If you need a ride to Sunday Services please contact the church office at 306 873 2424 or Dennis Scutchings at 306 873 5397
Fall Supper Report
There were 455 people served plus children under five.
Supper | $6,397.25 |
Cash Donations | $1,585.00 |
Sale of foodd | $117.00 |
Total | $8,099.25 |
The Beeland Co-op gave a $200.00 donation to our Fall Supper.
Thank you to everyone that helped make our Fall Supper a Success. We couldn’t have done it without each of you.
Thank you to the Organisational Committee of Carol McPhee, Judy Saelhof and May Bilash.
If you have a child, or children that you would like to have baptised, please call the church office, or Rev. Doug at 306 873 2424 to make arrangements.
Memorial Poinsettia Project
The Worship Committee is again having the Memorial Poinsettia Project. We will be collecting $5.00 per name beginning Sunday, November 13. Proceeds will purchase two arrangements for the sanctuary and the Mission and Service Fund.
The UCW groups have joined and now meet the forth Wednesday of the month at 2:00 pm in the Runciman Room.
Rummage sales
Update to Fall Rummage Sale - $2,441.45
Spring " " - $3,155.05
Total = $5,596.50
Lower hall
The Wee Ones Workshops are held in the lower hall each Wednesday morning from 9:00 AM until 11:00.
Wednesday afternoon and evenings the lower hall his used from 4:00 PM until 8:00 by the highland dancers.
TACAL uses the lower hall Monday and Wednesday afternoons and/or evenings.
Food Bank News
Clients are may use the Food Bank once a month. Food items that are needed are; small boxes of Cereal, Canned Meat, Canned Fruit, Soup, small jars of Peanut Butter and Cheese Whiz. No outdated products please. Check out the list on the bulletin board at the church.
Annual Fall Supper
Fall Suppers only work when there is food and workers. This fund raiser usually gives us a profit of over $4,000.00 to $5,000.00 and helps with the expenses of the church. Our new minister,Rev. Douglas Hallman, is coming to St. Paul's on October 16th (first service). He should be at the Fall Supper so come and meet him.
Below are the details for this year’s supper:
Potatoes - Dutch Oven (cooked/mashed) (need 14 more)
Carrots – 10 cups when cooked (need 12 more )
Turnips – 10 cups when cooked (need 9 more)
Coleslaw – One ice cream pail with dressing (need 5 more)
Salad or Jelly ( not coleslaw) ( for 20 people) (need 13 more)
2 Pies or 1- 9 X13 dessert (need 30 more)
Roasters (bottom only with name) (need 28 more)
Crock Pot (need 5 more)
Washing Turkeys – 8 :30 am at the church kitchen - 2 more
Make dressing at high school 10 am – 2 more
Carvers – at Recplex - 3 pm ( bring your own cutting board and knife) – 5 more
Coffee makers – 2 pm? - 2 people needed
Table cleaners – 5 – 6 = 3 more 6 to end – 3 more
Tea /Coffee servers – 4:30 – 5:30 – 2 more 5:30 – end - 2 more
Move turkeys/ham to recplex at 2:30- 2 people
Ticket Caller – 1
Clean up – 5 people
Dishwashers – 4:15 – 5:15 – 3 more 5:15 to end - 5 more
Hot Food – 4:00 – 5:00 1 more 5 to end – 2 more
Cold workers – 4:00 – 5:00 - 2 more - 5:00 to end – 2 more
Buffet Table – 4:00 – 5:00 - 2 more – 5:00 to end – 3 more
Fall Supper
If you can help organise the Fall Supper please come to the meeting on October 7.
Fall Rummage sale
If you have articles for the Rummage Sale please bring them to the church.
Worship services
We need people to take on Pulpit Supply for the Sundays in September and October. If you can help please contact the church office at 306 873 2424.
August Services
For the Month of August we will be worshipping at the Presbyterian Church.
St. Pauls office
Cheyanna Kidd will be in the office during the months of July and August. Summer office hours are subject to change. Check voicemail for times.
Fall Rummage sale
If you have items for the fall rummage sale please contact the office for times when you can bring them down.
Need a ride to church
If you need a ride to Sunday Services please contact the church office at 306 873 2424 – or Dennis Scutchings at 306 873 5397.
Project successes.
- The UCW Spring Tea and Bake Sale brought in more than $1,000.00
- the Spring Rummage Sale brought in $3,175.00 over the three days. Some items will be sent to the Women’s Shelter in Melfort.
- Thank you to all who donated, worked or purchased items for both these events.
The NEOSS House of Hope officially opened its door to clients on Monday, June 13, 2016.
This year’s fall supper
The fall supper will be held Sunday, October 16 at the RECPlex. An organisational meeting will be held Wednesday September 7 at 12 :00 noon here at the church. Anyone interested in helping please come.
If you Usher in the next few months please check the list you received.
Spring Cleaning
The spring rummage sale is on May 18, 19 and 20. Remember to bring your gently used items to the church during office hours or phone the office at 306 873 2424.
Need a ride to church
If you need a ride to Sunday Services please contact the church office at 306 873 2424 – or Dennis Scutchings at 306 873 5397.
Rev. Sharon will be away
Sharon will be away for the month of May on holidays and Sunday June 5 at Saskatchewan Conference. If you need help please contact the church office at – 306 873 2424
Making use of St. Pauls
- The Visual Arts Group meet in the lower hall the second and fourth Wednesday evenings of the month.
- The Highland Dance Group is using the lower hall each Wednesday afternoon.
- The Men’s Choir uses the sanctuary for practice on Wednesday nights
Keep in touch
Office hours are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 9:00 AM until noon. If you provide us with your email address you would be receiving announcements of importance during the time between newsletters.
Congregational meeting to discuss Needs assessment report
Sunday, April 10th - Join us after the service for the Congregational Meeting to discuss the “Needs Assessment Report”. When this report is accepted by the congregation we can then begin a search for a new minister. If you have concerns or questions please make sure to come to this meeting.
Star City Sunday, April 17
If you are planning on going to Star City on Sunday April 17 please leave your name on the sign up sheet. The Breakfast is at 9:30 am and service is 10:30 am. Cars will be leaving the church at 9:00 am .
Tamarack Presbyterial
The United Church Women Tamarack Presbyterial Saturday April 23, 2016 here in Tisdale. Theme: “Spring Fling”. Registration begins at 9:30 am. ($15.00 per person). There will be a Silent Auction with proceeds going to the Women’s Shelter in Melfort, also presentations by the Women’s Shelter and Sharon Ferguson-Hood on her Napal trip in 2015. If you are going to attend please leave your name on the sign up sheet in the Foyer. (numbers are needed for the noon meal.) Information on the counter in the foyer.
New Blinds in the Ranchman Room
There are new blinds in the Runciman Room paid for with donations from the Lorna Rathgerber Memorial and St. Paul’s United Church Choir. Thank you.
Prayer writing workshop
Friday, April 29– Prayer Writing Workshop with Author Ray McGinnis – 7:00 pm – Youth are welcome! Information is on the counter in the foyer. There is a Sign up Sheet on the counter.
Four point pastoral charge meeting
Congregations of Tisdale, Star City, Bridging Waters and Carrot River will be considering the possibility of a Four Point Pastoral Charge with shared ministry. A meeting has been arranged in Codette on Thursday April 7 at 7:00 pm at the Seniors Hall (307 Wylie Cres.)
Camp Tapawingo
If you have a child that would like to attend Camp Tapawingo this summer they can access the camp website at www.camptapawingo.net and apply online.
Camp Tapawingo staff applications are also at www.camptapawingo.net.
Camp Tapawingo Clean-up Saturday May 28/Camp Sunday-May 29 at 11:00 am – see Tamarack Telegraph on the bulletin board in the foyer for more information.
