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May 23rd, 2006: Parkland Photography Club held its May meeting on May 23rd with nine members attending.
Darlene reported that the PRPA outing scheduled for June has been cancelled due to lack of registrations. It may be re-scheduled to September to coincide with Saskatoon Camera Club’s annual meeting.
There were a lot of topics submitted for next year’s Theme Shoots, and these were weeded down to those on the right:
Theme pictures can be taken any time after this meeting, but not before.
Our Annual Outing was discussed, and it was decided to have it on Saturday, June 17th, and to go to Bellevue, Batoche, Duck Lake and Fort Carlton. Members will make their own arrangements for car-pooling, and we will meet at Bellevue at 11:30.
Doreen had borrowed two VHS tapes on photography from the library in Porcupine Plain. She and Jerry had viewed them and considered Photography 101 to be a useful tape for a meeting, and will be borrowed again for one of next year’s meetings. The one on wildlife photography was aimed at movie photographers or videographers and considered of less interest to our Club.
Several Club members will attend the Relay for Life in Tisdale June 2nd and 3rd and provide the committee with digital photos of events.
Election of officers was held. Wes Swan was Vice President but has moved away, so Doreen agreed to stay on as President for another year. Mary Wright will be Vice President; Darlene McCullough will continue as Secretary Treasurer, and Jerry Crawford as Newsletter Editor.

The following Merit Awards were presented: Alie Neish, Silver Medal / Doreen Crawford, Gold Medal / Mary Wright, Key Fob / Darlene McCullough, Mug and Tibby Frazer, Mug.
Tibby Frazer brought lunch and by this time it was dark enough for the projector, so we showed our Theme Pictures. Theme was “Sticky” and there were six entries. First went to Jenny Fritshaw for her photo of a beautiful child with chocolate icing all over her face. Second was won by Albert Orban for his photo of a man holding a honey comb and licking his finger, and third to Jerry Crawford for his photo of an angry-looking girl with duct tape over her mouth.
Alie and Glen Neish showed us a showcase of photos they had taken on two trips – one to Wyoming, and the other to the Maritimes. They are both accomplished photographers and their photos a joy to look at.
For our September meeting: Doreen and Jerry Crawford will bring a showcase of their recent work.
Members are reminded to bring at least twenty photos - slides, prints, or digital photos - for the Club’s slide show.
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Editor : Timothy W. Shire
Faster Than Light Communication
Box 1776, Tisdale, Saskatchewan, Canada, S0E 1T0
306 873 2004