Unsettled weather
FTLComm - Tisdale - Sunday, June 27, 2010
If you look back over the years as we approach the end of June it is relatively common to experience thunder showers and even some periods of up to a couple of days of similar weather. It is just not that unusual to see the kind of weather we are presently experiencing and have been experiencing for several days. What makes it difficult to bare is that this period of unsettle weather follows more than a month of rain, more rain, showers and more showers. (this picture was taken yesterday)
We were down to Winnipeg last week and though we all are aware that the general area in North Central Saskatchewan was only about half seeded this year. It was distressing to see that along the Yellowhead highway all the way into Manitoba only a few fields looked like they have been seeded and there was water laying in the fields everywhere. Right around Winnipeg things were much better with the potato crops looking really good and the Canola in bloom.
It is upsetting to drive around the countryside close to Tisdale and discover Canola fields in bloom. This year's Canola crop if it was planned at all is only four to six inches tall and will be a while before it blooms. The crops we see in bloom are volunteer crops. Canola that was harvested last fall and there was enough spilled seed to give the appearance of a crop. Many such fields can be seen like the one in the picture at the bottom of this page.