President |
Glenn Galloway |
752-3711 |
Vice President |
Anne McIntosh |
752-4042 |
Sec./Treasurer |
Darlene McCullough |
873-2030 |
Twelve members were present for the October meeting in the Doghide Gallery. A special welcome to returning member, Susan Morgan.
No slides were submitted for the Gleneath Foto Fun Competition so Darlene will inform them that we would like to participate if it becomes a digital competition as we now shoot mainly in the digital format.
Third, "Fall Reflections" by Hannah Anderson |
Submissions for the club photo show to be shown at the senior residences are to be given to Alan Caithcart who will make a slide show DVD of them. These can be digital images on a CD or 4 x 6 prints.
Since we prefer to judge the entries for the monthly theme shoots using a lap top and a digital projector, Alan has purchased a 4 x 6 print scanner for us to use for this purpose.
There were eight entries in this month’s theme shoot – reflection(s). First went to Mary Wright for her photo taken along the Leather River, second to Jillian Anderson who creatively threw a stone in the river to create her image, and third to Hannah Anderson who took her photo in the same location as her sister but when the water was calm. All eight entries in this theme shoot were exceptionally good!
For our summer outing we had visited the 4 Seasons Greenhouse and Plants O’ Plenty to photograph flowers. Members submitted their images to Jerry Crawford who selected some from each member and made these into a DVD slide show with music. Jerry projected this for us to view and it was certainly colourful with many great images!
Darlene has been asked to do a presentation of photos to the Garden Club in Tisdale on November 21st and Alan agreed to let her use his lap top and digital projector for this.
Mary provided an extra special lunch of angel food cake, strawberries, and ice cream as this is the last meeting that long time members Jerry and Doreen Crawford will be with us. They contributed a great deal to our photo club over the years and we wish them well as they begin a new phase of their lives in Saskatoon. We will certainly miss them and invite them to come and share with us any time they happen to be in Tisdale on a meeting night.
The next meeting will be held in the Doghide Gallery on Tuesday, November 27th at 7:00 PM.