Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Front Page
Volume 11b, No. 123 |
- Are you ready for Christmas?
- Tuesday

December 23, 2008
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: A common greeting that can happen anywhere from mid November onward. Though there are some who consider Christmas some sort of ordeal that needs extensive preparation in reality it is and it should be a celebration not something to be endured.
- Community gets behind Joel Reese
- Monday

December 22, 2008
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Tisdale hockey player Joel Reese is undergoing extensive expensive treatment so the community came together Sunday night to support Joel and his parents Heather and Ted with a benefit hockey game, various fund raisers and a silent auction. These projects raised a total of $16,500.
- Winter travel precautions
- Friday

December 19, 2008
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Much of North America looks like this picture of highway #3 today as snow and blowing snow sweep from Vancouver to all of the Eastern seaboard. Heavy snow fall in the east and out west light snow fall with serious cold situations.
- Majority interests unrepresented
- Friday

December 19, 2008
by: Larry Kazdan
Vancouver, British Columbia: When you consider what group and class of people are responsible for the crumbling economy, world wide, it is more than a little ironic when you consider who the minister of finance is calling upon to give him advise to sort the country's pathway out of the mess that has been made.
- Accountability and transparency?
- Friday

December 19, 2008
by: Joe Hueglin
Niagara Falls, Ontario: The Conservatives made a big thing about establishing and auditor to look over the books and established the office in the Federal Accountability Act. The problem is the first report from the auditor Kevin Page was not at all favourable to the government when something like that happens the Harper government cuts off its operating budget.
- Digging at -33ºC
- Thursday

December 18, 2008
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Most of the services installation project that has gone on for all of December so far has been completed. As water and sewer lines with hydrants have been installed along highway #3 and toward the mall.
- Ideological fantasy: Canada's auto industry on its own
- Thursday

December 18, 2008
by: Eugene Parks
Victoria British Columbia: As the big three auto makers become more and more desparate because of the lack of credit and astonishingly low sales, the governments of both Canada and the United States are doing nothing. Thousands of jobs and tax paying incomes are at stake and something must be done quickly.
- RBC's third annual teddy bear toss
- Tuesday

December 16, 2008
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: The staff of the Tisdale Royal Bank and the Tisdale Trojans are combining forces on Wednesday night to both cheer on the team and gather up a load of new stuff toys which will go to the Salvation Army for this year's hampers.
- Truth or another "fudge it budget"?
- Tuesday

December 16, 2008
by: Eugene Parks
Victoria British Columbia: There has been a remarkable shortage of information in Ottawa about the actual state of the economy. It was almost ignored in the 'fiscal update' and the opposition needs to know where things stand in order to participate and co-operate in the construction of the January 27th budget.
- Stay with your vehicle this winter and survive
- Monday

December 15, 2008
by: Saskatchewan Safety Council
Regina: Last winter we had to endure the sorrow of several drivers getting into trouble with their vehicles and walking away from the vehicle only to die in a storm. The alternative is simple, survive.
- The Greenwater report
- Monday

December 15, 2008
by: Gerald Crawford
Saskatoon: Gerald tells about a teacher's experiences in Eastern Europe, family shopping and recognises Porcupine Plain's Kelly Chase who has distinguished himself for his community efforts.
- Pieces of 8 - Costs of auto bailout & benefits
- Monday

December 15, 2008
by: Robert Ede
Thornhill Ontario: The enormous bailout of US banks and financial institutes has been instructional. The massive amounts of money had done little to slow the slide in the economy and the true cause of the problem, mortgage defaults has not been addressed. Doing the same with the auto industry doesn't make sense, here is a better idea.
- Christmas houses - part I
- Friday

December 12, 2008
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Here are three houses that caught my eye late this afternoon. At that time of the day even though most homes how will have decorations up they had not turned on the lights. We will get you some more of these as time moves on.
- Post office requires photo ID for services
- Friday

