President |
Anne McIntosh |
752-4042 |
Vice President |
Neil Anderson |
873-2356 |
Sec./Treasurer |
Darlene McCullough |
873-2030 |
Nineteen members of the Parkland Photography Club met in the Doghide Gallery on Tuesday, April 28. Welcome to new members Katherine and Hannah Ukrainetz.
Guest presenter at this meeting was Geoff Payton, president and founder of the Northern Image Photographers in Prince Albert. Geoff attributes the success and growth of their club to their stress on having fun with no competition among members. They enjoy a lot of community involvement with about seventy photos on display in the city; they go on many shoots; and they sponsor a "Weekend in the Woods" outing every June and September. Geoff instructs photography classes once a week so he has lots of prepared lessons on photography.
The topic he chose for this presentation was "Simplifying and Improving Photography". The concepts he presented were illustrated with many images.
- Have a strong centre of interest and fill the frame.
- Watch for distractions in the photo.
- Try a vertical format.
- Careful use of foreground interest can add depth and a sense of scale.
- Apply the rule of thirds.
- Leave room for the subject to move toward the middle of the photo.
- Change the angle, distance, lens, time of day, season to see how that affects the photo.
- Be creative. Take shots of pieces that represent the whole.
- Self-critique your images.
We asked Geoff to judge and critique our theme shoot images for this month. The topic was "Hoar Frost" and we had sixteen entries. First place went to Julie Golding Page for her "Steel Filigree" ; second place to Edwin Brehmer for his "Ghostly Aura" (above); and third place to Jillian Anderson for her "Rock Frost" (bottom of page). While he was critiquing these photos he gave us some hints on the use of reflectors and stated that the only filter he uses very often is a polarizer. He urged us to try lots of cropping on our photos.
Thanks to Alie and Glen Neish for supplying the lunch for this meeting.
Following the lunch break, Geoff presented a slide show of photos taken at the "Weekend in the Woods" which is held at one of the northern lakes. Some of the lakes they have chosen for their site are Anglin Lake, McPhee Lake, Candle Lake, La Ronge, Sandy, and Little Bear.
President Anne McIntosh thanked Geoff for sharing his knowledge with us. She also reminded members of the "Transparency Battle" in Saskatoon on Sunday, May 3. Theme shoot suggestions for next year were to be handed in to her at this meeting.
The next meeting will be held at 7:00 PM in the Doghide Gallery on Tuesday, May 26.