
Prince Albert's daily has good coverage of local stories and issues with a big emphasis on sports.

CTV Regina affiliate with a complete news web site of local, national and international news.

A PostMedia publication. This is not a particularly good web site. Only a few local stories and most of its content borrowed from other PostMedia papers across Canada.

Perhaps a better Saskatchewan news site than CTV. The stories are updated throughout the day.

Like the Leader Post the Star Phoenix is a PostMedia publication but the Saskatoon paper's web site carries more local stories and is less annoying than the Regina edition.

A weekly publication and this is their web site. Does a good job of telling the local story as well as keeping abreast of National and world news.

Not part of the huge chain of Canadian newspapers makes this an interesting and valuable news and information source.

A PostMedia paper we only a minimal amount of Montreal local content. Shares the same content with other PostMedia papers across the country.

A PostMedia paper we only a minimal amount of Ottawa local content. Shares the same content with other PostMedia papers across the country.

Though a weekly paper the web site is kept up to date and is one of the best sources of information on what is happening in Canada's capital.

Canada's national weekly magazine has an outstanding web site. It is a great design and loaded with content that changes as stories develop.

Though it calls itself Canada's national newspaper there is little evidence in that regard. This is a Toronto newspaper. It has lots of resources and does a good job of developing excellent content.

This is a Toronto newspaper and does a fine job of being just that. It has a first rate web site and gives the reader an excellent view of how people in Toronto see things.

A big Toronto newspaper that does an outstanding job on its website of dealing with national and international issues. It is an excellent source of rich and diverse opinion on issues.

Though a PostMedia paper the Free Press has a solid content that does not rely upon other PostMedia papers. The web site is rich and informative and if you have and iPad get the app because the Free Press app shows the print version of the paper and is the best newspaper read in the country.

This chain has papers in most large Canadian cities and is a light tabloid type paper. However, there are times when that is exactly the sort of news you want to read.

A first rate local newspaper that gives the reader a good understanding of the life in this Manitoba city. Stories are detailed and the site updated each and every day.

A PostMedia paper and a PostMedia web site. Though it has some Calgary content it is hardly worth a look despite the fact that it historically has had some really great reports and editorial writers on staff.

A PostMedia paper and a PostMedia web site. The paper does a descent job of reporting on Alberta news its web site is the same design and carries most of the same content as you find in their other sites.

A PostMedia paper and a PostMedia web site. Once one of Canada's most leading newspapers the Vancouver Sun and its web site is pretty much like all other PostMedia products. They do have west coast stories and material but the view point is lost in translation.

A PostMedia paper and a PostMedia web site. The primary source of information from Victoria, capital of British Columbia but sadly it is pretty short on that and is just a carbon copy of the other PostMedia papers and web sites.

A daily paper and a first rate web site. Whitehorse is the capital of Yukon and this paper and web site tell the territory's story well. By checking out this site you can find out the issues that are being faced in Northern Canada.
United Kingdom

Due to budget cuts and half of its staff being laid off the world's best news gathering agency is much slower in updating itself but they are making a valiant effort to keep up the high standards for which this world service and this web site is known for.

One of the world's best written newspapers and its web site provides access to these remarkable stories. The information in the Guardian does not carry the same tainted slant that we see in so many publications affected by American influence.

Though a much smaller paper than the Guardian or the London Times, The Independent has some truly outstanding writers and produces in depth stories that set the standard around the world for good journalism. Watch for stories by Robert Fisk.

This paper and its web site look like a cheap tabloid and it has all sorts of showbiz and light scandal news but it also tells the story of every day life in Britain. Education, health, politics and aspects of business are part of the daily mass of current stories.

Britain's independent private network used to have a news service called "Ananova" which was short to the point news stories. Some of that tradition is still on the web site. The stories are often light but give a different view of the world's events.

Thompson Reuters is a world news agency but it has a decidedly British point of view. Its web site is right up to date and the material is produced with the kind of journalistic integrity that sets the standard for the world.
United States of America

Once the ultimate news source on television CNN today is little more than a constant regurgitation of the current hobby horse in Atlanta. However, the web site is much better. Certainly they stick with the popular story of the day but the news is there, sometimes hard to find but it is there in its American point of view.

Intellectually acceptable and visually outstanding this web site presents a rather different view of the United States. Highly recommended.

For an American paper and web site this is excellent material, especially the editorial section but you must not make it your sole source of information. With all American papers and web sites there is a dramatic need for balance. The iPad app for the New York Times is inferior.