Spring Tea and Bake Sale is on Saturday, May 7.
The spring rummage sale is on May 18, 19 and 20. Remember to bring your gently used items to the church.
United Church Observer Subscriptions
The United Church Observer Subscriptions are now due $25.00 each. Note: Please make cheques out to St. Paul’s United Church
Quilts in the pews
Friday, April 8, 2016 from 1:00 to 7:00 “Quilts in the Pews” Quilt Show at Nipawin United Church. Lunch, silent auction and door prizes. More information in the Tamarack Telegraph on the Bulletin Board.
Tamarack Presbyterial
The United Church Women Tamarack Presbyterial Saturday April 23, 2016 here in Tisdale. Theme: “Spring Fling”. Registration begins at 9:30 am. ($15.00 per person). There will be a Silent Auction with proceeds going to the Women’s Shelter in Melfort, also presentations by the Women’s Shelter and Sharon Ferguson-Hood on her Napal trip in 2015.
Prayer writing workshop
Friday, April 29– Prayer Writing Workshop with Author Ray McGinnis – 7:00 pm – Youth are welcome! Information is on the counter in the foyer. There is a Sign up Sheet on the counter.
At this Prayer writing workshop participants are invited to reflect on the power of prayer in worship and devotional practices. You’ll explore some of the benefits that writing a prayer can offer as a path to mindful and compassionate living.
Ray offers tips for helping anyone who is asked spontaneously to lead a group in prayer.
Drawing on a splendid range of examples of prayer from scripture and recent prayers written by adults and children, Ray helpfully provides a step-by-step template for you to write opening prayers, prayers of thanksgiving and intercessory prayers.
There is time for discussion and time for prayer and reflection on how praying together can strengthen the church and help us be there for each other when it counts. No previous writing experience needed. Older children, youth and adults welcome.
There is No Charge for this workshop!
Easter message
There is an Easter Message from the Saskatchewan Conference President – copies are on the counter in the Foyer.
Camp Tapawingo
If you have a child that would like to attend Camp Tapawingo this summer they can access the camp website at www.camptapawingo.net and apply online.
Camp Tapawingo staff applications are also at www.camptapawingo.net.
Camp Tapawingo Clean-up Saturday May 28/Camp Sunday-May 29 at 11:00 am – see Tamarack Telegraph on the bulletin board in the foyer for more information.
Board highlights, March 15, 2016
St. Paul’s Board has accepted an invitation to share worship April 17 with Star City United congregation. They are inviting us to a Pancake breakfast, followed by a worship service which they have asked us to lead with Rev. Sharon and our choir. Breakfast would be at 9:00 a.m.; church service at 10:00. Transportation can be arranged for those needing a ride. There would be no service at St. Paul’s that morning.
A motion was passed at the March Board meeting that we cease using Styrofoam plates, cups etc. at St. Paul’s and move to an alternate supply, such as the biodegradable ‘Taterware’ that was purchased for Conference, the year we hosted that function.
The Joint Needs Assessment Report was presented to the Board and the recommendation of the Committee accepted.
Copies of the Final Evaluation of Interim Ministry were distributed to Board members.
The document will be available to the congregation once it has been read by the Board.
Congregations of Tisdale, Star City, Bridging Waters and Carrot River will be considering the possibility of a Four Point Pastoral Charge with shared ministry. A meeting has been arranged in Codette to begin discussions.
Congregational meeting
St. Paul’s United Church congregational meeting will be held to discuss the JNAC report on April 10, 2016. Please let others know about this important meeting.
Pulpit Supply
If you can help with Pulpit Supply in the month of May please call the office at 306 873 5143.
Tamarack Presbyterial
The United Church Women Tamarack Presbyterial Saturday April 23, 2016 here in Tisdale. Theme: “Spring Fling”. Registration begins at 9:30 am. ($15.00 per person). There will be a Silent Auction with proceeds going to the Women’s Shelter in Melfort, also presentations by the Women’s Shelter and Sharon Ferguson-Hood on her Napal trip in 2015.
If you need a ride
If you need a ride to Sunday Services please contact the church office at 306 873 2424 – or Dennis Scutchings at 306 873 5397.
Sharon away in May
Sharon will be away in May. If you need help please contact the church office at – 306 873 2424
Wee Ones Workshops
The Wee Ones Workshops continue in the New Year on Wednesdays from 9 am until 11 am. If you have a Baby or Toddler please contact the NEECIP office to sign-up.
Visual Arts Group
The Visual Arts Group meet in the lower hall the second and fourth Wednesday evenings of the month.
Lenten Lunches
Lenten Lunches at the Golden Age Centre on Wednesdays, February 17, March 2, March 9 and March 19 at 12:00 noon each day.
Women’s Fellowship meeting
The Women’s Fellowship meeting is on Tuesday, February 23 at 7:30 at the home of Maureen Donald.
UCW meeting
Wednesday, February 24 the UCW will meet at 2:00 in the Runciman room.
Lenten Art
Caryl Skauge will be holding another set of creative art for the Lenten Season at St. Paul's starting today, Sunday, February 14th until Sunday March 20th. If you have Sunday School age children please come!
Circle conversation
The next Circle Conversation is on Sunday, February 28 following worship. Please bring finger food to share. The question is: What part of church is most important to you? Why do you come to the United Church? This is information that can be used for our Joint Needs Assessment, your input is important.
United Church Observer
Your Observer Subscriptions are due now! $25.00 per subscription. Please make cheques out to St. Paul’s United Church. If you have questions please contact Mary Blacklaws.
Spring Cleaning
The Spring Rummage Sale is coming soon. Remember to bring your gently used items to the church.
Keeping in touch
Timothy Shire updates St. Paul’s website with Sharon’s sermons - www.ftlcomm.com/stpauls/ St. Paul’s email address is stpaulsu@sasktel.net
St. Paul’s Phone Number is 306 873 2424,
Our address is Box 116, Tisdale, Sk. S0E 1T0
Office Hours are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 9:00 am until 12:00 noon.
If you will provide us with your email address you would be receiving announcements of importance during the time between newsletters!
Please help us keep you informed of what is happening @ St. Paul’s.
Lenten Lunches at the Golden Age Centre on Wednesdays, February 17, March 2, March 9 and March 19 at 12:00 noon each day.
Women’s Fellowship meeting
The Women’s Fellowship meeting is on Tuesday, February 23 at 7:30 at the home of Maureen Donald.
UCW meeting
Wednesday, February 24 the UCW will meet at 2:00 in the Runciman room.
2016 Annual Meeting
The 2016 Annual meeting is on Sunday, February 21. Annual Report Booklets are available on the table by the office. If you are going to deliver some please put the names of the people on the list. Please bring your booklet back of the annual meeting along with any questions you may have.
Lenten Art
Caryl Skauge will be holding another set of creative art for the Lenten Season at St. Paul's starting today, Sunday, February 14th until Sunday March 20th. If you have Sunday School age children please come!
Pancake Supper
The Pancake supper brought in #373.00.
Circle conversation
The next Circle Conversation is on Sunday, February 28 following worship. Please bring finger food to share. The question is: What part of church is most important to you? Why do you come to the United Church? This is information that can be used for our Joint Needs Assessment, your input is important.
St. Andrew’s Fundraiser
St. Andrew’s Fundraiser total was $197.00 - (loose cash). Additional funds (in the St. Andrew’s Envelopes) that had names and addresses are being sent to St. Andrew’s. (receipts will be issued by St. Andrew’s). Thank you to all who donated and attended.
