses to the grind stone folks as we have another road trip coming up this weekend.

President Bush is taking the law in his own hands: a personal war against Iraq
Monday, march 17, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
Digging through scores of sources today, Mario deSantis has come up with a mix of world opinion as he found the London Daily Mirror branding the Blair/Bush decision as "madness" and provides us with perspectives from CNN, BBC and the New York Times.

Did I say Red?
Sunday, March 16, 2003
by: Judy Shire
Sunsets are the whole reason we have days. Each one is a gem even if hidden from our eyes as we know above the over cast sky the sun is working its way over the horizon. This one was not hidden and Judy Shire captured it in living colour.

The Devil is not in the Details, the Devil is Simply President Bush
Sunday, March 16, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
Two revelations today, one in USToday about the US president's membership in the secret society "Skull & Bones" and the NYTimes story about post conquered Iraq and war criminal proceedings. Mario deSantis gives us the background with excellent references on both stories.

Cultural icon and Medieval feast
Saturday, March 15, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Roch Carrier read his "Ahwkey Sweater" story to Saskatoon librarian's conference following a medieval feast.

Bush's NeoConservatism: Bushels of Bushit
Saturday, March 15, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
Peace and prosperity stem from a world where there are civilised rules of conduct for both individuals and countries. The United States and other countries who have chosen to ignore the International Court and are threatening to defy the United Nations are edging the world and its inhabitants toward disorder as they feel they have the right to ignore what has taken centuries to develop. This short article is the introduction to the topic spelled out in the extensive references that support the position.

Libraries: Cornerstones of the learning community
Friday, March 14, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Saskatchewan's teacher librarins hold their annual conference in Saskatoon and here is a first hand account of the conference.

Advice for the "Willing"
Friday, March 14, 2003
by: Dean Baker and Mark Weisbrot
These two noted American economists and founders of a Washington ThinkTank warn the countries that the United States is pressuring to vote for the Iraq war that the United States president is not known for keeping his promises and with the economy heading downward things could get much worse.

Buying your way out of power
Thursday, March 13, 2003
by: Edwin Wallace
What is a Saskatchewan Crown Corporation doing blowing money on a failed telecom project in Newcastle Australia. Edwin tells us what it costs him for his telephone in rural Saskatchewan and wonders and what sort of political death wise haunts the premier.

Bilingual Money
Thursday, march 13, 2003
by: Edwin Wallace
Three quarters of a billion dollars set asside to enhance bilingual education in Canada upsets drought stricken farmer Edwin Wallace. Perhaps he ought to consider planting crops with French names, heah its worth a try.

I wish now I'd had a better camera
Wednesday, March 12, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
A trip down memory lane to 1957 - 58 and I discovered some old pictures but sadly as a twelve year old the box camera I used was pretty primative. Still Janet Wallace looks pretty good.

The Bush's war against Iraq: Trying to understand moral standing and patriots
Wednesday, March 12, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
Clearly the world is not buying the story that the United States is selling so instead of presenting an argument that makes sense they have turned to their self proclaimed moral standing and the ultimate weapon, "God is on their side."

Plymouth Fury III
Wednesday, March 12, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Walking down the street the other day I spotted this old Plymouth Fury III and when I looked it over I noticed what good shape it was in and its solid design seems to look still just fine today.

Matthew takes us across the prairies
Tuesday, March 11, 2003
by: Matthew Shire
Matthew left his office last Thursday afternoon and took us along on his trip to Regina then on Saturday a few pictures that take us down to Avonlea. This story is for those of you who have not travelled across Canada's Great Central plains in winter.

Why he can't wait
Tuesday, March 11, 2003
by: Mark Weisbrot
Devoting his full attention to the problems that the government of United States has been able to get itself into think-tank co-director Mark Weisbrot explains the forces that are coming to bear on the American President who has used his campaign on terrorism to distract the citizens of the country from another recession, rising unemployment and staggering debts.

Did you ever wonder about that?
Tuesday, March 11, 2003
by: Edwin Wallace
We all toss of words and phrases that we have picked up throughout our lives as we have adopted them from those we have met. But as time moves on where those words and phrases becomes more and more obscure. Edwin has been wondering about some of them and let's us in on where a few common phrases come from.


Bottom Of The Page Picture of the Day

An unknown Canadian serviceman who knew and understood what war was all about.

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November, 2001

October 2001

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July 2001

May 20, 2001 until
June 30, 2001

December 2000
until May 19, 2001


Ensign began publishing daily in May of 1998, all of its stories and pictures are available online since then. You can use this search engine to find the things you are looking for in past material posted on North Central Internet News.


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