The Week of June 25 to July 1, 2000
Parlee Planters
- Sunday
June 25, 2000
Like so many great yards in town this one has so many interesting elements. Friday
morning Agnes Parlee showed me around the yard as we discussed the pleasures a yard
can give.
Moving Day
- Sunday
June 25, 2000
For many people they are born grow up and die living in the same place but for many
of us life is a series of transistions. Today, two families join us in Tisdale.
The Wet Year
- Monday
June 26, 2000
A few days do not make a year a wet year but a few weeks do. This story with a sky
panorama discusses the whole idea of weather patterns.
Years of Service Honoured
- Monday 26, 2000
Tisdale's Volunteer Fire Department hold a social and recognise the long time dedicated
service of some of their members.
The Rubbish of the WHO's Ranking of Saskatchewan
- Monday
June 26, 2000
Mario deSantis urges our politicians to start here at home to improve things as he
specifically identifies some structural problems that continue to add nothing.
The Greenwater Report for June 26, 2000
- Monday
June 26, 2000
Gerald Crawford keeps us posted on rain fall the golf course, camp grounds, a trip
to Cranbrook and where to get big pants.
- Tuesday
June 27, 2000
Department of highways does exist. For a run down on the road problem check out this
Waterline Installation
- Tuesday
June 27, 2000
The town continues to improve the infrustructure with the installation of a new waterline
in the North East corner of town.
TUCs Disaster Area
- Tuesday
June 27, 2000
A small attempt at cleaning up the TUCs site ends after a few hours as we are all
puzzlled at the failure of the school division to have the site cleaned up a full
year after it was to have been done.
Sky Farming
- Wednesday
June 28, 2000
About a week behind average aerial application of herbicides got underway this morning.
This story and others will be posted at 10:30 this morning, thanks for checking on
Ensign today.
Auction Day
- Wednesday
June 28, 2000
The sun is out and it is warming up, as you read this folks are getting ready to
place their bids on a wide range of things from combines to press drills at the auction
sale here in Tisdale today.
Summer 2000
- Thursday
June 29, 2000
Second warm day in a row, school ends, grad over gas prices up, Yup, must be summer.
A Case for Legal Class Actions and Contingency
Fees against Saskatchewan's No-Fault Government
- Thursday
June 29, 2000
Mario deSantis declares its time to change things with the legal alternatives for
SGI victims sewn up it looks like political action is the only action available.
New Big Toy
- Friday
June 30, 2000
Though to most of us a new piece of elementary school yard equipment is no big deal
but to the kids at Tisdale Elementary this is a major news story as Thursday saw
the setting up of some fabulous equipment in the middle of the school yard.
New House Number 4
- Friday
June 30, 2000
This new home is going on one of the two remaining vacant lots on the developed portion
of NewMarket Drive.
Canada Day 2000
- Saturday
July 1, 2000
Today we keep you up-to-date on celebrations here in Tisdale.
Melfort Spray Pilot Dies After Crash Thursday
- Saturday
July 1, 2000
Tragic death to agricultural pilot in the hot humid air South West of Star City.
Race Day
- Saturday
July 1, 2000
Silvertown Raceway is open for business this afternoon with races starting at 6:00