Messages from France, sixty years after "D"
Mondeville, France - Thursday, July 1, 2004 by : Bernard de Maussion |

Following my E mall of the 21 of this month, you will herewith find the newspaper
cuttings of the regional newspaper A OUEST-FRANCE)) (regional I"daily of France)
which report from the 9 to June 15 the majority of the ceremonies in homage to Canadian.
In particular, there is that of the cemetery of CINTHEAUX with the presence of Mrs
Adrienne CLARKSON, governor general of CANADA.
I have just visited recently the museum Canadian A Centre JUNO BEACH, which opened
the last year has COURSEULLES ON SEA (or General IE of GAULLE has debarque return
of hgleterre). Have included museum brochure. (you can download
the brochure for printing click here
for the inside and here for the outside)
To thank you for your syrnpathic intervention, I address a postcard (above) to you
on the day with Istamps commemorative 1944-2004.
For information. the village of ST CONTEST BURON is has approximately 2 km in the
North-West of CAEN.
THERE is a recent association called flowers of the memory which gathers flowers
for the tombs of the soldiers in Americains cemeteries of COLLEVILLE ON SEA (Apple-brandy)
and ST JAMES (Handle) and it is from this example that I developed my interest towards
our Canadian cousins
My favourite part is the gate at CINTHEAUX of a score of kilometres in the south
of CAEN, in direction (and edge precisely) on the road to Falaise. I was impressed
with the tomb stone of Philip HARPER. He was twenty-eight and close to my age of
thirty-one. This war established a connection with the Canadian nation. Your valorous
soldiers, iiberators of the Caen-native plain, have left their mark on our memory
for always. My gesture is quite modest compared to their sacrifices. Thanks to your
intervention, you have contributed extending and increasing this testimony which
is so important to me.
Your help has really been appreciated. |
back of the postcard
Editor's note: Using the tools available and my Corn Flakes box French I have
attempted to provide you with a very rough translation of the material send to me
these eleven priceless clippings. So you might understand the process I used the
clippings were all scanned then using Adobe Photoshop they were converted
to PDFs then they were loaded into Adobe Acrobat and processed in OCR (optical
character reader). The text was then removed and placed in Apple's Sherlock,
the errors and special characters fixed then translated. I then took the translation
and tried to make it readable. Many common words used in these newspaper articles
are not found in online French to English dictionaries so, indeed there are
errors but I thought the material so important that errors or not you needed to see
this stuff.
Inscription to remember Canadians
June 7, 1944, Bretteville was liberated by the Canadians of the Regina
Rifle's. The commemoration of this event took place monday with a service. Nearly
a hundred people attended the
blessing by the priest of the Parish Saint-Marc-en-Plaine Loic Cavellec. He spoke
with some emotion of the sacrifice of these valorous and young soldiers from so far
away, who came to fight for liberty of France and defend the liberty of mankind.
After the placing of wreathes in homrnage to the Canadian soldiers, by the children
of the school, the Canadian and French anthems were played and sung by the people
who attended the ceremony.
The story inscribed of the Canadian Regina Rifle’s Monday June 7 of the liberation
of the community.

Canada’s Governor General presides at the
ceremony at the Cintheaux cemetery
Adrienne Clarkson, Canada’s head of state, gave hommage to veterans Tuesday morning
at the military cemetery of Cintheaux
Paying their respects were sixty Canadian veterans, Tuesday morning at the Canadian
military cemetery of Cintheaux, between Caen and Falaise, where 2,959 of their comrades
died in combat during the Battle of Normandy. The Governor General of Canada. Adrienne
Clarkson, was underlining the memory of blood lost in the battle for Falaise.
Michel Le Baron, the mayor of Cintheaux, reflrected: “You were all volunters, many
of you very young, like Gerard Dore, fifteen years nine months, which rests here.
Dear veterans, the many children admire you. though you grow old, they are beautiful,
the veteran Canadlans.”
Four-hundred twenty-two veteran Americans joined in this memorial ceremony. Before
leaving the cemetery, Adrienne Clarkson went through the rows to shake hands with
the veterans and sign in gold. |
400 guests at street dinner are the idols of the French
The three teachers of the nursery school of Bernières had made realize
with their schoolboys of the sets of table, which were offered to the veterans, with
other creations of association Visual arts.
A great dinner of street was organized Sunday evening, for the idols of the French
by the municipality. More than 400 guests, of which the half of Bernierais, were
present. All were found around the tables, decorated for the occasion by association
with the Visual arts. The meals, composed of kir, cold meats with chips and apple
tarts were prepared by the Brewery of the Range, and were looked after by
many elected officials and who voluntered.
Great exchanges of gifts proceeded throughout the evening. The Canadians offered
flags, pins and splendid works on Canada and its history. They received, the badge
of chest by rnaire, Maryvonne Mottin. But also of the objects of decoration of the
Visual arts and the sand bottles of Bernieres.
