Almost seeding time
FTLComm - Tisdale - Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Yesterday and today I drove out northwest of Tisdale where the soil is fairly light and soil conditions should be slightly ahead of those areas where it takes more time for things to dry up. Only the picture at the top of the page was taken under today's wonderful sunny sky the others were taken yesterday.
Without driving or walking out into the fields things look like they are drying but in several very flat fields you can see water laying in places and if you look carefully at the picture at the bottom of the page notice how much mud is on the wheels of the towed anhydrous ammonia tank.
But the farmers are trying to make the best of if. Though we have had rain and lower temperatures the growing conditions for things that you don't want to grow seem to be pretty good and many fields have enough growth that many farmers are out there with cultivators, rod weeders and harrows cleaning things up in preparation for seeding. I did not see any full scale seeding operations taking place either yesterday or today. But there were lots of tractors in the fields and in several fields the process of putting anhydrous ammonia in the soil was the main event.
In a story today by CBC it was reported that Agriculture Canada is predicting that farm income will be down by 55% from last year as the world in general has had two outstanding crop years and the price for grain is going to be well down. However they still are saying that farmers should break even this year with only an average crop.