Wednesday, April 2, 2003------------------------Ensign Front
5, N. 305
0800 Wednesday - Scattered alto stratus 3/10ths, visibility 15,
-14º, wind 14 knots at 070º, altimeter 30.32----WeatherLog
- If you
can climb stairs you're okay
- Wednesday, April 2, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Uneven sidewalks, nearly every storefront downtown Tisdale is a step or two up as
we take stock of accessiblity in this community's two blocks of retail business and
Go to the WebCam page
by clicking on image
Today In Ensign
* If you can climb stairs okay
* White Knights embedded -Mario
de Sanits
* The Bible & God-for-my-cause - Edwin
Tomorrow in Ensign
* Changes to Young Offenders Act
* End the war now - Dennis Kucinich
* Camouflage: Bush, Bin Laden, Carlyle |
Today in Ensign years past
- A year ago today,
and also
- Two years ago today,
2, story
- and story
- Three years ago today, story
2,and story
- Four years ago today, and also
Past Weeks
23 to 29
March 15 to 22
March 9 to 15
March 2 to 8
February 23 to March
February 15 to 22
February 9 to 15
February 2 to 8
January 26 to Feb 1
January 19 to 25
January 12 to 18
January 5 to 11
Dec. 29 to Jan. 4
December 22 to 28
December 15 to 21
December 8 to 14
1 to 7
24 to 30
17 to 23
10 to 16
3 to 9
27 to Nov. 2
20 to 26
13 to 19
6 to 12
Sept. 29 to Oct. 5
Click on the button to go
to that month
of Contents
Ensign's Index - Partial
Contributor's Index -
out about the contributors to Ensign and the article index of each.
Tim's Tip
of the Day
It is the responsiblity of the majority to see to it that equal opportunity and equal
access to all things in a society are available. There is room in our society for
wheel chairs, Don Cheery and guys with ear rings. |
Ensign Notes
The pictures of each day are assembled on pages for each month, accessed at the bottom
of this page, updated today and check out the same sort of pages of the top of the
page pictures on Saskatchewan News. |
Righteous Walter
Robinson re-proposes again "less taxes": Dreaming of private
White Knights embedded with Air Canada
- Wednesday, April 2, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
No matter what the topic the Canadian Taxpayers Federation sings its only song, over
and over. "Less Taxes."
The Bible and
God-for-my-cause nonsense
- Wednesday, April 2, 2003
by: Edwin Wallace
Edwin Wallace gives us a reasoned and considered view of the unusual stance taken
by those who suggest that there is some religious appropriateness to the death and
destruction being inflicted on Iraq by the United States and Britain.
Heavy Metal
- Tuesday, April 1, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
The monsters of the 70s look like a huge April fool's joke now compared with the
vehicles we seen in the parking lot with this one but alas at one time this was the
SUV of its day.
The slippery slope of the neo-uber-alles
Bush&Co.: Recursive and pre-emptive wars by choice
- Tuesday, April 1, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
History, the actual events of the past are not to be ignored if you want to make
sense of the present situation that the world is not finding itself. Mario deSantis'
research is included in this story and demonstrates that what you are being told
by American government sources is less than truthful and this war is not just.
It's a matter of debate
- Tuesday, April 1, 2003
by: Ron Thornton
Time for a different point of view as Ron Thornton takes on the issues raised last
Wednesday in the article "It's a matter of fairness" and makes the case
for the US invasion of Iraq.
Will Iraq Become Bush's Vietnam?
- Tuesday, April 1, 2003
by: Mark Weisbrot
The war in Irag is winnable of the United States is willing to kill enough people
as in Vietnam the civilian and resistence losses even if very high will produce victory.
The Greenwater Report
- Monday, March 31, 2003
by: Gerald Crawford
A reunion for the folks in the Nobleville communitym a trip to Saskatoon and Gerald
makes his pitch in supporting the invasion of Iraq by the United States.
It all depends
on how you look at it!
- Monday, March 31, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Time to think about a need for us all to lighten up a little. We can moan and groan
or we can enjoy the moment, its all how you look at it.
Fun in small towns
- Monday, March 31, 2003
by: Kevin McIntyre
After visiting Tisdale last week Kevin tells us about his visit to Melfort and this
week we also will be hearing about a visit to Nipawin. But today Kevin tells us about
parallel parking.
The bullish mentality of President Bush&Co.:The
neo-uber-alles Project for the New American Century
- Monday, March 31, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
The difficult the people of this planet are faced with is the complex problem of
what is motivating the United States of American to pursue a policy of world domination.
Here is a possible explanation and it isn't pretty. This is not an unsubstantiated
accusation, check the references in this story.
Minister Collenette visits
Stupid Investments R Us
- Monday, March 31, 2003
by: Walter Robinson
The federal government through policy and misadventure created the problem and now
the airline it gave away has gone broke and something has to be done. Walter Robinson
warns the government not sink Canadian tax dollars into a blunder that together the
government and airline created.
Say Goodnight
Sleeping Beauty
- Sunday, March 30, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
The Royal Winnipeg Ballet presented Sleeping Beauty for the last time Saturday
night in Saskatoon. Evelyn Hart gave a performance that left the audience stunted
and amazed as her precision and grace seemed totally effortlessly as she moved from
movement to freeze frame.
A stiff spring
- Saturday, March 29, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
A week long chill lets the thawing continue each day and stiffens up each night but
the progress is being made as the crows return to the summer haunts and the geese
stand around on the ice, pretty disgusted but patient.
Neo-con President
Bush Jr.: lack of thinking and godly craziness for taking human lives
- Saturday, March 29, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
High tech video game war has stumbled to a slowing grin after two weeks as United
States forces bomb the Iraqi capital and wait to attack. But the world is almost
unanomous in condemning the American aggressor as it is abundantly clear that he
people in the country fear the American liberators more than their dictator. This
story is accompanied by a comprehensive set of references archived on this site to
explain the position taken in the story.
Royal Winnipeg brings the
Beauty to Saskatchewan
- Friday, March 28, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Reports last night from Regina describe a sell out crowd at the Centre of the Arts
as the audience was treated to Sleeping Beauty.
Visit To Tisdale
- Friday, March 28, 2003
by: Kevin McIntyre
Kevin McIntyre came over from Carrot River this week to do some shopping and found
that he was unable to leave his van as the downtown sidewalks are simply unaccessible
to his wheel chair.
The Missing Link
- Friday, March 28, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Several home business merchants got together to put on a trade show in a store fron
in Tisdale for Friday only. We checked them out and have links to these folks.
Trade and moralty
- Friday, March 28, 2003
by: Edwin Wallace
With demonstrations planned across the country to show support for America Edwin
wonders about the way Canadian business is willing to sacrifice their principles
for economic benefitis from the United States.
Parkland Photography
Club report for March 2003
- Thursday, March 27, 2003
by: Gerald Crawford
This very active culture club is working on a number of excellent projects and at
the same time continue to work on their craft with this month's remarkable night
sky pictures.
$59 Million
- Thursday, March 27, 2003
by: Mike Reilly
We are always told never to spend good money after bad and Mike certainly makes this
old axiom come to life as we have seen the allocation of more millions to go to a
programme that is failing and continues to be financial black hole.
Bottom Of The Page Picture
of the Day

Beeland Co-op produce department today at lunch time.
- Ensign began publishing daily in May of 1998, all of
its stories and pictures are available online since then. You can use this search
engine to find the things you are looking for in past material posted on North
Central Internet News.
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If you are viewing this page with larger than 12' point text it will definitely be
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