The sky above Tisdale this morning at 8:15
Not a clear day
FTLComm - Tisdale - Thursday, February 13, 2003 |

The presumption by some that only a select group of thinkers are capable of shedding
light on the important elements of human life needs to be set aside, for indeed,
the most profound realisations often come to us from a variety of sources and the
creative genius of artists is most often that which brings to all of us, the most
important revelations.
Alan Jay Learner was the brilliant lyricist who wrote the words for My
Fair Lady, Camelot, Paint Your Wagon, Funny Girl and many
more great Broadway musicals wrote the book and lyrics for what was a whimsical fantasy
about a character Daisy Gamble, a New York student who was mysteriously able
to tell that the phone was going to ring before it happened and could make flowers
grow. Mr. Learner put his character into a little play called "On a clear
day you can see forever" and it first was put into production in 1965 then
in 1970 it was converted into a movie and starred Barbara Streisand.
Below is the email I received this morning from Amarjit
Singh Kabo from Bombay, India.
hi dear
i read ur article on predictions for 2003 and the previous ones also and am surprised
to learn that u have predicted the right in all aspects.
u r really astonnishing.....
will u throw some light on my future
i am amarjit singh kabo from bombay , india bday 16th october 1978 and birth time
is 7.55 am
When I read Mr. Singh Kabo's message this morning, I
was pleased and flattered that he enjoyed the predictions which I
had made and at the same time worried that others might take me far more seriously
than is appropriate. I thought about what sort of answer I should send this sincere
man who lives in a culture so diverse from my own, where a good deal of energy and
consideration is given to both the past and the future. My response must not be trivial,
nor is it something I should take lightly, because were he to act upon some comment
of mine the responsibility for his action might morally fall upon me. (Like it or
not, raised as a Protestant, there is far more Jewish content in my background than
I often realise.)
On a clear day
Rise and look around you
And you'll see who you are.
On a clear day
How it will astound you
That the glow of your being
Outshines every star.
You'll feel part of every mountain sea and shore.
You can hear,
From far and near,
A world you've never, never heard before...
And on a clear day...On a clear day...
You can see forever...
And ever...
And ever...
And ever more. . .
George Burns when he was playing the character of God in the movie "Oh
God" is asked about the future and he responds that he is very good on the
past but the future is up to us to construct. You may also realise that Gene Roddenberry
and writers of Star Trek since his demise,
have toyed over and over with the concept of the possibility of time travel and in
the Voyager series on episode involves Captain Janeway on the carpet
for her repeated violations of interference in the time space continuum. (Just so
you understand that I am not entirely sure about the mix between fantasy, science
and reality, the new hard drive on my computer is the largest I have owned up until
now and is called the "Cue Continuum.")
The implications of Lorenz Butterfly haunt me. Up until now I have tossed off my predications only
thinking about the possibility of being right. Now I wonder about the influence and
contamination of the future that just tossing those ideas out into the world might
have on influencing what might happen. Immediately you realise that I have defined
a causal loop. The kind of problem that is often described as "which came first,
the chicken or the egg" problem. By predicting the future we may predetermine
the future and without time travel, actually be guilty of influencing, or changing
the course of history. A temporal anomaly, a temporal paradox,a preemptive historical
strike, a determination of what shall be.
Of course you realise as you read the above, that this is incredibly presumptuous,
but at the same time, each of us influence each other and who knows the ultimate
affects of the butterflies in our past, the little messages that Professor Nash
in his Philosophy 101C class in 1962 dropped into my consciousness, may now
influence how I see things and in turn I reflect that impression on to others who
in turn . . . well you see what I mean.
Ultimately, almost every question becomes one of ethics
and ecology. As humans, we are residents of this planet and as a natural organism
destine by our biological make up, to carry out our lives as we are constructed.
But as sentient beings we have will, we have the collective capability of working
together and we have awareness limited not by our life span, but because of our evolving
communication skills, (of which you are presently experiencing) we have responsibilities
to the greater good and to what we perceive to be right and good.

Ultra sound gives prospective parents the window into the future and long before
their child is born they can find out if their new baby will be a boy or a girl,
yet so many parent choose not to know. If I were to have the gifts of the clairvoyant
like the fictional character Daisy Gamble I would be faced with the terrifying
prospect of dealing with pre-cognition. It is most likely the best ethical
solution to be blessed with would be ignorance rather than the curse of guessing,
even some of the time, about what might lie ahead.
What, if any responsible and ethical message should I pass on to the inquisitive
twenty-four year old from Bombay. If I knew, should I tell him that devoting his
energy to finding a lifelong mate to share his life with is the most important thing
on his personal agenda, when that might oppose directly the carefully made plans
of his parents and relatives, in his living up to the expectation that he marry the
girl and family that has already been chosen for him. The reality is, that statistics
and relationship research shows clearly that one of the most successful means of
selection of a suitable mate is an arranged marriage. Love, an emotional and perhaps
biological construct, is far less successful and for one living in Bombay, probably
completely incompatible.
