Friday, September 13, 2002 |
Ensign Front
Volume 5, N. 115
0900 Friday - Overcast, strato-cumulus 5/10ths
bases 8,000 alto-stratus 3/10ths, visibility 15, 17º, wind 15 knots at 290,
altimeter 29.57, 1/10th rain----- -WeatherLog
- Fall of
2002 begins
- Friday
September 13, 2002
With a shower early this morning and another on the way the leaves are turning and
swirls of fallen one twist in the morning wind.
Walls, walls, walls
- Friday
September 13, 2002
Rise Construction has begun assembling the actual restaurant structure of the new
Tisdale A&W.
"Give the man a bone"
- Friday
September 13, 2002
This week Paul Martin released figures about the money coming into his campaign but
the figures are just a fraction of what is being spent. Joe Hueglin is not impressed.
Terry Fox Run - Tisdale Elementary School
- Friday
September 13, 2002
Inspired by the young man who attempted to run across Canada on his one leg the students
of the Elementary School were out this afternoon doing their part to remember his
efforts and help in the cause.
The Prime Minister was not misquoted
- Friday
September 13, 2002
Walter Robinson of the Canadian Tax Payer's Federation is rather direct in his condemnation
of the Prime Minister's remarks made in July but shown on CBC on Wednesday evening.
What a year for flowers!
- Thursday
September 12, 2002
While the year 2002 will go down as a puzzle for farmers for gardeners the remarkable
development of flowers this year is a sight to behold. This page includes a 90º
QuickTime VR.
Work begins on clearing and preparing lot
for house number Eight
- Wednesday
September 11, 2002
Directly across from St. Theresa Park the top soil is being stripped away in preparation
for digging the basement for Tisdale's Mayor's new house.
Whose pollution will Canadians be paying to
clean up?
- Wednesday
September 11, 2002
We all share the same atmosphere all around this globe. Phyllis H. Hubeli points
out the hopelessness of attempting to make a difference unilaterially.
Figures don't lie. . . but. . .
- Wednesday
September 11, 2002
Don't say we didn't warn you. The way a politician or party conducts itself is how
it will act if it ever comes to power. Paul Pelletier and Jason Inness both spotted
the slippery accounting switch that the Canadian Alliance just pulled and it doesn't
look good.
Today at the market
- Tuesday
September 10, 2002
The pumpkins and melons are starting to show up and today a $2.00 bison smoky.
Start at the bottom and work up
- Tuesday
September 10, 2002
This is our update from a week ago on the construction of a new A&W in Tisdale
as the pad has been pored and work proceeds today on the removal of the surface material
in preparation for gravel and later pavement.
- Tuesday
September 10, 2002
Canadians all share a sense of deep pride in our honourable and determined Armed
Forces but we are embarassed and ashamed of the way successive governments have reduced
their capability and value by failing to provide them with the equipment and support
they need to do the job for us. Mr. Reilly expresses his disgust for the way Paul
Martin has been responsible for much of the forces neglect.
The saga of health reform in Saskatchewan:
The Health Regions replace the Health Districts
- Tuesday
September 10, 2002
The mystery of why our Medicare system is failing becomes abundantly clear when you
realise that it is being run by folks in offices far away from hospitals and operating
rooms. Corporate structure in its most bureaucratic form has been just jumped up
one more step and Mario deSantis helps us focus on the confusion created by districts,
regions and the bungling of SAHO.
Personal Television Network
- Tuesday
September 10, 2002
Here is a simple television monitor system that lets you look remote ly at a room,
yard, pool, whatever.
The Greenwater Report
- Monday
September 9, 2002
Few campers disturb Gerald Crawford and his berry picking as temperatures fall and
we all seem to be anticipating fall.
Joint Committee of the House of Commons and
the Senate
- Monday
September 9, 2002
A lifetime working in parliament shows as former Prime Minister Joe Clark suggests
to the government a means to deal with its committment to sign the Kyoto protocol
and work out both what it will mean and what part each level of government can play
in shaping a solution everyone can live with.
The West Has Its Own Political Traditions
- Monday
September 9, 2002
Canada's journalists and political scientist for most of the country are confounded
at the preculiar nature of Western Canadian political thought. You can move to the
front of the class and well ahead of most reporters by understanding Ron Thornton's
explanation of a very different political and social context of the people who live
West of Winnipeg.
"Its Not The End of the World"
- Sunday
September 8, 2002
Tisdale Trojan coach Darrell Mann tells half the players at the try-outs after their
final session Sunday morning as the final two teams have been picked for the game
at 2:00.
Alberta Alliance Party
- Sunday
September 8, 2002
The Canadian Alliance like the Reform party before it has concentrated on being a
national party but now movements are forming in several provinces to develop provincial
organisations and Ron Thornton was there as Alberta Alliance struggles to its feet.
Means of testing impairment lacking
- Sunday
September 8, 2002
As discussion eminate from the Senate recommendation to decriminalise the use of
marijuana there have been a lot of arguments for and against the proposal but this
problem posed by Jack Davies of Tilsonburg Ontario makes you think. The drug will
linger in a person's blood stream for twenty-two days so how do you test for impairment
from its affects.
The Carlyle Group and Canada:
A War Economy at the Expense of Common People
- Sunday
September 8, 2002
Mario deSantis takes us the next step of the war monger's profittering group to show
us the Canadian executives.
TMSS Classic Senior volleyball tournament
- Saturday
September 7. 2002
Teams from all over the province are working the volleyball courts at Tisdale's Middle
Secondary School this weekend.
Trojan camp gets season underway
- Saturday
September 7, 2002
Hockey season for the Tisdale Trojans for the 2002 - 2003 season began today as players
began arriving this morning to sign in for the try-outs.
Tisdale, Friday, September 6, 2002
- Saturday
September 7, 2002
Time to update the atmosphere in Tisdale and show you some progress and then go window
Questions that must be answer
- Saturday
September 7, 2002
Joe Hueglin is disturbed about the ambiguous nature of the Senate report that recommends
the legalisation of marijuana as he feels that the public can hardly form an opinion
on such an issue without more clarity.
Economist Paul Krugman: The
Bully’s Pulpit spreads the gospel of double thinking, newspeak and new words
- Saturday
September 7, 2002
Mario deSantis gives a chance to think about the warping of both language and concepts
by both the American leadership and those forces bent on undermining those institutions
that have developed over time for the good of all, social security and public medical
The American War Economy: The
Carlyle Group is posed to buy part of the British defense research industry
- Saturday
September 7, 2002
With the Carlyle group so heavily invested in by pensioners and control of the government
war makes sense and profit.
Bottom Of The Page Picture
of the Day

Ominous cloud approaching from the West at 9:45 this morning.
- Ensign began publishing daily in May of 1998, all of
its stories and pictures are available online since then. You can use this search
engine to find the things you are looking for in past material posted on North
Central Internet News.
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