The Week of October 3rd to 9th, 1999
The 4th Quarter
- Sunday
October 3, 1999
A simplified look at the last financial quarter of the last year of
the last century of the second millennium
Let Your Mind
Play With Thoughts
- Sunday
October 3, 1999
With threats and samples of snow flurries all of Saturday the day closed with a rather
brilliant farewell The picture above was taken at 5:45 as the clouds breaking up.
There will be some more of these pictures and some commentary that might challenge
Breast Cancer Fund Raiser
- Monday
October 4, 1999
Breast Cancer awareness project at Sa-hal High School in Kamloops. Students and school
secretary have heads shaved after raising $3,200.
- Governmental coalition in Saskatchewan: A private contractual deal at
the expense of the electorate?

- Monday
October 4, 1999
Mario deSantis takes a critical look at the coalition deal between Liberal leader
and Premier.
Slot Car Street
- Monday
October 4, 1999
Prince Albert is wrapping up its summer street construction projects with deep work
on 2nd Avenue (highway #6).
- Ground Breaking Carrot River Roman Catholic Parish
- Tuesday

October 5, 1999
Carrot River's Roman Catholic parish have begun to rebuilt with their official sod
turning ceremony Monday and work began today.
Funerals At Red
- Tuesday
October 5, 1999
The tragic loss of two babies at Red Earth bring the community to a stand still
- Saskatoon Mayor Dayday : A professional politician with no
cause beyond being in politics

- Tuesday
October 5, 1999
Mario deSantis lacks enthusiasm for the Saskatoon Mayor's desire to become a member
of parliament.
Watson to Whitehorse
- Wednesday
October 6, 1999
Today I want to leave the worries of Maritime fishing confusion and railway and grain
hauling issues behind me and consider the images of October in the Yukon. The picture
above was taken some years ago, mid way between Watson Lake and Whitehorse Yukon.
- A Good Morning

- Thursday
October 7, 1999
At 0755 this is the way the morning sky and its golden sun lit up our neighbourhood.
This will mean that this afternoon those few fields still covered with swathes may
get the attention of a combine or two. Click to see and read more.
- "Oh
Give Me A Home"

- Thursday
October 7, 1999
This morning we are taking a look at the ramifications of the Marshal judgement by
the Supreme Court. .
- Tisdale
Funeral Home

- Friday
October 8, 1999
As this building project continues we keep you up to date with the walls up and the
roof to follow shortly.
- Six O'Clock and Another Day Begins
- Friday

October 8, 1999
So that's what strato-cumulus clouds look like (0800). Come back after 10:30 to see
what the sky looked like at 0600 and catch up on construction and destruction projects
in Tisdale.
Town Clears Building
- Friday
October 8, 1999
Town of Tisdale destroys old butcher shop and leaves concrete portion of building
still standing.
- Preemptive
Leaf Gathering

- Saturday
October 9, 1999
"Have, patience, they will fall off!" Yesterday I caught a neighbour of
mine picking the leaves off a bush on her front lawn.
Mini DB Drag
- Saturday
October 9, 1999
Marquis Sound in Prince Albert have put together a great demonstration sound car.