United Church Observer
Heads-up: The United Church Observer price of Group Plan subscriptions - purchased through the Church but paid for by subscribers - will increase from $20 per year to $25 (GS/HST included) effective January 2016. To reward the loyalty of our subscribers, the increase will be waived for one renewal year if we can increase the total number of Observer subscriptions by 25 percent.
I believe we increased the total number by 50 percent last year?
Each issue still costs less that a small coffee and doughnut at Robin’s Doughnuts.
Did you read the article "The snowiest church" in the January issue - page 47, and the article by Mardi Tindal on page 45 "Compassion is a muscle that gets stronger with use" (a quotation from Mahatma Gandhi)?
NoteL Please make cheques out to St. Paul’s United Church.
Mary Blacklaw, Observer representative
World Day of Prayer
The World Day of Prayer service will take place at 7:00 PM on Friday, March 4.
Baptism Sunday will be on April 4.
Tamarack Presbyterial
Saturday Apr. 23 – Tamarack Presbyterial – St. Paul’s – all women of the congregation are invited to attend.
Prayer Writing Workshop
Friday April 29 – Prayer Writing Workshop with Author Ray McGinnis – 7:00 pm.
Spring Cleaning
The Spring Rummage Sale is coming soon. Remember to bring your gently used items to the church.
Nepal Pilgrimage
Sharon Ferguson-Hood will lead a pilgrimage to Nepal in May of 2016. Information is on the counter in the Foyer.
Lenten Lunches at the Golden Age Centre on Wednesdays, February 17, March 2, March 9 and March 19
Communion will be part of the Sunday service on February 14
Board Meeting
St. Paul’s board will meet at 7:00 on Tuesday, February 16
2016 Annual Meeting
The 2016 Annual meeting is on Sunday, February 21. Annual Report Booklets are available on the table by the office. If you are going to deliver some please put the names of the people on the list. Please bring your booklet back of the annual meeting along with any questions you may have.
Lenten Art
Caryl Skauge will be holding another set of creative art for the Lenten Season at St. Paul's starting today, Sunday, February 14th until Sunday March 20th. If you have Sunday School age children please come!
Pancake Supper
Thank you to all who came to the Pancake Supper on Tuesday. The Pancakes and Sausages were very good. Thanks to the men who prepared the food and cleaned up.
Circle conversation
The next Circle Conversation is on Sunday, February 28 following worship. Please bring snack food to share. The question is: What part of church is most important to you? Why do you come to the United Church? This is information that can be used for our Joint Needs Assessment, your input is important.
Advent Peace Box
The Worship Committee has purchased a Advent Peace Box with items from Palestine. There are still packages of Herbs available. Thank you to everyone who has purchased these products. There are pamphlets with information about the Advent Peace Box Project available!
United Church Observer
Heads-up: The United Church Observer price of Group Plan subscriptions - purchased through the Church but paid for by subscribers - will increase from $20 per year to $25 (GS/HST included) effective January 2016. To reward the loyalty of our subscribers, the increase will be waived for one renewal year if we can increase the total number of Observer subscriptions by 25 percent.
I believe we increased the total number by 50 percent last year?
Each issue still costs less that a small coffee and doughnut at Robin’s Doughnuts.
Did you read the article "The snowiest church" in the January issue - page 47, and the article by Mardi Tindal on page 45 "Compassion is a muscle that gets stronger with use" (a quotation from Mahatma Gandhi)?
NoteL Please make cheques out to St. Paul’s United Church.
Mary Blacklaw, Observer representative
World Day of Prayer
The World Day of Prayer service will take place at 7:00 PM on Friday, March 4.
Baptism Sunday will be on April 4.
Nepal Pilgrimage
Sharon Ferguson-Hood will lead a pilgrimage to Nepal in May of 2016. Information is on the counter in the Foyer.
Caryl Skauge will be holding another set of creative art sessions for the Lenten Season at St. Paul's starting Sunday February 14 until Sunday March 20. If you have Sunday School age children please consider this your invitation!
Just a reminder to put 2016 on your cheques now.
Income tax receipts
2016 Income Tax Receipts are on the counter in foyer.
Transition Team
On Sunday January 31 the Transition Team will be leading the service. At this service they will have in place a process to discuss the Interim Ministry. This information gathered will be used for the final evaluation. Please come and express your thoughts about this important question.
Reports for the Annual meeting
The 2016 annual meeting will be February 21. Please have your committee reports to May before January 23, 2016. If you can email them that will help with the typing. I need to have them ready to read for Sunday February 7.
Fundraiser for St. Andrew’s College in Saskatoon
There will be a Pot Luck Soup and Sandwich Lunch following the service on Sunday, February 7 to help raise funds for St. Andrew’s Theological College in Saskatoon. St. Andrew’s trains new ministers for our congregations. A sign-up sheet for soup is on the counter in the foyer. We ask congregation members to bring sandwiches or other pot luck food for this occasion.
Lenten Lunches
Lenten Lunches begin on Wednesday, February 10 at the Golden Age Centre. St. Paul’s and the Presbyterians are responsible for February 10.
Circle conversation
The next Circle Conversation is on Sunday, February 28 following worship. Please bring snack food to share. The question is: What part of church is most important to you? Why do you come to the United Church? This is information that can be used for our Joint Needs Assessment, your input is important.
Advent Peace Box
The Worship Committee has purchased a Advent Peace Box with items from Palestine. There are still packages of Herbs available. Thank you to everyone who has purchased these products. There are pamphlets with information about the Advent Peace Box Project available!
Nepal Pilgrimage
Sharon Feguson-Hood will lead a pilgrimage to Nepal in May of 2016. This is a pilgrimage that includes different dynamics, like spending time in Kathmandu and surrounding area, trekking in the Landruk area, visiting Pokhara and area and spending time reflecting and having conversation about our experience.
On the counter in the foyer is the package for this trip; if you are interested please pick up a package, and feel free to call me if you have questions. (306 873 3361)
On Sunday January 31 the Transition Team will be leading the service. At this service they will have in place a process to discuss the Interim Ministry. This information gathered will be used for the final evaluation. Please come and express your thoughts about this important question.
Fundraiser for St. Andrew’s College in Saskatoon
There will be a Pot Luck Soup and Sandwich Lunch following the service on Sunday, February 7 to help raise funds for St. Andrew’s Theological College in Saskatoon. St. Andrew’s trains new ministers for our congregations. A sign-up sheet for soup is on the counter in the foyer. We ask congregation members to bring sandwiches or other pot luck food for this occasion.
Income tax receipts
2016 Income Tax Receipts are on the counter in foyer.
Reports for the Annual meeting
The 2016 annual meeting will be February 21. Please have your committee reports to May before January 23, 2016. If you can email them that will help with the typing. I need to have them ready to read for Sunday February 7.
Circle conversation
The next Circle Conversation is on Sunday, February 28 following worship. Please bring snack food to share. The question is: What part of church is most important to you? Why do you come to the United Church? This is information that can be used for our Joint Needs Assessment, your input is important.
Robbie Burns celebration
Saturday, January 23, 2016 - 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Nipawin United Church
Entertainment and memorabilia
Lunch and lots of fun !
Free-will offering - Everyone welcome!
Advent Peace Box
The Worship Committee has purchased a Advent Peace Box with items from Palestine. There are still bottles of Olive Oil and packages of Herbs available.
Sharon Feguson-Hood will lead a pilgrimage to Nepal in May of 2016. This is a pilgrimage that includes different dynamics, like spending time in Kathmandu and surrounding area, trekking in the Landruk area, visiting Pokhara and area and spending time reflecting and having conversation about our experience.
On the counter in the foyer is the package for this trip; if you are interested please pick up a package, and feel free to call me if you have questions. (306 873 3361)
Transition Team
On Sunday January 31 the Transition Team will be leading the service. At this service they will have in place a process to discuss the Interim Ministry. This information gathered will be used for the final evaluation. Please come and express your thoughts about this important question.
