Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Front Page
Volume 10, No. 161 |
1100 Tuesday - Ceiling and visibility unlimited, - 8 ºC, wind 7 knots at 090º, altimeter 29.58

- The waddlers are back
- Tuesday

March 20, 2007
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : The first five of our local Canada geese (Niska) population have made it back and are cheerfully awaiting the spring run off.
- The Bloc has taken the bribe
- Tuesday

March 20, 2007
by: Eugene Parks
Victoria B.C. : The Federal budget brought down yesterday is truly a set of bribes aimed at various target populations within the country without an over all plan or common mission for the country. Taxes are being allotted this way and that to bring contented smiles and the Bloc has bought the bribe to sustain the government. This has all happened before.
- Trojans Awards Banquet
- Monday

March 19, 2007
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : The season is wrapped up for this year and it was time to look back on the achievements and the adventures of the past year as the players and Trojan executive celebrated the end of the 2006 - 2007 season. This story includes a nine minute video of the event streamed using QuickTime.
- The Greenwater report
- Monday

March 19, 2007
by: Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park : Back from Alberta now off to Saskatoon, definitely Crawfords are on the road again. Signs of spring and spring storms as the park gears up for the coming season while Crawfords Family Fashions expands to another outlet this one in Foam Lake.
- The bottom line came in the first part of the 21st century
- Friday
March 16, 200 7
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : We all know things have to change but what we didn't know was that we would have so little choice in the way changes would come.
- Harper's words and actions: Consistent or convenience based?
- Friday

March 16, 2007
by: Eugene Parks
Victoria B.C. : The Prime Ministers will soon be asking Canadians to re-elect he and his government and voters have to decide based on his record if this is a good idea or not. Mr. Parks has some serious reservations about this man's re-election.
- Trojan captain wins SMAAAHL award
- Tuesday

March 13, 2007
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Carson Schell has been awarded theChuck Harriot Scholarship Award by the league.
- The Greenwater report
- Monday

March 12, 2007
by: Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park : This week the report goes to the dogs as Gerald and Doreen head off to check on family in the Carstairs area of Alberta.
- Tracks on a Quad
- Sunday

March 11, 2007
by: Timothy W. Shire
Melfort: Recreational vehicles continue to evolve and one of the most creative lately has been to equip a wheeled quad ATV with tracks permitting its use in soft snow and mud.
- Drastic measures
- Sunday

March 11, 2007
by: William Dascavich
Edmonton Alberta : If we keep on living and working as we are at present the future is unlikely to be anything but devastatingly bleak. Mr. Descavich warns of what we as a society are going to have to give up and ponders if we will be willing to doing anything about the drastic measures that are a certainy.
- Friday's Sunset
- Sunday

March 11, 2007
Images by: Judy Shire
La Ronge : Seven pictures of the end of Friday as Judy Shire captured the sky's progress toward nightfall.
- Rafter time
- Saturday

March 10, 2007
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: The triplex under construction has been moving right along and on Friday it was time to install the rafters as the building will soon be closed in.
- Anna Nicole Smith and Methadone
- Saturday

March 10, 2007
by: Kevin McIntyre
Carrot River : The fascination by the public and the press in the life and death of this celebrity has been a puzzle but seems to be a real life soap opera with crazy twists and turns day after day. One of the oddities has been the mention of the drug methadone which is normally associated with drug dependency treatment. Kevin explains its other uses and how it might be involved in this mysterious death.
- Beyond the chain link fence
- Thursday

March 8, 2007
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Some pictures from the day with fog, snow removal and a positive attitude as we set about the task of putting up and looking over our Internet chain link fence.
- Time for the snow to go
- Wednesday

March 7, 2007
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: That's it, its time for the snow that is clogging up the streets to melt into water and clog up the streams. Temperature moved up close to freezing today and the signs are all patiently being awaited.
- Walls up in march
- Tuesday

March 6, 2007
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: This triplex was begun back in September but now is standing and awaiting the installation of its rafters.
- Ay yes, the God all-mighty dollar
- Tuesday

March 6, 2007
by: Brad Thomsen
Ottawa: The new film about the possible locating of Jesus, his wife and son's bone boxes has caused quite a stir. Last year it was the DaVinci Code and the year before the Passion of Christ as movie makers like to cash in on Easter.
- The Greenwater Report
- Monday

March 5, 2007
by: Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park : We've always got time for a good fish or muskrat story and this week we get a glimpse of a dog show as well.
- March 2007 CAHS meeting - Harry Whereatt
- Sunday

March 4, 2007
Regina: Regina's Roland Groome Chapter of the Canadian Aviation Historical Society will have the amazing Harry Whereatt as their guest and speaker at their upcoming meeting, Thursday, March 8.
- Weekend to end breast cancer
- Saturday

March 3, 2007
by : Cassandra Shire
Winnipeg: The appeal to raise funds for breast cancer research is a powerfully motivating one as Cassandra reports her dedication to this June project to raise in one big fund raising event a substantial amount of money to go toward research into one of the leading killers of today.
Bottom Of The Page Picture
of the Day

The snow is gone from main street but we are still a while from short pants and sunscreen.
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