Let us just take the simple facts Amarjit gives:
I have to filter these facts
through my extremely limited background and cultural bias, but what tiny facts, or
what I think are facts, about Bombay come into play. I believe the population density of Bombay
to very very concentrated with millions and millions of young people in a city, with
amazing extremes between the rich and the desperately poor. Bombay is the cultural
formulating city of the whole subcontinent and for its magnificent and enormously
successful motion picture industry, is referred to as Bollywood churning out
more modern entertainment than almost any place else on the planet. Music, movies,
television, popular culture; Bombay is the source. Keep in mind the importance of
location. Where, is always far more important that what anyone is.
- He was born in October and in most of the world that
might mean something, but in a subtropical climate where the temperature remains
pretty hot all of the time (25ºC today) with January being the coolest month
of the year, suggesting that being conceived in January is not uncommon in a city
of twelve and half million people. Bombay is a wet place, it gets between seventy
and ninety inches of rain a year with most falling in July. However, being born in
October, in the Northern hemisphere has one great advantage, there is a strong likelihood
that Amarjit fits in pretty well in school, as fall born boy babies do best in formal
education when they are average in time of birth. (the school ciriculum more closely
matches their age and ability when the meet major challenges)
- For such a huge city the crime rate is pretty good
with less than four hundred murders a year and fewer car thefts than Regina (2685
in 1995 compared with more than 3,000 in Regina). Since Amarjit uses the computer,
we can assume he is literate and from his message his English is more than adequate,
keeping in mind that Bombay is the gateway to India. It was there that the East
India trading company set up shop long before there was a Hudson Bay trading
company. However, he uses a hotmail email address, so he does not use
the computer he is using for personal email, as it would have the corporation email
address, so this suggests he is not using his own computer, but a public access,
or one at work.
- Oh yes an important and significant thing about this
fellow, like most of us ,he was born at 7:55 in the morning. You can bet a natural
birth, natural term and perhaps not the eldest in his family.
Based on what we have for information we can predict,
without leading the man astray, that he has a much better than average chance of
living a full and productive life. In a society where literacy is well below 50%
he is clearly literate. Even more so, he is able to use the Internet gaining information,
and interacting over this communication system, which moves him way up the ladder
world wide in prospects. He is above average intelligence, having completed high
school and post secondary level training, which moves him statistically further up
the income and prospects ladder. With these advantages he can expect to earn, in
his lifetime, an income that would place him in the top thirty percent of his society.
This means that he will enjoy better health care and that in turn will raise his
life expectancy. If the assumption of education is correct, he will marry a person
of equal education, which will mean that they will have above average expectations
for their children's lives who will indeed follow them in professional careers.
Those people with post secondary education tend to recognise
their advantage and for this reason scale downward the number of children they will
produce and most likely will aim for that "2.5" average for numbers of
Amarjit ethnicity is Punjabi and since he carries
the name "Singh" we can be almost certain that he is Sikh (language
spoken at home most likely Urdu). The cool thing about being a part of a traditional
family oriented and culturally rich society, he will have grown up knowing who and
what he is, which dramatically reduces the chances that he will ever suffer from
alcoholism, or drug abuse which are associated with deculturalisation.
Now the ultimate question, will he be a happy man? There
seem absolutely no reason for him not to enjoy a full and productive life. He has
the advantage of education, a stable family background and a positive outlook on
life. ("What he is asking is, what can be predicted about me?" Clearly,
that is significant of a thoughtful, introspective young man.) At twenty-four he
has his life before him, graduate school to be a challenge and then a career. The
odds of him not having a good life are very low indeed. (Unlike a Canadian of his
age he is not faced with the major cause of death to people his age, automobile accidents.
In Bombay the average number of fatalities in car accidents,
and keep in mind this is of a population more than one third the population of our
whole country, is less than three hundred a year)
But despite this rosy picture for Amarjit, there is one
serious and important issue. Ten years ago the ongoing conflict with India and Pakistan
was just friction and a few shots fired over the border. Now with nuclear weapons
and missiles this young man, his family and their future could vanish in a split
second. India is a success story, it feeds its huge population, despite its enormity
it is controlling health issues. Politically India, if it pursues its own solutions,
working out differences, compromising and relying upon its traditions, it has a good
future. But with twenty-five major language groups and the dangers of social unrest
the people, people like Amarjit, must be involved in the political process to see
their society function safely and positively for everyone.
May you be bless with true happiness and success and
may your grandchildren know and honour you Amarjit Singh Kabo.
Timothy W. Shire
References: |
On a clear day you can see forever web
Stewart, R. S., The
Sixth Sense of Alan Jay Learner, November 1965, Atlantic monthly as posted on
On a clear day you can see forever website.
Musical Heaven website, On
a clear day you can see forever, facts and synopsis on play and movie.
Powers of ten - check out the
presentation that takes you from far above our Galaxy and zooms in to a leave
on the ground and ultimately to the interior of a proton.
The Mumbai Pages Bombay web site
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Editor : Timothy W. Shire
Faster Than Light Communication
Box 1776, Tisdale, Saskatchewan, Canada, S0E 1T0
306 873 2004