Reports for the Annual meeting
The 2016 annual meeting will be February 21. Please have your committee reports to May before January 23, 2016. If you can email them that will help with the typing. I need to have them ready to read for Sunday February 7.
Fundraiser for St. Andrew’s College in Saskatoon
There will be a Pot Luck Soup and Sandwich Lunch following the service on Sunday, February 7 to help raise funds for St. Andrew’s Theological College in Saskatoon. St. Andrew’s trains new ministers for our congregations. A sign-up sheet for soup is on the counter in the foyer. We ask congregation members to bring sandwiches or other pot luck food for this occasion.
Advent Peace Box
The Worship Committee has purchased a Advent Peace Box with items from Palestine. There are still bottles of Olive Oil and packages of Herbs available.
If you would like to help pay for bulletins for 2016 please check over the bulletin sheet on the counter in the foyer and choose your date. Thank you to UCW Unit #7 for their donation.
Book Study - Thursday, January 28 and Thursday, February 4
Sessions are seven to nine each night.
The Dalai Lama’s Cat by David Michie - A malnourished slum kitten is carried back to the beautiful sanctuary by the Dalai Lama himself. Her arresting blue eyes are slowly shown everything in the Buddhist leader’s life: timeless wisdom that comes only in the quietest moments between animal and people. You’ll follow His Holiness’s cat as she rubs up against Hollywood stars, teaches lessons at the feet of Buddhist masters and learn how a bodhisattva deals with life in the twenty-first century, and soon see why a cat has the best vantage point on the fragility and beauty in all humans. The Dalai Lama’s Cat is funny and light, but contains spiritual lessons that will ignite your curiosity and reflection. Join Sharon for good conversations exploring Buddhist thoughts and sharing refreshments.
There is a sign-up sheet on the counter in the foyer for the Book Study January 28 and February 4 or call the church office 306 873 2424.
Friday April 29 evening author Ray McGinnis will conduct a prayer writing workshop. This event will include young people.
The Dalai Lama’s Cat
The Dalai Lama’s Cat by David Michie - A malnourished slum kitten is carried back to the beautiful sanctuary by the Dalai Lama himself. Her arresting blue eyes are slowly shown everything in the Buddhist leader’s life: timeless wisdom that comes only in the quietest moments between animal and people. You’ll follow His Holiness’s cat as she rubs up against Hollywood stars, teaches lessons at the feet of Buddhist masters and learn how a bodhisattva deals with life in the twenty-first century, and soon see why a cat has the best vantage point on the fragility and beauty in all humans. The Dalai Lama’s Cat is funny and light, but contains spiritual lessons that will ignite your curiosity and reflection. Join Sharon for good conversations exploring Buddhist thoughts and sharing refreshments.
There is a sign-up sheet on the counter in the foyer for the Book Study January 28 and February 4 or call the church office 306 873 2424.
A ride to Church
If you need a ride to Sunday Services please contact the church office at 306 873 2424 – or Dennis Scutchings at 306 873 5397.
The Wee Ones Workshops
The Wee Ones Workshops continue in the New Year on Wednesdays from 9:00 AM until 11:00 AM. If you have a Baby or Toddler please contact the NEECIP office to sign-up.
Thank you to all who helped make the Annual Christmas Tea and Bake Sale a success. Bake Table - $1041.30, $557.60 – Door - for a Total $1598.90. 106 people attended and Judy Saelhof won the door prize.
Poinsettia Project
If you would like to donate to the Poinsettia Arrangements for the church in December in memory of a loved one, or someone that is special to you please see May. $5.00 each name with proceeds over and above the cost of the arrangements going to Mission and Service.
Advent Peace box
The Worship Committee has purchased an Advent Peace Box with items from Palestine. You will notice the items displayed on the table by the office door. There are bottles of olive oil for $20.00 each and packages of herbs (includes Thye, roasted sesame seeds, sumac and sea salt) for $8.00 each. Information about the project is also on the table.
Artist in Residence for Children
Sunday, November 29, December 6, December 13 and December 20.
Christmas Cheer Project
Our Christmas Cheer Project this year is again the Women’s Shelter in Melfort. There is a list of things needed on the Bulletin Board in the Foyer. There will be a basket at the front of the church during the Advent Season.
Fall Supper report
The project brought in $7,499 with expenses of $2,561.98 and a profit of $4,937.02 was realised.
Gifts With Vision Catalogues
Available now on the table in the Foyer. If you have a hard to buy for person on your Christmas gift list look at the Gifts With Vision Catalogure for unique and helpful ideas.
Committee reports
Remember that your committee reports for the annual meeting need to be in as soon as you can get them to May.
If you would like to donate to the Poinsettia Arrangements for the church in December in memory of a loved one, or someone that is special to you please see May. $5.00 each name with proceeds over and above the cost of the arrangements going to Mission and Service.
Annual Christmas Tea and Bake Sale
Annual Christmas Tea and Bake sale will be Saturday, December 5 from 2:00 to 4:00. Donations of baking are welcome. Come and enjoy a time with friends
Communion Servers
St. Paul’s needs a person to coordinate Communion Servers for Communion. (approximately six times a year). We thank Mary Blacklaws who has been doing this service for a lot of years. If you can help St. Paul’s this way it would be greatly appreciated.
Artist in Residence for Children
Sunday, November 29, December 6, December 13 and December 20.
Christmas Kettle
St. Paul’s is responsible for the Christmas Kettle on Monday, December 14, Tuesday, December 15 and Wednesday, December 16. If you can help any of those days please put your name on the sign-up sheet on the counter in the foyer.
Christmas Cheer Project
Our Christmas Cheer Project this year is again the Women’s Shelter in Melfort. There is a list of things needed on the Bulletin Board in the Foyer. There will be a basket at the front of the church during the Advent Season.
Fall Supper report
The project brought in $7,499 with expenses of $2,561.98 and a profit of $4,937.02 was realised.
Gifts With Vision Catalogues
Available now on the table in the Foyer. If you have a hard to buy for person on your Christmas gift list look at the Gifts With Vision Catalogure for unique and helpful ideas.
Mission and Service Fund
The United Church helps with projects around the world through the Mission and Service Fund. Every gift that is given to the Mission and Service Fund goes to those projects.
Since the 1970s, The United Church of Canada has worked with the Moravian Church in Nicaragua to help bring about peace after a civil war. The Moravian Church carries out a variety of ministries in the multi-ethnic Atlantic coast regions and also has a development office that supports projects to improve water quality and agricultural practices. In recent years, the church has worked with a group of people living with HIV or AIDS in a program called Vidas Futuras (Future Lives).
In Nicaragua, people with HIV or AIDS now have access to medical treatment, but in places with high unemployment and low incomes, getting enough food for the medicine to work properly is a challenge. Good nutrition and a strict medication regime are essential for anti-retroviral drugs to be effective.
With United Church support, Future Lives and Moravian development office have embarked on a three-year pilot program to provide additional food for about 70 people, including three children under age 10. The hope is that other groups and agencies will join the effort and expand the reach of the program.
Participation has made a real difference in terms of people’s health and in the way participants see themselves. Says one participant, “I have been helped to maintain my body with good food and easing my mind so that I think only of good things, with respect and dignity.” Another commented, “I have learned new things, and can teach them to family and friends.”
Working with the Moravian Church, our gifts for Mission and Service are changing people’s lives in Nicaragua. Thanks be to God. Please join me and give generously.
Mighty and tender God,
through our gifts for Mission & Service
we respond to your call to mend the world.