December 12, 2008
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: One wonders if terrorists and criminals have not completely taken charge of the world. Actually they haven't instead the world has been taken over by fools who regulate things out of fear and stupidity.
- Whistle while you work
- Thursday

December 11, 2008
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Marcel Lacomte, a Tisdale craftsman, has a dispaly of his handiwork in the Tisdale Mall. He makes pine and willow furniture and as part of his display he has some outstanding craft projects by Maureen Kinch from Hinton Alberta.
- Parliament prorogued, Election is on
- Thursday

December 11, 2008
by: Brian Marlatt
White Rock, British Columbia: The simplisity of this statement needs to be considered. All sorts of convolutions and scenarios are spun by the new commentators but shake away the chaff and you will discover that the Prime Minister was unhappy with the outcome of the last election and had decide the only solution is to do it again.
- Is there a time for anger?
- Thursday

December 11, 2008
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: A very cold morning and some pictures of the community and trees handling the adversity of winter. How are you at handling adversity, can you find your way through the thicket of frustration or does it make you angry?
- Facing the future
- Thursday

December 11, 2008
by: Michael Ignatieff
Ottawa: Here is the letter the new leader of the Liberal Party sent out to Liberal supporters across the country today. It is interesting to see the plain language and clearly identified goals this national politician is setting forward.
- Tracked pickup
- Wednesday

December 10, 2008
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Made in Minnesota the MATTRACKS are designed for full size four wheel drive vehicles. The install quickly and produce a go anywhere vehicle. This one was seen here in Tisdale on Monday with the tracks installed on an F150 4x4 four door pickup.
- Women in politics
- Wednesday

December 10, 2008
by: Don Wilson
Masstown Nova Scotia: Don Wilson is a retired business man and community politician. Though many women have been and are involved in Canada's governments including the highest office in the land, the Governor General. There is a dramatic need for more women to become directly involved just as their influence in all of our lives is vital at home, on the job and in our community so should it be that women complete the make up of our political landscape,
- Harper backed neo-cons have an 80% failure rate
- Wednesday

December 10, 2008
by: Joe Hueglin
Niagara Falls, Ontario: Though the Harper government did everything it could both legally and some actions to be decided by the courts, to rig the election of the Canadian Wheat Board of Directors they actually had no effect as the resutls of the election were the same as before with the majority of the board supporting the present nature of the CWB.
- Head injuries
- Tuesday

December 9, 2008
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Player from Notre Dame was injured at Saturday night's game in what is all to common an injury. He was knocked out and had to spend the night in hospital. This story points out that no head injury is a minor injury.
- Mr. Harper has created interesting times
- Tuesday

December 9, 2008
by: Eugene Parks
Victoria, B.C.: It was only last week that the Government distributed a tape of a conference call meeting with NDP leader Jack Layton. The proroguing of parliament and Liberal Party changes have moved this story to the back burner but it should not be forgotten. Harper is still the Prime Minister.
- Harper gambit to obtain his majority government
- Tuesday

December 9, 2008
by: John Dowson
Newmarket Ontario: The real reason for the proroguing of parliament was not just to save the governments skin for 52 days but to place enough time to go to an election when the government is defeated.
- Machiavelli or bonehead bully
- Tuesday

December 9, 2008
by: Robert Ede
Thornhill Ontario: One of the problems with Canada's way of doing things is that sometime really important parts of the constitution are ignored or forgotten. This story explains what some of those things are and how things could be corrected.
- On a winter's day
- Monday

December 8, 2008
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: The wonder of winter's gradual advance does not overshadow other events but it colours the way we look at things. A little more snow each day, a little colder and a notch warmer clothes to help us meet the challenge.
- The Greenwater report
- Monday

December 8, 2008
by: Gerald Crawford
Saskatoon: The trials and tribulation of our city dweller as the Crawfords try to sort out a suitable furniture arrangement for the livingroom only to discover that there isn't one. Meanwhile news from the park is that the lake froze over November 22 one of the latest on record.
- Trojan Charity pancake breakfast
- Monday

