The Week of November 7 to 13, 1999
- Sunday

November 7, 1999
At 0800 this morning this was the beginning of this fine weather Sunday with temperatures
quickly moving above the freezing mark and much of the snow/ice in the fields will
all but disappear today. Should have some new stuff later today so come on back and
check Ensign out.
Beeland Coop Establishes Web Site
- Sunday
November 7, 1999
Beeland Coop goes online Friday night at ""
Coop Cardlock Now Open
- Sunday
November 7, 1999
Aiming to get the project operational for Friday various minor hitches held up things
but Saturday it was regular operations.
What's It Take to Get Noticed?
- Monday
November 8, 1999
The rules of advertising are applied to the plight of prairie farmers with some surprising
Direct TV Taking
- Tuesday
November 9, 1999
Small 18" TV dishes are becoming as common as snow drifts as home owners take
the plung and committ themselves to the expense of satellite television.
Fall Houses With
- Tuesday
November 9, 1999
Three of the four houses now under construction are closed in and ready to face the
elements of winter.
Here's The Church
and Here's the Steeple
- Tuesday
November 9, 1999
Tisdale's Roman Catholic Church is at long last about to get its steeple.
TUCs Rubble
- Tuesday
November 9, 1999
The remains still remain in a tangle mess where the building once stood.
- Four
Fluff Balls, No Tails

- Tuesday
November 9, 1999
The neighbour's cat has become a mother and her off spring are enjoying the fine
fall weather.
Warm November
- Tuesday
November 9, 1999
This picture from yesterday afternoon shows the extra-ordinarily warm weather we
and all of Saskatchewan is experiencing.
- A Museum Mentality is Cheating Our Economy: Healthcare, SHIN and the

- Tuesday
November 9, 1999
Mario deSantis, in an extremely well documented article describes the waste and disfunctional
confusion with in the department that controls 40% or the budget of the provincial
Ford's New 2000
- Wednesday
November 10, 1999
Let's take a look at Ford's new 2000 model economy car that has been introduced to
replace the Contour and the Escort.
Dark Siding
- Wednesday
November 10, 1999
Vinyl siding installers work into the evening to complete the outside of the Madisson
while the good weather persists.
Down But Not Forgotten
- Thursday
November 11, 1999
Tisdale School Division Board pays their last respects to TUCS.
Inside Job
- Thursday
November 11, 1999
Take a look around the work at Northern Steel Industries as assemblies roll off the
production line.
- U of S Ranks 14 out of 15: Why not being the best of yourself!
- Friday

November 12, 1999
Mario deSantis offers us some reflections and explanations for the apparent drop
in academic standing of the University in Saskatoon.
- Into

- Friday
November 12, 1999
Engine compartment fire on main street Thursday evening brings out Tisdale's volunteer
fire department.
- Saturday
November 13, 1999
This blurred image is from the Cow and Heifer sale yesterday at the Tisdale Auction
Center. Check out this event, see what the prices were and the pictures will let
you see the atmosphere of the sale.