Nepal Fundraiser | |||
Thank you to all who came to the Nepal Fundraiser and helped in any way donating money, baking, purchasing auction items etc. The following is an overview of receipts to date with a couple of things that are outstanding. | |||
Door | $289.00 |
Nepalie Bears | $400.00 |
Donations | $856.00 |
Auction | $1,047.00 |
total | $2,487.00 |
If you would still like to make a donation please make your cheque out to St. Paul's United Church with Nepal Fundraiser in the memo spot on the left hand corner. |
If you would like to donate to the Poinsettia Arrangements for the church in December in memory of a loved one, or someone that is special to you please see May. $5.00 each name with proceeds over and above the cost of the arrangements going to Mission and Service.
Communion Servers
St. Paul’s needs a person to coordinate Communion Servers for Communion. (approximately six times a year). We thank Mary Blacklaws who has been doing this service for a lot of years. If you can help St. Paul’s this way it would be greatly appreciated.
Christmas Cheer Project
Our Christmas Cheer Project this year is again the Women’s Shelter in Melfort. There is a list of things needed on the Bulletin Board in the Foyer. There will be a basket at the front of the church during the Advent Season.
Lessons and Carols
Join us on the first Sunday in Advent 2015 – Sunday, November 29 for a special service with music by Maurice Taylor, Bernice McCosh and Christmas Readings. Coffee and Cookies will follow. Bring a friend /friends to this special service.
Gifts With Vision Catalogues
Available now on the table in the Foyer. If you have a hard to buy for person on your Christmas gift list look at the Gifts With Vision Catalogure for unique and helpful ideas.
Syrian Relief Fund
Donating to refugee relief.
You can find information on the United Church of Canada website under the heading Emergency Response: Three Ways You Can Help Syrian Refugees. The Canadian government will be matching individual donations, but there is no guarantee it will match donations from registered charities, including the United Church. Send cheques from individuals no later than January 8 to the United Church of Canada General Council office attnention Philanthropy Unite - Emergency REsponse. The cheques should be accompanied by a cover letter that confirms that they were received by your faith community on or before December 31, 2016.
Tax receipts will be issues to individual donors by the General Council Office.
The gift must be designated for Syria Relief.
The United Church of Canada
Philanthropy Unite - Emergency Response
3250 Bloor Street West, Suite 300
Toronto, ON M8X 2Y4
Please be sure to note "Emergency Response --- Syria Relief" on the face of your cheque.
Posted September 6, 2015
Fall Supper
Please Note: Fall Supper – October 18 – We need someone to coordinate this event. A decision to either go ahead with it or not, has to be made soon. If you and some friends would like to take this on, please let May know.
Enneagram Workshop
Enneagram Workshop next Friday night and Saturday, Led by Brian Mitchell Walker. Friday Eveening September 11th and Saturday, September 12th at St. Paul’s United Church, 905 101st St, Tisdale. Cost is $10.00 each - with a lunch provided for a donation. (Note: The word Enneagram means graph of nice. Each of the Enneagram personality profiles has a distinct, well-developed coping strategy for relating to self, others, and the environment. In addition, each of the nine types has its own precise path to psychological and spiritual freedom, the key being compassionate and guided self-observation.) Sign-up Sheet is on the counter in the Foyer.
Annual Bar B Q
Sunday September 13 – Annual Bar B Q . Please bring your favorite picnic salad or dessert item, a plate and cutlery, folding chair and your appetite. Wieners, Buns and Condiments will be provided (If it is good weather we will have this outside.)
Sunday School
So far no one has come forward to lead or help lead Sunday School. If you can help or know of someone who would like to help out please call the church office at 872 2424.
Book Study
NOTE: There is a sign-up sheet on the counter in the foyer for the Book Study that will begin in September 2015.
- Thursday, September 17 – Random Passage by Bernice Morgan,
- Thursday, October 29 – The Living by Annie Dillard
- Thursday, November 26 – Ada Blackjack by Jennifer Niven
Rummage Sale
Fall Rummage Sale begings Wednesday September 16 from 8:00 AM until 6:00 PM then continues on Thursday from 8:00 AM until 6:00 PM the on Friday from 8:00 AM until 3:00 PM. Come and enjoy a cookie and a cup of tea. Donations of rummage aare welcome, contaact Edith dahl at 306 83-4416 or the church office at 306 873-2424.
Nepal Fundraiser Social – Saturday, November 7, 2015 - 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm
Sponsored by St. Paul’s Women’s Fellowship Group. The Evening will include a Silent Auction with items from Nepal plus Baked goods and Nepali Bears.
Wine, Refreshments and Hors d’oeuvres will be served. All proceeds will go to the ‘3 Sisters Trekking Company’ in Pokhara, Nepal.
(3 Sisters Trekking Company provides Education to young women from the region and also negotiates Fair Wages and Fair Weights for guides and porters.)
Posted August 20, 2015.
Fall Supper
The Recplex has been booked for the Annual Fall supper. If you would like to help organize this event please let May know. This has been a good fundraiser and a time for members of our congregation to interact. ( we still have pie plates, bowls from the previous suppers)
Sunday School
Families With Children! If you would like there to be a Sunday School this year and you can help out please Contact The Church Office at 873 2424. We can only provide Sunday School if there are people that are willing to give some of their time and talent.
Enneagram Workshop:
Led by Brian Mitchell Walker Friday evening September 11 and Saturday, September 12 at St. Paul’s United Church, 905 101st St, Tisdale. Cost - $10 with a lunch provided for a donation.
Note: The word Enneagram means graph of nice. Each of the Enneagram personality profiles has a distinct, well-developed coping strategy for relating to self, others, and the environment. In addition, each of the nine types has its own precise path to psychological and spiritual freedom, the key being compassionate and guided self-observation.
Circle Conversation, Sunday, September 20
Discussion will include the response to the financial appeal, options for St. Paul’s future and beginning a JNAC. Please attend this important event.
Rummage Sale
Wednesday, September 15 to Friday, September 17 – set up and pricing will begin Friday September 11.
UCW MEETING – Wednesday September 23 - 6:00 pm - Pot Luck Supper.
The two units are amalgamating and welcome any people that would like to come and enjoy a time of fellowship. Please consider this your invitation!
Book Study
NOTE: There is a sign-up sheet on the counter in the foyer for the Book Study that will begin in September 2015.
- Thursday, September 17 – Random Passage by Bernice Morgan,
- Thursday, October 29 – The Living by Annie Dillard
- Thursday, November 26 – Ada Blackjack by Jennifer Niven
Need a ride to church?
If you need a ride to Sunday Services please contact the church office at 306 873 2424 or Dennis Scutchings at 306 873 5397.
Congregational Letter
Please remember to acknowledge the congregational letter that was sent out in April requesting ongoing support for St. Paul’s and its Ministry. Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR) is a good way of helping out when you can’t make it to church on Sunday.
This project will begin in the lower hall near the end of September 2015.
2016 Canadian Church Calendars
The coming year’s calendars need to be ordered. Please let May know if you would like one.
NEPAL FUNDRAISER SOCIAL – Saturday, November 7, 2015 - 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm
Sponsored by St. Paul’s Women’s Fellowship Group. The Evening will include a Silent Auction with items from Nepal plus Baked goods and Nepali Bears.
Wine, Refreshments and Hors d’oeuvres will be served. All proceeds will go to the ‘3 Sisters Trekking Company’ in Pokhara, Nepal.
(3 Sisters Trekking Company provides Education to young women from the region and also negotiates Fair Wages and Fair Weights for guides and porters.)
Presiding at Funerals and Ministering to the Bereaved:
A Retreat for Lay People Interested in Funeral Ministry Friday, September 18 (6 pm supper) to Sunday, September 20 (1:00 pm) - First United Church, Swift Current, SK ( Anyone that is interested please see the information on the Bulletin Board!)
