Friday, June 25, 2003 Ensign Front Page Volume
7, N. 28
0900 Wednesday - Overcast, strato cumulus,
est. ceiling 2,000, visibility 15, 16º, wind 9 knots at 330º------------------------WeatherLog
Judy Shire
- Batoche Once More
- Wednesday, June 25, 2003
by: Timothy & Judy Shire
An opportunity to share a visit to the Batoche Historical Park with the grade eight
and nine students from Kelliher let us see the site and all that it symbolises. These
pictures tell the story. This story includes 71 pictures and a 1MB QuickTime VR.
Go to the WebCam page
by clicking on image
Today In Ensign
* Batoche Once More -
Tomorrow in Ensign
* Albert St. Bridge crash - Stu Innes
* Radwanski farewell - Ken Wilson
* Bubble Continues - Mario deSantis
* On his watch - Mike Reilly |
Today in Ensign years past
- 1 year ago today,
2 and story
- 2 years ago today,
2, story
- story 4
and story 5
- 3 years ago today
and also
- 4 years ago today, and also
- 5 years ago today
Past Weeks
15 to 21
June 8 to 14
June 1 to 7
May 25 to 31
May 18 to 24
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February 9 to 15
February 2 to 8
Click on the button to go
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of Contents
Ensign's Index - Partial
Contributor's Index -
out about the contributors to Ensign and the article index of each.
Tim's Tip
of the Day
We all know that Burger Baron (Prince Albert) makes a good hamburger but yesterday
we were enjoying a great Burger Baron hamburger on the outdoor picnic tables and
a waitress came out side and pour an extra cup of coffee for our neighbour. Outstanding! |
Ensign Notes
Summer holidays: That's right, 2003 is the first year since 1991 that we have had
a chance to take a holiday. During June, July and the first two weeks of August we
will have some intermittant days when Ensign will not post. Our plan is to do some
tripping and camping here in Saskatchewan.Story today and tomorrow only as we
have to be away for a little while but check out the site we hope to post as often
as possible, destinations include:Regina Thursday, Swift Current, Hazlet, then Crooked
Lake for July 1 and then to Winnipeg. |
The Kamsack conundrum
- Tuesday, June 24, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Just as many, perhaps more people yet how do you attract business and young people
to a small Saskatchewan town, even one with such a rich tradition in history and
The Greenwater
- Monday, June 23, 2003
by: Gerald Crawford
Time to catch up on happenings at the park as school groups have been holding their
outings, fishing stories, neighbours come and go as life goes on at one of Saskatchewan's
busiest parks.
A tax cut for all Canadians
- Monday, June 23, 2003
by: Walter Robinson
Good for all Canadians, fair and reasonable the best thing that could be done for
the Canadian tax payer is increase the person exemption on Income tax.
The Privatization of the Rule of Law:
The Immunity Legislations for tycoon Berlusconi and hegemonic America
- Monday, June 23, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
It is disturbing indeed to find out that the Italian Premier merely passes a law
to prevent his conviction of corruption but even more disturbing that the United
States is forcing nations around the world to sign agreements exempting Americans
from War Crimes. Looks like Hitler and Musolini would have been better off to have
had better lawyers.
"Psst, Need
a new ship for your fleet?"
- Monday, June 23, 2003
by: Rebecca Gingrich
Being a wealthy ship owner and claiming that it is in a "blind trust" is
just not going to work. Paul Martin may become the leader of the Liberal Party because
he has bought and paid for its membership but Canadian voters are unlikely to elect
someone who does his banking off shore and has his corporate hand out for corporate
Space Ship clouds
- Sunday, June 22, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
"A bit breezing" is how most Saskatchewan people would have described the
gale force winds that dashed across the province Thursday.
Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex,
checks out Saskatchewan
- Thursday, June 19, 2003
by: Ken Jones
With a press pass representing Tourism Saskatchewan our Regina man on the scene was
there this afternoon when the Prince arrived in the Queen City.
No means no!, Harper's cynical
approach, and the Doctrine enunciated
- Thursday, June 19, 2003
by: Dale Swirsky, Thomas Curran and Joe Hueglin
Unless you are an Alberta separatist few Canadians have much love for the sardonic
Stephen Harper but this week he seems to have truly moved over the line and drawn
a good deal of displeasure from members of the Progressive Conservative Party. Though
each of these stories have a different direction to the condemnation we can see that
Harper has ruffled some feathers and combined the three give a good picture of why.
Strapko Construction
builds TecWater
- Thursday, June 19, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
The empty property across from the Town office that was reclaimed last year is now
the site of the construction of a new building for TecWater who currently operates
from the North part of town.
The SIGMA ANALYTICS poll doesn't absolve
the bigoted Saskatoon police
- Thursday, June 19, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
Yesterday Mario told us how polls were being used to create, rather than measure
public opinion, today he gives us an example of this process at work in Saskatoon.
Tunnel Vision
- Thursday, June 19, 2003
by: Sherri Northcott
We are very fortunate to be able to bring you this story. Fear and confusion seem
to come from things we know nothing about and in this story we have a first hand
explanation as to why the courts have made the decisions that have about same sex
marriage. Time to widen our view.
Bush&Co's Larger Right Wing Agenda
- Thursday, June 19, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
This is a warning, you can choose to ignore the growing body of imperical evidence
that points toward what the United States and its leadership are undertaking. But
ignore it or not Mario deSantis is backing up his claims in this story with excellent
sources who like he are disturbed at what they have discovered.
Bottom Of The Page Picture
of the Day

Carnival well along the way of setting up on the Tisdale Mall parking lot, this evening
at 6:30.
- Ensign began publishing daily in May of 1998, all of
its stories and pictures are available online since then. You can use this search
engine to find the things you are looking for in past material posted on North
Central Internet News.
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If you are viewing this page with larger than 12' point text it will definitely be
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