Wednesday, December 7, 2005
Ensign Front Page Volume 9, No. 59 |
Let' get the money to the right place
- Wednesday
December 7, 2005
by : Stu Innes
Regina : During the election there has been, and there will continue to be a lot of talk about Medicare. Mr. Innes feels that we once had a superior Medicare system and its time we recovered what we once had and he suggests how we might achieve that goal.
The Quebec separatist threat
- Wednesday
December 7 , 2005
by : Bob Bliss
Kitchener Ontario : There is no question that the problem of Quebec sepoaratism is once again on the political hot plate. Bob Bliss is a prominent Ontario Conservative and in this article is encouraging his leader and party to accept the challenge of the feelings in Quebec and establish a Canadian policy that will be for the ultimate good of the country.
The Greenwater Report
- Tuesday
December 6 , 2005
by : Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park : Showtime as the Crawfords share with us their enjoyment of the Archerwill musical production. We also get the skinny on big game hunting
- Monday
December 5, 2005
by : Ron Thornton
Edmonton : This editorial gives us a look at the conservative point of view as Mr. Thornton shows us a distinctly alternative view to the issues in this election. (It is important to note that the views expressed in this and other articles are the views of the authors and are not to be considered the editorial point of view of this web site. In a democracy it is of the utmost importance that the widest possible spectrum of opinion be considered to give the voter both a chance to be informed and that the option of freedom of speech be considered with reverence.)
The "4P" system: Private 4 profit, publicly paid 4
- Friday
December 2, 2005
by : Phyllis Wagg
West Bay Nova Scotia : While claiming to advocate public universal healthcare Harper's promise today is a serious danger sign of what could be expected from this Albertan politician. Dr. Wagg explains what his promise today really means.
Agriculture Policy
- Thursday
December 1, 2005
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Saskatchewan political and agricultural leaders are calling on federal politicians to put forth agricultural policy that would provide some help for the dreary situation Saskatchewan's agricultural industry finds itself. This short article considers the problem.
New cemetery
- Thursday
December 1, 2005
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : The Tisdale Cemetery has approached its limit and a new area is underdevelopment between the hospital and Heritage Road for an expanded cemetery area.
Logicboard woes
- Wednesday
November 30, 2005
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : As Eben Flood well knew, most things break. Ensign and Saskatchewan News spent most of November frozen in time as the main machine used to create these pages suffered considerable humilation with its main logic board failing, taking with it half a terabyte of data in the computer's two hard drives.
The Greenwater Report
- Tuesday
November 29, 2005
by : Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park : Looks like the lake is freezing over and Gerald is talking seeriously about putting up his Christmas lights. He had a digital phtography seminar in Porcupine Plain and was in Kelvington for Moonlight madness.
Bill Barry - People Places author
- Monday
November 28, 2005
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : The distinguished writer, Bill Barry was at the Golden Age Centre sign to copies of his two new books released this fall and entertained the audiance with some local colour as to the early days in the Tisdale area.
Inchworm closing out sale
- Friday
- November 25, 2005
- by : Timothy W. Shire
- Tisdale : After four years in business the children's specialty shop, Inchworm, is closing on Christmas eve. This story includes a short QuickTime video clip.
Parkland Photographty November meeting
- Friday
November 25, 2005
by : Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park : This month's meeting theme was "flower" and three outstanding images appear in this report. The club will now display these and other future winning theme shoot images printed and mounted at the Doghide Gallery.
Tisdale Home & Office Systems
- Thursday
November 24, 2005
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : This business has relocated moving from the Tisdale Mall to the downtown area. This story takes the form of a video clip with the owner Shawn Doherty. You will need the most recent version of QuickTime to view this clip and a high speed connection.
Doghide Gallery one year old
- Thursday
November 24, 2005
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Now more than a month old this business is into its busiest part of the year as people find the unique and special qualities of paintings and pictures ideal Christmas gifts. This story features a four minute interview (QuickTime) with owner Sandra Dancey
Toy Show 2005
- Wednesday
November 23, 2005
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Saturday the Golden Age Centre hosted Tisdale's annual toy show with all of the proceeds going to the Ronald Macdonald house in Saskatoon. This story includes a videoi clip of interviews with some of the people who set up displays at the show.
The Greenwater Report
- Wednesday
November 23, 2005
by : Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park : Gerald and Doreen went off to see the Musical "Cats" in Saskatoon and our man was not amused. Watch out for him because he is driving slow to save gas, necessary measure when the trip involves Christmas shopping.
Ultimate solutions
- Wednesday
November 2, 2005
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : It seems that from every politician to every person responsible for creating a report acc
The Greenwater Report
- Wednesday
November 2, 2005
by : Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park : The last fishin' days of the year (on water) and some great pictures of harvest young and old. Supper at Perigord ducks and geese and one great fishin' story make up this week's report.
My Way closes
- Tuesday
November 1, 2005
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Halloween is all about spirits, those that inhabit the imagination of children and adults alike. With warm weather the spirits were happy.
Bottom Of The Page Picture of the Day |

A parrot's wing by Irene Loiselle of Winnipeg.
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