Posted May 29, 2015.
Does anyone know if there are any children from our congregation in Grade 5 or in Grade 12 this year? Please let May know!
Sharon will be away from May 29 until June 19. If you need a minister please call May at 306 873 2424 or 306 873 5143.
Registrations for Camp Tapawingo – www.camptapawingo.net You can also download info about the camp and help congregational children and youth register on-line.
Please join us Sunday June 7 when we welcome the youth from Tamarack Presbytery that went to Mexico in March, 2015. They will be taking part in the service and will be telling us about their experiences. That Sunday we will also be celebrating the 90 Birthday of the United Church of Canada with Birthday Cake along with our Pot Luck Lunch.
Enneagram Workshop: Led by Brian Mitchell Walker Friday evening September 11 and Saturday, September 12. St. Paul’s United Church, 905 101st St, Tisdale Cost - $10 with a lunch provided for a donation. [Note: The word Enneagram means graph of nice. Each of the Enneagram personality profiles has a distinct, well-developed coping strategy for relating to self, others, and the environment. In addition, each of the nine types has its own precise path to psychological and spiritual freedom, the key being compassionate and guided self-observation.]
Volunteers are needed to prepare coffee and venue for Pot Luck Lunches following the service the first sunday of each month. There is a signup sheet in the foyer.
There is a sign-up sheet on the counter in the Foyer for the Book Study that will begin in September 2015. All three books are historical in nature. They offer a glimpse into Canadian history, and American history. They offer us an opportunity to reflect and to talk about gender, justice and history. We will theologically reflect on the books and talk about what is meaningful in life.
Adult Book Study
In the fall we will study three books:
Thursday, September 17, Random Passage, Bernice Morgan
Thursday, October 29, The Living, Annie Dillard
Thursday, November 26, Ada Blackjack, Jennifer Niven
Random Passage by Bernice Morgan. This book is tremendously evocative of the early history of Newfoundland. This Newfoundland saga details the origins of Cape Random, an outpost settled in the 1820s by a hearty group of misanthropes, dreamers and early feminists. Lacking enough provisions for winter, a family of British settlers arrives in the tiny settlement, which consists of one store, one family, and one bachelor. The survival of these isolated settlers, living in one of the harshest environments on the east coast, comprises the plot of this historical novel.The Living, by Annie Dillard. This is a vast and fascinating novel, its subject the settlement of the American Northwest in the last decades of the 19th century. Dillard's accomplishment in rendering the heart-searing experience of these women, men and children of the frontier is breath taking. Ada Blackjack, by Jennifer Niven. Ada Blackjack's gripping tale of her survival in the wild, and of the chaos and upheaval that attended her return to the world, comprises one of the most amazing untold adventures of the twentieth century. Drawing on Ada's never-before-seen diaries, bestselling author Jennifer Niven brings to vivid life the true story of a woman whose courage and determination defied society's expectations and made her an unlikely – and until now, unheralded – hero. Everyone is responsible for obtaining their own books. All three are available at Amazon. Please come having read the book and be prepared to talk about the book. We will meet on the above dates from 7:00 – 9:15 with cookies and refreshments. Please call May or Sharon in the church office if you plan to attend.
Posted April 30, 2015 and updated May 8.
If you need a ride to Sunday Services please contact the church office at 306 873 2424 or Dennis Scutchings at 306 873 5397.
Sharon will be away from the end of May until June 20.
From the Board Highlights of the April meeting – Volunteers are needed to prepare coffee and venue for Lunch following service the first Sunday of each month. Please sign up on your chosen date.
Please remember to acknowledge the congregational letter that was sent out in April requesting ongoing support for St. Paul’s and its Ministry.
If you could help out in the office at times during the summer months please call May at 873 2424 or 5143.
Remember the Spring Rummage Sale is coming up when you are spring cleaning.
The Rummage Sales last year made over $6,000.
The Tisdale/Star City Ministerial is planning a Bar B Q for First Responders in the future. Pastor Jack Wilson is organising the event and would like help from members of congregations in Tisdale. If you are interested in this worthwhile project please call Jack at #306 873 7791 or leave your name with May in the Church Office.
The Tisdale Food Bank is short on cans of Soup, Veggies, Tomato Sauce and fruit.
Thank you to Donna, Peggy , Maureen and Carol for filling in for me while I was away – May
Registrations for Camp Tapawingo – www.camptapawingo.net You can also download info about the camp and help congregational children and youth register on-line. Camp Clean –up is Saturday May 23 at 10:00 am – contact Ruth to stay over for Camp Sunday – Worship at 11:00 am – more info on the Poster on the bulletin board.
Thank you to all who helped with the Tea and Bake Sale on May 2. $1,045.00 was raised.
Sunday May 10 – Sharon - there is a Finger Food Pot Luck Lunch followed by a Circle Conversation after the service – Christian Family Sunday
Wednesday, May 13 – Friday May 15 – SPRING RUMMAGE SALE. Please bring your gently used/clean articles to the church or phone Edith Dahl @ 306 873 4416.
Please join us Sunday June 7 when we welcome the youth from Tamarack Presbytery that went to Mexico in March, 2015. They will be taking part in the service and will be telling us about their experiences. That Sunday we will also be celebrating the 90 Birthday of the United Church of Canada with Birthday Cake along with our Pot Luck Lunch.
United Church Response to Nepal Earthquake
The United Church of Canada is calling for prayer and welcoming donations for Nepal
Posted March 6, 2015
If you need a ride to Sunday Services please contact the church office at 306 873 2424 or Dennis Scutchings at 306 873 5397
Note that there is a Healing Service Sunday, Mar. 8 at 7:00 pm.
St. Paul’s Cheer Project is still collecting items for the Women’s Crisis Centre in Melfort. Check with the Bulletin Board, or the Church Office for Items needed at 306 873 2424.
May will be away from the office between Apr.2 and Apr. 21. If you could help in the office during that time please call Peggy Scutchings at 306 873 5397 or Donna Dobson at 306 873 5417.
If you could help out in the office at times during the summer months please call May at 873 2424 or 5143.
Does anyone have a picture of Helen Cole that we could use for her bulletin on May 23? Please let May know.
Remember the Spring Rummage Sale is coming up when you are spring cleaning. The Rummage Sales last year made over $6,000.
The Lenten Lunch on Mar. 25 is the responsibility of St. Paul’s – putting up tables, cleaning tables, lunch – soup and sandwiches, etc. If you would like to help in some way please leave your name at the office or phone 306 873 2424.
If you would like a copy of the Annual Report please phone the office at 306 873 2424.
Posted February 5, 2015
If you need a ride to Sunday Services please contact the church office at 306 873 2424 or Dennis Scutchings at 306 873 5397
St. Paul’s Christmas Cheer Project is still collecting items for the Women’s Crisis Centre in Melfort. Check with the Bulletin Board or the Church Office for Items needed at 306 873 2424.
St. Paul’s COOL Youth Group will begin in the new year. If you are in Grade 6 and up and would like to part of this group please contact Judy Krantz by e mail – jkrantz17@gmail.com, on ‘facebook’, ‘messenger’ or telephone 306 873 4270.
Sunday February 15 there will be a Farewell Pot Luck Lunch to wish Alice and Winston Newman well as they leave us to start their new life in Lethbridge. Please let others know.
Pastoral Care Workshop:
February 21, 10AM – 3:00 PM
St. Paul's United Church, Tisdale, Sk.
Donna Christopherson and Ruth Griffith from the United Church Conference Resource Pool will facilitate a Pastoral Care Workshop.
This workshop hopes to allow participants to become a more cohesive group. It will also provide opportunities for pastoral care team members to build skills that will assist them in offering compassion, and caring and support to members of their church family.
