FTLComm - Tisdale - Saturday, August 11, 2001

With the structure in place and the shingles on its time for the new Golden Age Centre to begin to have the finer elements installed.

Electricians have been at work this past week wiring the building and their work has progressed very quickly. SaskPower is expected to get an underground line shoveled in shortly and SaskTel has already been on site mapping out their process of getting service to the building.

A multipurpose building like this one requires a lot of planning and second guessing as to what will its need be in the future and making adequate provision for those anticipated activities.

The service was installed last week and is on the outside of the West side of the building.

The electrical lines are being run to the outlets and switches then wrapped with plastic so that dry walling can be accomplished easily around the boxes.

The working plans below show the details of the wiring process and are constantly being referred.

In addition the plumbing is starting to be installed as you can see in the bottom picture.

The carpenters have taken this past week off for a bit of a holiday but will be back on the job soon ready to install the drywall and exterior cladding