As for Catherine Ehrismann, director of the day care centre, accompanied by her daughter
and two schoolgirls to give to each veteran a set of table placemats realise by the
children of the nursery school, collaboration with their three teachers. A large
emotion was released from these exchanges, bring back memories and anecdotes of Canadians.
Ashes of a Canadian to the monument
The veterans collected themselves in front of the Canadian monument of Buron,
Monday morning.
A moving ceremony was held Monday morning, place of Canadians, at Buron. Ten Canadian
veterans were collected in front of the monument of the memory.
The members of the Friends of Canada have accuellll Monday morning ten Canadian
veterans of Highland Light Infantry. They found place of Canadlens, la Buron,
to honour the heroes.
The ceremony began with the moving reading of the names by the Canadian soldiers
died for the release by Buron, in July 1944. After the laying of wreathes and the
Canadian and French anthems, two young Canadians advanced towards the monument. They
deposited a small black urn, containing ashes of the reverend lieutenant-colonel
John McMorran Anderson (1913-2004). These young people are two of its granddaughters.
"He loved the Highland light Infantry regiment and' occupied of the rescue station.
July 9, 1944 at end of the battle of Saint Contest, it had the painful task to identify
all the dead Canadians", tells Dorntnique Barbe, impassioned historian of the
Canadian army.
The chaplain returned regularly to Buron and had remained attached to this piece
of France. The two young girls explained with a great emotion. “Our grandfather always
wished that after its death, his ashes rest here, at Buron. It is now done.” His
ashes will be entenees in front of the monument. Saint-Contestois present were particularly
Praise postcards the assoclation of the Friends of Canada organizes a sale
of postcards of Saint-Contest, sale of the day, Sunday June 13, of 9 a.m. a 18 H,
a the church hall (place of the Town hall).
Homage of the population to the Canadian veterans
Monday afternoon, Colombellois had an appointment at the foot of the war memorial
located in the meadows of the eole Henri-Saddler. It was a question of paying
homage to the Quebecois veterans of the regiment of Chaudiere who released
Colombelles in June 1944.
A group of combatants of the first hour members of that Canadian unit were present.
The ceremony took place in the presence of a deligation of the French regiment Spahis
de Valence based on Plate.
Traditionally, after laying of wreathes, Hake Sweat, the mayor, and his assistant
Marc Pottier gave the medal of the City to the Canadian veterans.
At the time of the handing-over of the medal of the City to the Quebecqois veterans,
regiment of Chaudière.
One day homage to the Canadian liberators
For this sixtieth birthday of the Release, the community had put the small dishes
in the large ones. Helped by many volunteers, and equipped with a very important
logistics, greeting the five Canadian regiments went very well.
For several months, the community has worked toward greeting five Canadian regiments
in order to pay to them homage for this sixtieth birthday. Once again, the fabulous
team of volunteers have achieved miracles. As regards the more practical questions,
it was necessary to decorate the room omnlsports for the evening meal, this event
came so close to the evening of the Mother's Day. It was necessary to combine preparations
for both events.
Naturally, things went very well. At 5:30, under a blazing sun, the ceremony could
begin in the presence of Mister the sub-prefect, of the 18e rt and of Jacques
Nourry. chair Julo group. Daniel Morin, mayor of common. During his speech
of welcome he gave recognition of all with respect to all these men who died to release
the community. Then, it was the turn for Jacques Nourry to make a very moving
speech in remembering the victims this war. This bilingual ceremony, was the occasion
to uncover the inscription honouring the canadlens liberateurs. They gave one medal
to the 25 very moved veterans. Then, there was the realease of a huge number of balloons
by the children of nursery school, provided with messages of peace that closed the
A delegation of the elderly combatants, accompanied by three Canadians placed two
wreathes on the other markers in the community. The Canadians were very moved by
this gesture.
Then, for our Canadian friends there were some superb photographs read stories in
English and French. Glass of the friendship was passed out before awaiting dinner.
The children were excited at the display of twenty-five military vehicles. The children
had genuine empathy with the Canadian veterans who were very moved by the youth paying
homage to them. The allies had brought small plastic mementoes which they handed
The official reception a soiree, was held in an excellent environment. The outstanding
orchestrated of Didier Taffle played songs of time, but also of the pieces
well from on our country like the "cancan".
The Canadlens did not hesitate to sing along, and play of the music of their country.
The evening ended with fireworks.
Twenty-five Canadian veterans received a medal offered by the commune in thanks
of their courage and their bravery at the time of the liberation.
Thirty-eight Canadian chorus-singers in concert
The Cadeton choral society made up of thirty-eight chorus-singers and a pianist.
Tuesday evening. At spaces Intercommunal of Coisel presented the Chorus of Carleton
University from Ottawa - Ontario - Canada in the tallies of Internationales the university
meetings of choir singing organized by regional choral universltaire of Caen.
In front of a room and charmed by the quality of this performance, the 38 Canadian
chorus-singers and Katarina Jovic, the pianist, gave a one hour programme,
under the direction of Lisette Canton, a spectacle of very high level accompanied
by constant applause.
