The Week of August 26 to September 1, 2001
Cherry Red Airlines
- Sunday
August 26, 2001
Maybe one of the first commerical aircraft to visit Tisdale, the Pheasant, that it
still exists and sits in the Museum in Moose Jaw.
Let Us Stop The GDP Number Game
- Sunday
August 26, 2001
Mario deSantis says that emphasising the GDP is distracting us from the real issues
and the real solutions.
The First Day
of School Year 2001 - 2002
- Monday
August 27, 2001
Summer holidays are over as the kids go back to school but for them it is not going
back its going ahead.
The Greenwater Report for August 27, 2001
- Monday
August 27, 2001
Nice weather winds down the summer at Greenwater with Gerald keeping tabs on fishing,
young deer, eagles and watching for a cougar.
James K. Galbraith: The
Economic Gambling Casino and the Ups and Downs of Interest Rates
- Monday
August 27, 2001
Here is an economist who recognises the folly in bouncing interest rates to control
rather than guide the economy.
Just A Little
Bit More
- Monday
August 27, 2001
The town clean-up project of the former GT Mechanical site began once again this
morning as more pollution was found on the East side of the lot.
Clean-up Auction Sale Goes Tomorrow
- Tuesday
August 28, 2001
Schapansky Auction goes into action tomorrow with a huge line up of appliances, furniture,
household goods and much more.
The General Equilibrium Theory of the
Free Market: Loss of Freedom
- Tuesday
August 28, 2001
Mario deSantis tells us about the work of British economist Paul Ormerod who condemns
modern economic theory in his book the Death of Economics.
Robert W. Service,
Just Another Canadian
- Wednesday
August 29, 2001
Canada is a country of pretty unusual people who came here from all of the world,
facing challenges and almost always overcoming them.
A Message to our Friendly Dictator Jean
Chretien: Democracy is a Matter of Citizenship
- Wednesday
August 29, 2001
Mario deSantis points out the problems of centralisation of power with in the Prime
Minister's office and how on the whole it affects the well being of the country.
After The Shower
- Thursday
August 30, 2001
While the shower washed and cleaned the sky remain a bit dirty.
The Spirit
- Thursday
August 30, 2001
Ensign, has when ever possible, been primarily an image publication but today we
are presenting a four page text document that you will find heavy going. If you are
interesting in the topic you might want to print the article as it would be easier
to read on paper. The essay deals with what we are and what might be going wrong
when so many people afflicted with obesity.
Curbing and Capping
- Friday
August 31, 2001
The town of Tisdale is about to do a major street smooth-out with various streets
getting capped while others receive pavement replacing gravel.
Neoclassical Economics versus System Dynamics
- Friday
August 31, 2001
Mario deSantis tells us about the work and conclusions drawn by Nobel prize winner
James Tobin as the problem of determining public policy is dominated by neoclassical
Tribute To A Day
- Friday
August 31, 2001
Last night's sunset is recorded here for you to enjoy as it seems as though the setting
pays tribute to the day that is just passing away.
Hanging Crimson
- Friday
August 31, 2001
Not a clue as to what this is but it doesn't matter this display of colour in a backyard
garden just envelops the viewer.
House Number 8 In Place
- Friday
August 31, 2001
Another new to Tisdale dwelling is in place on its foundation as workman began adding
new siding and a garage to this house that faces the setting sun on Heritage Road.
August to September
- Saturday
September 1, 2001
We mark the passing of one month to the beginning of another with sunset last night
and sunrise this morning.