Though this is a weekly publication the web site is up dated minute by minute with developing stories. They have huge resources and cover American and world news with the details that give the reporting authority and credibility.

Outstanding world and domestic coverage with reports and images. But a word of caution, remember this is an American publication and as such reflects the national point of view and sees issues almost entirely from an American perspective.

The most straight-forward and informative information source on American business and the American view of world business.
Australia and New Zealand

Excellent web site that will keep you informed on happeniungs and conditions in Australia.

Plenty of local and national news on the Adelaide now web site but at the bottom of the page is a simple list of the day's top stories from around the country.

A great web site for a paper from such a large city. Filled with local, national and world news and a huge amount of showbiz and sports.

Very similar web site to the Sydney one with the same emphasis on sports and show business.

A bit more local view of Australia with an emphasis on the lives of individual Australians. But, no Australian web site exists without a huge helping of sports.

A decidedly different view point then what you find in Australia the Herald's web site represents the country well but if you have an iPad the app for the Herald is one of the very best new apps in the world.

An outstanding mix of local, national and international news is found on this excellent web site. The writing is direct and makes little attempt to disguise the writers point of view. By far it is the mixture of stories that makes this an excellent web site.

A look at the world of Indian politics and the view of the world from the Indian perspective. Very complex issues so that this web site requires some very careful reading and some research just to make sense of some of the material.

The view of India from the state of Bengal is more distant from the capital and gives you a good understanding of the complex issues in a country with such a large and varied population.

From the city often called Bollywood is truly remarkable web site with the actually paper as it appears in print on your screen to read with ads and everything.

From the world's largest country, here is a news web site that tells us how they see the world and its events. The site includes an extensive mixture of news from business, global politics to fashion, sports and entertainment.

This paper's web site is a somewhat homogenised view of the world from the Chinese perspective. It has a strong business direction yet deals with the full range of news.

A very Chinese paper addressing issues of the country and providing outstanding cultural insight being fully aware that it is a window into China for the English speaking world. It also has a good mix of news with lots of sports and entertainment news and pictures.

Similar to other English versions of Chinese papers this web site has a lot to offer and gives some balance to the other papers mentioned.
A sampling around the world

The Asia Times is a web site that you can count on to get you the details, details that we in North America simply do not access or in most cases understand. From the Middle East to Japan each story is written by experts and filled with explanation and insight. Many stories are added to the site each day but the big essays and book reviews last several days.

Here is an opportunity to take a look at the world and at Israel from an Israeli perspective. Of course the emphasis of the web site is on the continuing unresolved issues of Israel and its neighbours but it also deals with other world issues.

Of course this is not only a view of the world's events from the Arab perspective but it is also the view of the world from a strictly male perspective.

From the Southern port city of Pakistan where most of the people are Punjabi people. This web site is relatively moderate in its view of the tensions and almost continuous violence in Pakistan and the neighbouring war in Afghanistan.

Almost from the front lines of the conflict in the area, Lahore is in the Kyber Pass area of Northwestern Pakistan. This is the end of Rudyard' Kipling's "great road" in the midst of the "tribal area" of Pakistan. The web site is extremely readable and gives the reader remarkable insight into the issues of the area.

At the southern tip of Malaya is one of the world's most refined and civilised cities. This web site gives the reader a look from this extremely ordered society's view point on the world around them. For iPad users there is an excellent app for this site.

The politics of the Philippines are extremely dynamic so there is never a shortage of stories for this web site. Besides local and national politics the site has a keen interest in the world's financial situation.

It is difficult to find Japanese web sites in English. This one is a bit of a mixture but does the job of letting the reader in on how things are seen from Japan. This site has a strong financial awareness.

This is a good web site and gives the reader news, culture and information about Korea and its view of the world.

A very news heavy Korean web site. This site definitely marches to the government's official tune and under the circumstances that is pretty understandable.

Unless there is some dire crisis we just do not regularly hear any news from South America. This English web site opens the door a bit for us to see and understand what is going on.

A full range web site reflecting a wide interest in all aspects of the news.

Here is a web site to help you dig up the news from around the world. With this site you can go looking continent by continent to find news where ever the news may take you.

There is a growing trend for newspapers to post their full print version online as seen with the Winnipeg Free Press and several others. This interesting web site pre-dates that trend but only has the front pages of papers from around the world. However, once you have seen the paper you can do a search for the paper and dig up more on the paper using that method.
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