President Neil Anderson welcomed seventeen members and one guest, Stephanie Painchaud, to the Parkland Photography Club meeting held in the Doghide Gallery on Tuesday, November 23. He had aspecialGeneration Now project for the three young members of the club - Tye Wallington, Hannah and Jillian Anderson. They are each to bring two photos to the January meeting - a before and an after (changes made to the original photo) photo.
Juliana van Jaarsveld shared a few of her photos with the group and these were discussed with Gerry McLennan volunteering to share some of his at the January meeting.
Darlene McCullough thanked the sixteen members who submitted images to be used for the slide show presentations at the senior residences and Alan Caithcart for putting these images into a slide show format. Albert Orban agreed to assist Darlene with these presentations and Darlene invited the other members at attend as many of these as they could.
A tentative date of Thursday, February 10 was selected for the Shutterbug Show. Members will each have about five enlargements of their photos ready to display at the Doghide Gallery that evening. They will then be left on display there for a few days.
The theme shoot for this meeting was "Fall Colours". This proved to be very popular and there were sixteen entries. First place went to Daylene Wallington, second place to Lia Boxall and third place to Albert Orban.
Albert Orban supplied the lunch for this meeting and then the slide show was presented to the members. Some suggestions for fine-tuning it were made and Alan Caithcart will make those changes. Copies of the slide show are available from him for $2 each.
The next meeting of the photo club members will be held on Tuesday, January 25 when they will be judging the entries to the Russell Competition which is hosted by the Prairie Region of Photographic Arts.
We wish our readers a Merry Christmas with our best wishes for a safe and happy time spent with their friends and families! |