Bj Madsen presents Gerry McLellan with his Bronze Award |
Parkland Photography Club
May 2011 |
Tisdale, Friday, May 27, 2011 by: Darlene McCullough |
President |
Neil Anderson |
873-2356 |
Vice President |
BJ Madsen |
Sec./Treasurer |
Darlene McCullough |
873-2030 |
24 May 2011
Parkland Photography Club met in the Doghide Gallery on Tuesday, May 24, for their last meeting of this year. In the absence of President, Neil Anderson, Vice- President Bj Madsen chaired the meeting. He welcomed the eight members present as well as a visitor Don Barbour.
Theme shoot ideas had been suggested so the next step is for each member to select his top eight choices and send that list to Gerry McLellan who will compile the theme shoot list for next year from the topics that received the largest number of votes.
Gerry McLellan was presented with his Bronze Award for accumulating over one hundred club points. Congratulations, Gerry!
Bj Madsen will continue with his communication with the Tisdale museum staff and try to arrange a date in June for a club photo shoot at the museum. Further details will be emailed to members when the plans are complete.
Members were informed that the Tisdale Parade will be held on June 18 as members often like to take photos at that event.
Some members agreed to let their names stand for various positions on the executive for the next year but since there were many members not in attendance, the formal election was deferred until the September meeting.
Bj Madsen presented some interesting material on depth of field using many definitions.
Depth of field is the distance between the nearest and the furthest object in a scene that appear acceptably sharp or the part of a picture which appears to be in focus. A deep depth of field leads the eye through the image where a shallow depth of field draws attention to the subject. Depth of field is affected by the distance from the camera to the subject as well as the size of the lens opening. The circle of confusion is the fuzzy blob caused by something out of focus. His use of many photos helped to illustrate these points.
There were four entries in this month's theme shoot which was Sports in Action. Following the judging of these, First place went to Albert Orban for his photo of a chuckwagon race, second place to Anne McIntosh for her water skier, and third place to Gerry McLellan for his soccer game.
The next meeting of the Parkland Photography Club will be on Tuesday, September 27. Come and join us as we begin a new year of exploring the joys of photography.
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Editor : Timothy W. Shire
Faster Than Light Communication
Box 1776, Tisdale, Saskatchewan, Canada, S0E 1T0
306 873 2004 |