Lunch will be provided. Everyone is welcome. Please call May at the church office 306-873-2424, or sign the sign- up sheet.
Healing Service: 7:00 PM on Sunday, March 8
At our circle conversation in January, the Transition Team felt perhaps it could be helpful to have a service of healing, where people might have the opportunity to symbolically let go of old anger and hurts. Please let others know that this service is taking place.
The Annual Meeting will be Sunday, March 1 following the service. (Pot Luck Lunch).
The Mission and Service Fund Helps
Support 86 congregations, 37 presbyteries, 75 theological schools,13 Conferences, 3 education centres, 39 chaplaincies, 75 community and justice communities,15 overseas personnel, and 97 global partners in 25 countries!
Posted January 3, 2015
It's a new year and remember to put 2015 on your cheques.
NOTE!!! Please remember to get your yearend donations in by January 5 2015 to get credit for them in 2014.
Remember the Circle Conversations coming up in the New Year.
The Annual Meeting is to be held Sunday, March 1. Please get your committee reports to May in early January so that the Report Booklet can be out for a couple of weeks for people to read before the Annual Meeting.
Church Photo Directory – We need a volunteer to organise the Church Photo Directory – information is in the Church Office. If you and a couple of friends would like to do this please leave your name with May at the church office – 306 873 2424.
November Board Highlights are available – Please note that Winston Newman has stepped down as Chairperson. We are needing a Chairperson and committee members. Please let us know if you would be willing to act on one of the committees.
Conflict Resolution Workshop
On Saturday January 17 from 10:00 am - 3:30 pm, Linda Anderson will lead us in a workshop that will focus on conflict management skills and communication. This workshop is for EVERYONE interested but in particular it is for those in leadership positions. This workshop grows out of the learning goals for the interim ministry. Our hope is that all Board members and committee members will attend. Lunch will be provided. (Signup sheet is on the counter in the foyer – We need to know how many are coming so that we can order lunch.)
Posted November 14, 2014
If you need a ride to Sunday Services please call the church office at 306 873 2424 or Dennis Scutchings at 306 873 5397
The Adult Book Study evenings will begin Thursday January 22, 2015 7:00 pm to 9:15pm with refreshments. The first book that will be discussed is “Slammerkin”, by Emma Donaghue. On Thursday. February. 26, the discussion will centre around “A House In The Sky”, by Amanda Lindhout. Thursday, March 26, 2015 the book chosen for discussion is “burial rites”, by hanna kent. These books can be purchased from Amazon and Chapters. “burial rites” can be found at the drugstore in Tisdale. If you are interested in attending these book studies please phone the Church Office. (You are responsible for obtaining your own book and to have read the books before the date that the book will be discussed.) For more information please contact the Church Office.
The Ministry and Personnel Committee is looking for some people who would help with various tasks in the Church Office and also help in the office when May is away. If you would like to learn to make up the Sunday Bulletins, or if you can help in any way please contact Peggy Scutchings at 873 5397, Donna Dobson at 873 5417, or May at 873 2424.
The Worship Committee will begin collecting for the Annual Poinsettia Memorial Arrangement Project on Sunday, November 16. ($5.00 per name). Any money that is received over and above the cost of the arrangements will be donated to the M & S Fund. The Memorial Insert will be in the December 14th and 21 bulletins.
YOUTH GROUP. If you are in grade 6 and up and would like to be part of this group please contact Judy Krantz by e mail - jkrantz17@gmail.com, on ‘facebook’, ‘messenger’ or telephone - # 306 873 4270
Circle Conversations will be held after the services on January 11, 2015, February 8, 2015, March 15, 2015, April 12, 2015 and May 10, 2015. These will follow a Finger Food Pot Luck Lunch.
Wee Ones Workshops are being held in the lower hall Tuesday afternoons.
TACACL Cooking programs are held Monday Evenings and/or Wednesday Evenings in the lower hall.
2014 Fall Supper Report
Supper Receipts........................................$5,940.00
Cash Donated for Turkeys/Groceries......$1,917. 00
Sale of Food after Fall Supper...................$ 161.00
Total so far................................................$8,018.00
Thank you to the phoners - Orlah Schell, Jean Reid, Betty Stoker, Vera Billy and Joanne Messer - Organizing Committee Members – Carol McPhee, Joanne Messer, Phyllis Johnson and May Bilash.
Posted September 12, 2014
If you have items for the rummage sale or items for the Thanksgiving display please bring them to the church.
Sunday September 14 there will be a Circle Conversation following the service. There will ba a pot lunch lunch of finger food prior to the Circle Conversation. This is a time to discuss St. Paul's history and our expectation of our minister.
Sunday September 21 Rev. Bill Wall will lead a workshop following the service and Bar B Q. The workshop will inculde talking about the board structure and roles of people involved. This workshop is good in which the whole congregation to participate. There is a sign up sheet on the counter in the foyer.
Sunday school begins Sunday September 21. BBQ will follow the service. Please bring picnic food - salads, dessert or somthing tha you like for picnics. Wieners, buns and refreshments will be provided. Please bring a lawn chair, a plate and cutlery.
Thanksgiving Sunday, October 12 – Things That You Are Thankful For! If you have items for decorating the front of the church please bring them.
- Ideas for things to bring –
- If you paint – bring a fall painting or other painting
- that you like.
- If you do woodwork - bring something that you have made.
- If you have a quilt that is special please bring that.
- If you have items that you are thankful for please bring them
Posted August 19m 2014
If you would like to help with the costs of the Sunday Bulletins please sign the sheet in the Foyer. If you sponsor a bulletin on behalf of a loved one or just want to help your name will be in that bulletin. Bulletins are $11.00 per Sunday. Phone the church office if you have questions about a Sunday Bulletin call 306 873 2424.
The 1st Sunday of each month is Potluck Lunch after the service, also bring your items for the Food Bank or put a money donation in your Sunday Donation Envelope and the amount will be added to your envelope number and forwarded to the Food Bank. For items look on the list in the coat closet above the Food Box.If you have questions please contact Sharon Whiting at 306 873 4646.
Anyone wanting to join either UCW Units, or Women’s Fellowship, please leave your name at the church office. New members are welcome.
If you like singing and would like to be in the Church Choir please leave your name at the church office or contact one of the Choir members.
The Bar B Q for the beginning of Sunday School is being organized by the Worship Committee.
If you can help with Sunday School please let May know 306 873 2424.
If you know of anyone who would like to join our congregation or have their baby baptized please let May know.
Please note. North-East Early Childhood Intervention Program has asked to use St. Paul’s Lower Hall for their Wee Ones Workshops – Parenting/Family Literacy Program Tuesdays starting September 23, 2014 until the end of April 2015. (This will not affect the Rummage Sale in Sept.) Previously TACACL facilitated this program. This is the sixth year this program has been offered.
Sign-up Sheet for 2015 United Church Calendars on the counter in the Foyer.
Sign-up Sheet for lighting the Christ Candle at the beginning of the service and/or leading the beginning of the service (welcome, announcements, etc.) on the counter in the Foyer.
If you would like to help usher on Sundays please contact May at the Church Office – 306 873 2424.
Rev. Sharon’s Sermons are on our website. St. Paul’s website is www.ftlcomm.com/stpauls/ (managed by Timothy Shire)
St. Paul’s email address is stpaulsu@sasktel.net - phone number # 306 873 2424
May will be away from the middle of September until after Thanksgiving. If you can help out in the office for part of the time please let May know (306 873 2424 or 306 873 5143).
Only with your help and financial support will St. Paul’s be successful and be here for many years to come.
Posted May 18, 2014
St. Paul’s will be welcoming our new Interim Minister, Rev. Sharon Ferguson-Hood, July 1st.
