Tuesday, November 24, 2009 8:22 PM Ensign Front Page Volume 12, No. 088

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1700 Tuesday - Overcast strato-cumulus 3,600, visibility 15, -1 ÂșC, wind calm, altimeter 29.92

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Tisdale - starts November 27


Melfort - starts
November 20

1. 2012
Paranormal Activity (R)A-

Porcupine Plain starts Nov. 27

This field lies on the east side of Tisdale as it was seen at 3:16 this afternoon
November 24, 2009
by: Timothy W. Shire
The practice of cleaning up a harvested fied by burning it has become exceeding rare in the last few years but it still happens and it is still wrong. Wrong for the atmosphere and wrong for soil conservation. Successful farmers simply don't do it any more because in the long run the practice causes far more harm than the small amount of money saved in fuel to work the material into the soil.

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Today In Ensign

Today in Ensign years past

2008 - Gates and MacKay statements ingeneuous, Greenwater report and what about energy conservation and Christmas decorations
2007 - 

2006 - Midnight Madness Tisdale Mall craft sale and November in Saskatchewan

2005 - Tisdale Home & Office Systems and Doghide Gallery one year old
2004 - Trojans take Blazers 3 - 2 and Greenspan hist the trifecta dollar's decline inevitable
2003 - Greenwater report, the classic and stories from Iraq
2002 - Frozen water vapour we call it snow, the dark side of Sunday and Latest Kyoto plan equals more corporate welfare
2001 - New vision for SGI

2000 - Snow delights and Prime Minister Chretien and ethics

1999 - Threat to new cardlock

1998 - Golden sunrise, a boy and his frog, C4P1544 and CP power unit


Ensign Archive
Ensign Archive Page

Tim's Tip of the Day

There's a time for planting and a time for harvest and a time for accepting the way things are while planning what you can do to make things better for yourself and others. (Click on thumb nail to see full size.)

Find of the day

Saskatchewan set to pass
Ontario in wealth stakes

The recession and rise in the value of the Canadian dollar have steadily moved Ontario's standard of living from its former high in the country to a point where resourced based Saskatchewan is doing better.

Happenings In Tisdale:

Christmas trees for sale
November 23, 2009
by: Timothy W. Shire
Each year it only seems that Christmas trees go on sale earlier than last year, actually it is about the same time each year.  With it warm and no snow on the ground it just seems pre-mature but they will keep so now is probably a good time to pick your tree out while the selection is excellent.
The Greenwater report
November 23, 2009
by: Gerald Crawford
Another milestone for the Crawfords as great grandson, Atticus celebrates his very first birthday. Besides keep us up to date on the weather, the Crawfords tell us about an arts and crafts show at a Saskatoon church and mention the large list of people from down home they met there.
Regina's Santa Claus parade
November 21, 2009
by: Dawn Shire
Regina's parade had a marching band, lots of dancers and baton twirlers as the city celebrated Santa Claus day last Sunday. This story includes 84 pictures of the event.
House number eighteen
November 20, 2009
by: Timothy W. Shire
This new house sits atop a concrete basement joining two others in the newest section of the community. This week the walls went up and the foundation for the garage is ready for framing.
Harvest in its last day
November 19, 2009
by: Timothy W. Shire
These warm November days were a God send to Saskatchewan's farmers as they have pretty much harvested all that is recoverable of this year's crop. There is good chance the Friday will be the last day of combining.
Shame for a generation
November 19, 2009
by: Eugene Parks
Victoria, British Columbia:
Yesterday it became known that the government was repeatedly warned that all Afghan detainees were being tortured when they were turned over to Afghan authorities but nothing was done and today the government tried to discredit the diplomat saying he couldn't prove they were tortured. Not a proud day for our country.
Winnipeg's Santa Claus parade
November 17, 2009
by: Timothy W. Shire
Darkness arrives in Winnipeg at around 4:30 in the afternoon now and Saturday's Santa Claus parade began at 5:00 so this is a night parade with lighted floats and displays. This photo essay has 56 pictures of the event.
The Greenwater report
November 10, 2009
by: Gerald Crawford
A moving experience for the Crawfords on Remembrance Day and this report tells us about two theatre events they attended.
What they missed
November 10, 2009
by: Timothy W. Shire
Those Canadians who for what ever reason they had went off to war for their country and so many of them did not return. Not in their wildest dreams would they have conceived the sort of world we all live in today and so much of this world is what it is because of them.
The combines are in the fields
November 9, 2009
by: Timothy W. Shire
There may be mud on the tires and it may be a little slow going but field after field today had combines working their way through the swathes that remain unharvested.
The Greenwater report
November 9, 2009
by: Gerald Crawford
The Crawfords bid farewell to an old friend and take us with them to a programme at Knox United Church and then to the Saskatchewan indemand show at the PrairieLand Park.
First Annual Tisdale Health & Wellness Fair
November 6, 2009
by: Timothy W. Shire
The Energy & Vitality Centre in the Tisdale Mall is hosting a mini trade fair of sorts with speakers and various boothes exhibiting their products and services. The show ran today and all of Saturday.
Schapansky household auction tomorrow
November 6, 2009
by: Timothy W. Shire
An auction sale of household goods begins at 9:30 Saturday morning in the Tisdale Mall. Of particular interest is a huge doll collection that will be sold in small groups.
November 5, 2009
by: Timothy W. Shire
At last it appears that no weather miracle is forthcoming and its time to accept the fact that 25% of this year's crop will not be harvested in 2009 if at all.
Future home of Gary's Paint & Body
November 4, 2009
by: Timothy W. Shire
A well established Tisdale business has decided to relocated from beside Beeland Lumber to just south of the car and truck wash on the south side of the town.
House seventeen standing
November 2, 2009
by: Timothy W. Shire
This new house is arising atop a cement basement on one of the few available lots on Forrester Crescent. It has been a difficult project with very adverse weather conditions producing mud and then working in snow.
Two Tisdale houses lost in fire
October 28, 2009
by: Timothy W. Shire
Some time after 2:00 AM this morning a house on 107th Ave. lit fire and was destroyed but it also set fire to the neighbour's house which was also destroyed. No one was reported injured in the fires but the two houses are completed destroyed.
Parkland Photography Club October meeting
October 28, 2009
by: Darlene McCullough
New members continue to join this active club that encourages and develops the whole process of taking great pictures. This month's meeting recognised two member's achievements and celebrated their monthly contest.

Bottom Of The Page Picture of the Day

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Faster Than Light Communications, Box 1776, Tisdale, SK, S0E 1T0
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Ensign is produced, published, and hosted each day by Faster Than Light Communications of Tisdale, Saskatchewan, Canada.
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