Thursday, April 10, 2003 Ensign Front
Page Volume 5, N.
0800 Thursday - Ceiling and visibility unlimited, 4º, wind
18 knots at 260º, altimeter 29.86-----------WeatherLog
- Friends:
Respect and trust
- Thursday, April 10, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Today Lindy Thorsen on CBC and Public Radio in North Dakota are doing a phone in
on US Canada relations. With this in mind I thought we should think about friendsip
a bit. To hear the song you will need QuickTime
installed in your computer.
Societal economics
on auto pilot: a personal SGI insurance claim and the war in Iraq
- Thursday, April 10, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
Mario damaged his car, then went to SGI about a claim but got the "you can
claim but I won't tell you how much it will cost you" line and wonders if there
isn't a metaphor in this experience as we look upon irresponsibility worldwide.
Honey Bee Family Music and Dance Camps
- Wednesday, April 9, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Late July and August a music summer camp is planned and well on its way to becoming
an opportunity for young people to participate in a music programme while camping
out at a local farm.
Where is Canada?
- Wednesday, April 9, 2003
by: Derrall Bellaire
Canada has sided with the world about the concept of "regime change" by
force but that doesn't mean we should not stand unconcerned while thousands are suffering
from the affects of an invasion of their country. Here is a positive and appropriate
action for Canada to engage in, one that would help in time of considerable need
and action that would not involve being a part of war criminal activity.
Principled vision lacking
- Wednesday, April 9, 2003
by: Mike Reilly
Trying to keep up with the wind direction and what the polls say each day is pretty
tough on foreign policy. Canadians and their government got this deal right in the
first place as a responsible part of the international community now its time to
help out the people of multicultural countries like Iraq to find a way toward building
a workable democratic or at least peaceful form of administration.
The falsehood of president Bush and his
media's three step program
- Tuesday, April 8, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
It is now widely known that the American President has deliberately and systematically
been saying things that he knows are not true. The American television networks and
newspapers are providing him knowingly with support and assistance. This can not
be good.
hypocrisy:the bundling fascio of God and Greed
- Tuesday, April 8, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
Each day as Mario deSantis searchs through countless stories and information and
then as I go through hundreds of pictures to illustrate the summation he writes of
his research, we both are considerably saddened by the scene we are uncovering. As
I went through mid-eastern and Asian sources tonight I was struck with the enormity
of what is going on and know that those lives lost will not be forgotten but generations
will live on to avenge their loss. This can not be good.
Incongruity, this
is our world yet there is so much more!
- Monday, April 7, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
This short essay deals with the difficulty of patching together our lives in this
here and now with the stuff out there and then some. But in addition this story has
a QuickTime Panorama virtual reality image of downtown Tisdale at noon today.
The Greenwater
- Monday, April 7, 2003
by: Gerald Crawford
With some fresh snow Gerald took in the Rambler Rodeo and Trade Show and brings us
some outstanding pictures of the stock dog trials and heavy horse pull. But as with
every report we get a fishing story or two and some reminicing about going to one
room rural schools.
The absondoned
- Monday, April 7, 2003
by: Rebecca Gingrich
Two cabinet ministers have gone to bat for convicted terrorist, husband of a lady
in Surrey BC but it seems no one in the government will make any effort on the part
of a Canadian who was at the scene of a bombing and Saudi police tortured a confession
from the man now facing death.
Rambler Rodeo
and Trade Show 2003
- Sunday, April 6, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Take a look around some of the highlights of this year's trade show in a set of pictures
that tell the whole story. . . well not exactly the highlight of the show was absolutely
without question the Bison smokies for $2.00.
Lion Ls Rummage
and Bake Sale
- Saturday, April 5, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
To get the garage sale season underway the Lion Ls club of Tisdale had their sale
today and guess who got lucky?
King's Legacy:
Americans Must Choose Between War and Social Progress
- Saturday, April 5, 2003
by: Mark Weisbrot
This past week the Board of Education in Santa Cruz California, a suburb of San Francisco
gave pink slips to "all" of its teachers. Their budget is impossible. The
Free Trade and NAFTA deal is certain to draw Canada and its standardd of living down
to the levels seen in the United States and that country is now entrying into yet
another recession. Mark Weisbrot expalins the cost of a never ending war plan and
how it will impact on his country and indeed Canadians it will hit us as hard or
This War
- Friday, April 4, 2003
by: Rebecca Gingrich
After reading the "fairness"
essay that appeared here last week Rebecca Gingrinch sent us her views on this
conflict and included a link that that rocked me and I am certain will certainly
catch your immediate attention. This story has a picture that requires QuickTime
for viewing and allows you to see the world in relation to how the United States
and its ideological imparative to establish their form of commerce world wide is
Sign the donor card
- Friday, April 4, 2003
by: Don Hardy
It is surprising that Saskatchewan known as one of the places on earth were people
readily pitch in and help one another in time of need, that Saskatchewan people are
among the lowest level of people in the country who are willing to donate their organs.
Right on the back of your driver's license is a place to sign in the case of your
untimely death when you could give the gift of life to another. Don Hardy tells us
his story of need.
Remove Burden
- Friday, April 4, 2003
by: Mike Reilly
Canada's nation airline has declared bankruptcy after absorbing Canadian and trying
rub out all other competitors. But Mike Reilly figures the company is struggling
against the large numbers of fees and taxes that on some airline tickets amount to
75% of the ticket.
Nutty Bush&Co.'s
world in a nutshell: Synthesis of War & Free Market and Advertising
& God
- Friday, April 4, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
Mario has been busy digging into the connections that suggest that the war in Iraq
stands to be profittable for some and an economic necessity for others. The links
with this story present a powerful argument and need to be considered.
Bottom Of The Page Picture
of the Day

Reflective pool at the Lion's park this morning at
- Ensign began publishing daily in May of 1998, all of
its stories and pictures are available online since then. You can use this search
engine to find the things you are looking for in past material posted on North
Central Internet News.
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