St. Paul’s Transition Team Members are Cindy Jordison, Maureen Donald, Mary Grant, Judy Krantz and Alice Newman. Presbytery representatives are Rev. Krystal Sheremeta from Nipawin and Jean Perkins from Codette. This is the group of people that will be working with our new Interim Minister and the Congregation. They need your support and prayers. The next two years will be full of challenges and new choices. The Transition Team is called to work for many extra hours supporting Rev. Ferguson-Hood.
If there is anyone that would be interested in helping organize the Fall Supper please leave your name at the church office.
St. Paul’s had a thank you party May 4th for Maurice Taylor for his many years of playing for the congregation (47 yrs.) Thank you again Maurice.
St. Paul’s welcomes Arlene Breadner to our congregation. Arlene had her membership transferred. If there are any others that would like to transfer their memberships to St. Paul’s please leave your name at the church office.
Thank you to everyone who donated items for the Rummage Sale. Thank you to those of you who helped unpack the items and price them. Thank you to those who helped the three days of the Rummage Sale. Together, look at what we can accomplish!
Camp Tapawingo
Check out the new and improved Camp Tapawingo website – www.camptapawingo.net Camp Tapawingo is the United Church Camp at Candle Lake. Camp clean-up is on May 24th at 10:00 am.
Camp Tapawingo’s Camp Sunday is May 25th – Vesper Hill Service at 11:00 am followed by a potluck lunch.
Posted March 8, 2014
Please remember that Wee Ones Workshops are being held in the lower hall each Tuesday afternoon from 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm until the end of April.
If you have a medium sized adding machine (that requires paper rolls) that you would be willing to donate to the church office we would be grateful. 873-2424.
!!!!!!!Remember!!!!! the Spring Rummage Sale will be May 14, 15, 16. If you have any Rummage that you would like to donate please contact Edith Dahl at 306 873 4416 or Mabel Schmidt at 306 873 4525.
The Spring Tea and Bake Sale will be May 24.
May will be away from the office from March 12 until April 22, 2014. Someone will be in the office Tuesday mornings from 9:00 am until noon. If you require something please leave your name and number on the voicemail – 873 2424 or email the church at stpaulsu@sasktel.net. The telephone messages and email will be monitored.
Camp Tapawingo
Check out the new and improved Camp Tapawingo website
The camp is now accepting applications for employment through the website. Program director, Recreation director, Counsellors, male and female, medical personnel – RN, MD, EMT or hold valid first aid certification, Cook, Cook’s assistant, and Counsellors in Training.
Camp Clean-up is on May 24 at 10:00am
Camp Tapawingo’s Camp Sunday is May 25 – Vesper Hill Service at 11:00 am followed by a potluck lunch
Camp Tapawingo Family and Alumni Camp is on Saturday July 26/July 27.
If you or someone you know would like to go to Camp Tapawingo for these or summer camps please go to the camp website or call the church office at 306 873 2424.
The 2014 Annual Reports are available in the Foyer at the church.
Alice Newman has volunteered to act on a Nominating Committee. We need two or three others on this committee. Please leave your name with May in the office 873 2424 or call Alice -873 5476.
Please Note: There is a black scribbler on the counter in the foyer for anyone that has been visiting people to please write the names of people visited.
Socks for Christmas! Our project for Christmas this year has been items for the North East Outreach and Support Services. Thank you to everyone who has donated items. If you still have items please bring them to the church and they will be taken to Melfort. The ones collected before Christmas were gratefully accepted.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Kids for Goats Fundraiser!!!! There is enough money for 3 Goats!! ($90.00).
No Supper Fall Supper donations totaled $7469.00 as of December 31, 2013.
Wanted! A Visitor Coordinator. We have many members who are compassionate visitors to members of our congregation and others: however, we need someone to coordinate this visiting so we do not miss those who may be in need or just enjoy a friendly visit. If you can help or are willing to be part of a team please let May in the church office know. (306 873 2424)
Calling Lakes Centre needs: Twin Sheet Sets(White), Twin Quilts, bathmats, curtains, pillows, 70 round table cloths, white latex paint, sturdy vacuum cleaner and/or financial help. Information is on the Bulletin Board!
We still need an alternate Pianist/Organist. If you would consider sharing your talent please do.
Minute for Mission Prairie Sanctuary
A number of educational centres across Canada are accredited and supported by grants from the United Church. Hear the story of a special place in the midst of the Prairies.
The Spirit is alive and well in Saskatchewan’s Qu Applelle Valley. Home to Aboriginal and Metis people, it s also home to the United Church s Calling Lakes Centre. For 60 years, people have been studying and learning in its understated buildings. But it s time for a renewal. A major campaign is under way to make the centre more financially and environmentally sustainable.
People have called the centre a Prairie treasure. Many still think of it by its original name, the Prairie Christian Training Centre. Every year, an average of 550 people attend workshops and retreats there. They come from universities, schools, labour unions, and church groups of all descriptions and they all leave with a renewed sense of purpose and peace in their lives.
Calling Lakes also hosts the important Designated Lay Ministry Program, training lay ministers from across Canada. The centre has a unique place in the life of the Prairies and the United Church. The Mission and Service Fund helps Calling Lakes meet its frugal budget. Please continue to give to the United Church so that education centres like Calling Lakes can provide sanctuary and space to contemplate life s deeper questions, as well as train our leaders for the future.
Every gift to the church’s mission and service is used wisely and helps transform lives. Please continue to give generously.
Philippines appeal
$526.00 was sent to Head Office for Philippine Relief. Thank you to all who supported this project.
Moderator Gary Paterson is urging all United Church members to join him in donating to the Emergency Appeal for the Philippines. Donations go directly to our Philippine church partners, then to those most in need.
Jesus’ words in Matthew to satisfy hunger and thirst (Matt. 25:36) call us as members of the church to respond to those in need.
The need is great. We are able to respond quickly through United Church partners in the Philippines and ACT Alliance Philippines. They have the capacity to direct funds where the need is greatest. We are already there.
Three things the people of The United Church of Canada can do:
We encourage you to:
1. Donate to provide immediate support and long term rebuilding for those impacted by Typhoon Haiyan
2. Pray for those affected and those engaged in relief efforts
3. Learn more about the issues surrounding this disaster and United Church of Canada partners
All donations received BY DECEMBER 8TH will be matched by our Canadian government.
ACT Alliance partners on the ground in the Philippines are co-ordinating relief and reconstruction efforts.
Share this with your friends.
Donate Online Now
We need people to help organise this fund raiser! Remember, the first Sunday of each month is Potluck Lunch after the service, also bring your items for the Food Bank or put a money donation in your Sunday donation envelope and the amount will be added to your envelope number and forwarded to the Food Bank.
Anyone wanting to join either UCW units or Women’s Fellowship please leave your name at the church office.
If you like singing and would like to be in the church choir please leave your name at the church office or contact one of the choir members.
If you can help with Sunday school please let Deanna Gruending know.
If you know of anyone who would like to join our congregation or have their baby baptised please let May know.
We need pianist/organists to help with our Sunday services. Please let us know if you would like to help.
May will be away in September at a family gathering. Someone will monitor the office phone and email.
If you would like to sponsor a Sunday bulletin for 2014 please sign your name on the sheet on the counter in the foyer and leave a cheque for $11.00 with May in the church Office. We use 60 – 70 bulletins for each Sunday during the year except for summer. The bulletins come in packs of 50 at $5.50 each so one Sunday bulletin would be $11.00. If you would like a loved one remembered a certain Sunday we can acknowledge them in that bulletin.
If you have items to put in the Coming Events please let May know.
If you would like offering envelopes please leave your name on the list in the Foyer. Income tax receipts will be issued at the end of the year.