December 8, 2008
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: The whole was on hand Saturday morning serving up breakfast at the RECPlex. The event was sponsored by the Beeland Co-op and the proceeds went to the Salvation Army for this year's Christmas hampers.
- Harper's hypocritical stance
- Monday

December 8, 2008
by: Nancy Clarke
Grand Bank, Newfoundland: The Prime Minister's unprecedented action to prorogue parliament rather than face a vote of confidence according to his bluster is that what the opposition was doing was wrong, even treasonous thus giving him the right to pull a fast one. Many wonder just how his thinking was going back in 2004.
- Realistic plan for cooperation among political parties
- Monday

December 8, 2008
by: Jacob Rempel
Vancouver B.C.: With demonstrations and protest rallies across the country this past weekend it is clear that reactions to the coalition of opposition parties has been a highly emotional response. Here is a calm and reasoned view of the coalition. A portion of this was published in the National Post.
- Suspending Parliament is an act befitting Robert Mugabe
- Monday

December 8, 2008
by: Dale Swirsky
Winnipeg: For all intents and purposes the present Government of Canada is illegitimate. It does not have the confidence of the House of Commons and prorogue parliament to prevent a vote of confidence. Carrying on like that is not appropriate for Canada but is the sort of one sees in third world countries run by a dictator.
- Hart Beat Music Centre
- Friday

December 5, 2008
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Tomorrow at 2:00 is the grand opening of a music store in downtown Tisdale. Offering a range of music instruments, supplies and CDs but also providing music lessons. The grand opening will have renown country singer and songwriter Codie Provost performing live.
- The Emperor's New Clothes now on display on Sussex Drive
- Friday

December 5, 2008
by: Stephen(dot)Leacock
Thornhill Ontario: Most commentators have considered the Governor General above criticism for the decision to allow the House of Commons to Prorogue to save Harper's government from defeat. This writer takes quite a different view.
- "I am a Prime Minister King"
- Friday

December 5, 2008
by: Larry Kazdan
Vancouver: Here is a much lighter side of this week's political turmoil in Ottawa as Mr. Kazdan provides us with a song.
- Martin's 4th Floor
- Thursday

December 4, 2008
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Martin's Furniture has it's main store downtown Tisdale and expanded to another downtown store with bedroom furnishings in the #rd Floor. Now the newest expansion goes in the Tisdale Mall with an outstanding display of livingroom and kitchen furniture.
- The Prime Minister and precedents
- Thursday

December 4, 2008
by: Joe Hueglin
Niagara Falls: After the dramatic events in Ottawa this morning, we are in for seven weeks of campaigning as the Prime Minister takes his case to the Canadian voter in true American Presidential fashion, having dismissed parliament. There are some things we need to consider.
- The leader is supreme, legally
- Thursday

December 4, 2008
by: Eugene Parks
Victoria B.C.: Getting rid of the annoyance of parliamentary democracy is not a good thing for Canada. Canadians are influenced by their American media addiction to forget that we have a "representational democratic system" we do not vote for the head of our government that is the Governor General and her ministers get their power from parliament.
- Rylan McKinnon joins the Trojans
- Thursday

December 4, 2008
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: The newest member of the Tisdale Trojans is the topic of this report as we proceed toward Christmas the Trojans are doing their part to help out the less fortunate in their community.
- Lots of people lose their jobs, its tough but life goes on
- Wednesday

December 3, 2008
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: The wailing and gnashing of teeth can be heard from Atlantic to Pacific as the Prime Minister is faced with his own self inflicted crisis and his own arrogant stupidity. It is not a constitutional crisis or threat to the country it is just a minority government being defeated. This story includes some thoughts from regular Ensign contributor and former member of parliament, Joe Hueglin.
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