Inscriptions in the 6 * inscriptions for I' entered into 6 with the Guy-of-Maupassant
college will take place according to the following calendar: Saturday June 12, of
8 a.m. 45 a 11. 30, inscriptions and greeting by 1' equlpe of direction; Monday June
14 and Tuesday 15, of 1 p.m. 30 a 16. 30 inscriptions only; Wednesday June 16, of
8 a.m. 15 a 11. 45. inscriptions only.
A street for Queen's own Rifle of Canada
In front of the street named for Queen's Own Rifle-of-Canada.
Saturday morning, many inhabitant came for a ceremony to recognise the Canadian
regiment, Queen's own Rifle of Canada, Iiberator of the community.
The ceremonies of Romance of the 60th anniversary continue Saturday, in the presence
of veterans of Queen's own Rifle of Canada, the municipality inaugurated a
street which bears from now on, the name of this regiment
Alain Yaouanc, the mayor, renewed the thanks of the popuiation towards those
which came to release the community, then the country.
In the presence of personalities, it was a veteran who cut the tricolour ribbon,
thus baptizing a new place carrying one of the names of the Canadian regiments having
taken part in the release of the community.
Disappeared from Queen's Own Riffles of Canada: Mr.
The Veteran sings by Elodie
The veterans if Queens Own Rifles of Canada
In front of the newly set up cenotaph close to Eeglise, in the presence of personalities,
The mayor Roger Alexandre received the veterans of Queen's Own Rifles of Canada
in recognition of their deeds. These former soldiers fought on the territory of Mesnil-Patry
at the time of the release of the community June 11, 1944. 125 were killed in a few
hours at the time of the release of the community. Last week we received a number
of men of Queen's Own Rifles and of First Hussards, Roger Alexandre
underlined. It is in their memory that the new cenotaph was inaugurated. They will
not age like us as they sacrificed their lives. Each one of us have the right to
live released of the yoke of a dictatorship, Brigitte Brethon, deputy placed wreathes
on the monument as well as flowers by the children. Mr. The veteran was then
interpreted by Elodte. A testimony of recognition by young people.
Unveiling of plaque for the Canadian tank memorial
revealing of the plaques of the Bold tank.
A large group of people assisted Monday revealing, the Canadian tank memorial, of
the plaques of the Chaudiere regiment and of the Royal Support Corp.
Monday, the 18th regiment of transmission which Captain Giner accompanied,
was reviewed by Colonel Hus with, Remy Simon and Maurice Perraton,
former president of ex-serviceman. Then two plates were unveiled with the Bold
tank. Veterans of the reglments, all ex-serviceman of D-Day: John KIrkpatrick
(Royal Body intendance); Lorenz Tremblay and Romuald Douellet
(Regiment of Chaudiere) took part at this ceremony witnessed by a hundred
people. There was a reception at the town hall, Remy Simon, has said: “We
are proud to honour you in recognition of your action taken throughout these years
of war. The regiment of Chaudiere is a name emblematic of Bernieres.” Supply officer
with the Royal Body Intendance, the mayor recalled that the accesses of Courseulles
was a nerve centre for your operations while you were in the neighbourhoods with
deposits of weapons and ammunition apres coming ashore. Maurice Perraton,
the French deligate of the Canadian tank memorial, cordially was thanked by the president
of the regiment of Chaudiere Jean-Yves Larochelle and the chief of
the deligation of the Royal Body intendance of Canada. A flag of the town
of Courseulles, was presented to each regiment.
Giberville accomodates
the Canadian delegation taken along by Brian Budden (at left), in front of the
war memorial of the commune
Giberville accomodated, Wednesday, the last of its liberators of 1944.
In this year of commemoration of the 60th birthday of the arrival of the allies on
the continent, the veterans of the 8th brigade of the Queens Own Rifles of Canada,
released Giberville on July 18, 1944. Beginning at 1 19 H a the town hall for the
departure of a marching brass band of ex-serviceman and Canadian the delegation accompanied
by the people of Giberville. They arrived fifteen minutes later in front of the plaque
of the street Harry-Hawkins, the mayor, Jean-Francois Romy addressed
the gathering and those people at their windows in the street. “Harry Henry Hawkins,
a thirty-nine year old father liberated our city.” There was a minute of silence
before the national anthems of France and Canada were played.
The Canadian delegation then delivered in ithe street, each veteran handed out a
plasticized document in the memory of Harry Henry Hawkins
and brigade of the release.
The gathering then returned towards the town hall, to the war memorial of the community,
where the mayor again addressed the population while reconsidering more precisely
the conditions of the release of Giberville: After having moved to the centre, the
ninth section tried a push toward the station but was stopped by a violent German
offensive. Their only solution was an artillery response. At this point in time Hawkins
decided to remain on the spot to cover the retreat of his comrades. He died fighting
out of ammunition.” the mayor was grateful for peace and the Franco-Canadian friendship
before inviting everyone present a to drink at the community village hall.
Bernard de Maussion
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Editor : Timothy W. Shire
Faster Than Light Communication
Box 1776, Tisdale, Saskatchewan, Canada, S0E 1T0
306 873 2004