Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Front Page
Volume 10, No. 63 |

- Grey Cup in Winnipeg this year
- Tuesday
October 10, 2006
by : Andrew Shire
Winnipeg : Canadians may be fanatics about hockey but they also truly love football. There was a giant groan yesterday as the Riders gave Toronto the game in the first quarter but hope springs eternal for almost all of Canada's teams to some how make it to Winnipeg for the Grey Cup on November 19th.
Thanksgiving in Wascana Park
- Monday
October 9, 2006
by : Brenda Desnoyers
Regina : Saturday was pretty hostile but the sun came out Sunday and again today so indeed there is much to be thankful for. Brenda's images are on our thanksgiving list.
The Greenwater Report
- Monday
October 9, 2006
by : Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park : Not only id it rain Saturday at the park but they got some snow as well. New pavement on some of the streets and Gerald and his cronies are tucked into the new Round Table each day.
One to One
- Thursday
October 5, 2006
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Its taken a long time but the tide has shifted as computer technology is no longer a frill or an extra to the education programme in Canadian schools as two provinces have moved to a machine for every student.
St. Matthew's 100th Anniversary
- Wednesday
October 4, 2006
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : The Anglican church has been a part of Tisdale life since 1907 and to commemorate its long history a celebration is planned for June 9th and 10th 2007.
Is Bush in a State of Denial?
- Wednesday
October 4, 2006
by : Mario deSantis
Prince Albert : Bob Woodward's new book has made big news the last couple of days but is only another piece in the saga of the American government's confusion with the guy who lead the attack on the former president over morals being forced to resign because of sexual impropriety. All part of a pattern of a nasty outfit. This story is extremely well documented with twenty-two reference.
Who is Kyle Korneychuk?
- Wednesday
October 4, 2006
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Political sign for Canadian Wheat Board elections has appeared near the airport, so who is this guy?
Choice, another word for dual marketing
- Tuesday
October 3, 2006
by : Joyce Neufeld
Waldeck : Ms. Neufeld takes issue with Wheat Growers Association president Cherilyn Jolly-Nagel for asserting that farmers presently have no choice in marketing their products which is quite simply not true at all.
Combine World pays a visit to Tisdale
- Tuesday
October 3, 2006
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : A working plane, a Piper Commanche (PA24) dropped into Tisdale today from its base at Allan.
Parkland Photography Club September meeting
- Monday
October 2, 2006
by : Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park : With new members the Parkland photography club is launching a new year and have a whole bunch of projects underway. Their theme for this meeting was "weathered".
The Greenwater report
- Monday
October 2, 2006
by : Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park : Looks like the beach restaurant will be open year round and the restaurant at the Cove will become "the Round Table". Gerald is not to keen on smoke but is good friends with the deer and geese.
We are going down this road together
- Sunday
October 1, 2006
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Global warming has some of the world's attention and when a few islands disappear under a rising ocean there will be some concern and alarm so let's just think about it all with some perspective.
- I
s it just me ???
- Saturday
September 30, 2006
by : Edwin Wallace
Success : Sometimes we have to just wonder what the heck is going on. Edwin looked at today's headlines in the New York Times and is shaken by the headlines. We have them here for you to consider.
Why the big hurry?
- Saturday
September 30, 2006
by : Henry Neufeld
Waldeck : In a good crop year farmers are luck to break even but most of the time things aren't perfect and farm income is marginal at best. Yet the federal government is hell bent on dismantling one of the few institutions that improves farm income.
Ensign Video of the Day
Today's video requires QuickTime 7.
Click on the play arrow to see the movie.
Past videos are archived about two weeks after they are posted at FTLComm
Monday October
no new video Tuesday October 10
Bottom Of The Page Picture
of the Day

Sunday morning this image captured a water logged thanksgiving garden still with a pumpkin or two.
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