Winter has settled in
FTLComm - Tisdale - Tuesday, November 16, 2010
We are now half way through the month of November it and is completely appropriate that we are into winter. After all this is Canada and we live at 52° 50’ 12” N latitude which is the same as Jasper Alberta or Warsaw Poland. No towns or cities in Ontario or Quebec are north of 49º.
This past weekend we were down to Regina and back Saturday and Sunday and had the displeasure of making the three hour trip (one way) in fog. Along the way especially in the Watson and Raymore areas it was surprising to see so much water in the ditches, fields and every pond seemed filled to over flowing. The Qu’ Appelle River is running full and with the exception of the flowing streams and rivers all of that water is capped with ice.
Regina itself still has a fair amount of snow which has not melted from the storm they got a couple of weeks ago and the city of Regina has been unable to clean up the snow cleared along its main streets.
Here in Tisdale the fresh snow has a permanent look to it but there is a considerable amount of ice under it and the Doghide River seen at the top of this page is pretty much running full.
The set of pictures shows the some foggy scenes taken on Sunday on our way home and some shots I took today with snow slumping off of eves and icicles dripping from several buildings.