The Week of February 20 to 26, 2000
- Sunday

February 20, 2000
This is the 6:40 predawn sky of this morning. The cirrus has pretty much left the
sky now and we are experiencing an outstanding later winter day. There may be some
material added to Ensign later today so you might check back later to see if there
is anything new, thanks for dropping by today, I would love to hear
from you
Nipawin Takes Game One
- Monday
February 21, 2000
Edge of the seats stuff as Tisdale Ramblers and Nipawin Knights begin best of seven
playoff semi final series. See pictures and summary of the game.
Bantam Provincials; Melville over Tisdale 7 - 2
- Monday
February 21, 2000
Fans had an exciting hockey game Sunday night to see as Melville pretty much dominated
play in the first game of a two game total point series.
- Setting Flames

- Monday
February 21, 2000
Taken at 6:00 last night just West of town includes a 90 degrees QuickTime panorama.
Honourable Janice MacKinnon and the NDP
Government: Spin-doctoring the Truth
- Tuesday
February 22, 2000
Trying to make the very negative reality into something palitable is stretching the
margins of believeability as crime, poverty and deteriating social conditions can
no longer be hidden from the rest of the country. Mario deSantis let's us consider
and question the methods uses to explain away our really bad situation.
- Tractors of the Quarter Section Farm

- Tuesday
February 22, 2000
Today we take a look at this impressive collection of engines from half a century
To Market
- Wednesday
February 23, 2000
Private custom trucking operations provide needed services to livestock producers.
- February

- Wednesday
February 23, 2000
This is the lumpy sky we have in Tisdale this morning (8:45) but today promises to
be another above zero day check on this story to see how people are coping with the
warm weather.
This Little Ford Of Mine
- Thursday
February 24, 2000
Gerry Crawford at Greenwater Provincial Park provides us with some needed details
on the picture of Ford tractors we had earlier this week and shows us his working
version of one of these outstanding machines.
Deomcracy and Human Rights in Saskatchewan
- Thursday
February 24, 2000
Mario deSantis is taking issue with the underlying attitudes portrayed by the governments
provincially and federally as he explains their increasing tendancy to ignore basic
human rights.
Ramblers Take Lead in Best of 7 Series
- Thursday
February 24, 2000
Here is a game report with lots of pictures of last night's game against the Nipawin
- Thursday

February 24, 2000
A pretty glorious way for the sun to say "good-morning" this picture taken
just before sunrise today show the extensive low level cloud cover and the stratus
layers above.
Humboldt Bantam "AA" Broncos 5 - 3
- Friday
February 25, 2000
First game in a two game total point series in the Centre 4 leagues playoffs began
last night and the Ramblers were defeated 5 - 3. See this story for pictures and
a game report.
Mud Season Already
- Friday
February 25, 2000
The wet season has arrived a bit early as this picture was taken Thursday afternoon
just before it began to rain.
- Saskatchewan Health Care: Mississippi Burning
Februrary 26, 2000
Mario deSantis points out the circle of blame and the need to break the circle and
sort out the administrative problems.