February 27th, 2007: Twelve members and two guests attended the February meeting of Parkland Photography Club. A Warm welcome to Karen Oleksyn and Phyllis Hunter. We hope to see more of you!
There were seven entries to the theme shoot. Topic was “Children” and Tibbie Frazer won first with her photo of three little kids in a swimming pool. Runners-up were Glenn Galloway’s photo of two little girls at a birthday party, and Albert Orban’s photo of three happy-looking kids on a toboggan at the bottom of a hill.
We scanned the entries and projected them with Alan’s digital projector. Despite some problems with a cantankerous computer, the results were far better than using the opaque projector.

There were several technical questions asked: Mary asked if photos deleted from a digital card could be recovered; Alan replied that programmes were available on-line that would do that, provided the pictures in question had not been over-written or the card formatted.
Glenn Galloway had a problem with a conventional slide projector – sometimes the slides would advance two or three at a time instead of singly. Nobody present had had this problem, but there was a suggestion of a dirty control, either in the remote or in the projector. That would be the first thing to check.
Doreen had a sheet with a bunch of photographic tips which she passed out to members.
It is not too early to start planning for our annual outing. Last year’s outing was cancelled on account of weather, and a fall-back to July or August never seems to work. Should we plan for late May with an alternate date in June? Bring suggestions to the next meeting.
Alie Neish demonstrated a Canon compact photo printer she recently purchased. It uses a dye-sublimation (ribbons) process and special paper, and prints a bit larger than 4” x 6”. It will print directly from a memory card so doesn’t need a computer. Cost of the printer was about $129, and cost to operate about 39¢ per print. It did a very good job of printing and would be great on a trip.
There were thirteen slides submitted for the Transparency Battle. They were projected and judged and the top-scoring eight slides will be entered.
Alan had added big-band music to the club’s slide show; it was projected and enjoyed by all. The music had to be toned down so that Darlene’s commentary could be heard.
Darlene and Tibbie said the slide show has been very well received wherever it was shown. Alan had made copies, and these were available to members for $3 each.
Our next meeting will be March 27th. Theme is “Comfort”:
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Faster Than Light Communication
Box 1776, Tisdale, Saskatchewan, Canada, S0E 1T0
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