There were nine members at Parkland Photography
club’s May 17th meeting, but only four entries to the theme competition.
The theme was “Clouds” and first we had a discussion on whether that meant
clouds and only clouds, or if other elements such as bits of landscape could be included.
It was decided that the important thing was that “Clouds” be the main point
of the picture.

First went to Alan Caithcart for his photo of a towering hail cloud, titled
“Nature’s Fury”.(right) Runners-up were Doreen Crawford’s “Clouds of
fire" (above) and Darlene McCullough’s “Red Sunrise”(below).
Jerry undertook to make some judging cards that will take into account the
elements of photo judging, such as titles, technical elements, impact, etc. The trick
will be to make it as uncomplicated and easy to use as possible.
Darlene presented the Club’s financial statement. Our cash position has declined
over the year, but the decline is offset by an inventory of slide film. A decision
was made at the Transparency Battle that the Club buy some slide film to sell
to members, to encourage them to take slides over the summer. Unfortunately, slide
film is getting hard to find. The next problem might be finding someone to process
Darlene also reported on the Transparency Battle, which we thought
was very well run, interesting and informative. She wrote a letter to Northern
Images Club complementing them on a job well done.
We will not have to do any judging for PRPA next year, so will have more time
for our own projects. Darlene gave us a list of what should be done and when,
such as entries for various PRPA competitions, slides for our slide show,
Gleneath will not be holding their Foto Fun contest this year but will
be making a slide show of winners from the past five years to circulate to participating
Our June 4th outing was discussed; we will meet at the Museum at St. Brieux
at 10:30 in the morning, tour the museum, then have a picnic lunch and do a little
shooting at the Regional Park. We will carry on to Bellevue’s Visitor Centre,
where there is a miniature village set up, a museum, and a display of local crafts.
Don’t forget your slide film!
Elections took place in the usual quick and simple manner: Doreen moved up
to the president’s position; Wes is the Vice President, Darlene
continues as Secretary Treasurer, and Jerry as Newsletter Editor.
After a tasty lunch provided by Alan, we went on to the serious business of
picking themes for the up-coming club year, and the following is the result:
September — Table- Ready Food
October - Simplicity
November — Flower(s)
January — Wheel(s)
February — Doubles
March - Morning
April — Complexity
May — Sticky
Project for September: A Summer Event - bring up to six photos per member
Tentatively for January: Centennial Project — People, Places, Events, etc.
— Bring up to six photos per member.
Next regular meeting will be Tuesday, September 27th, 7 PM at the Kin Hall
in Tisdale.