February 4th, 2006: The weather has been cooler lately - about normal or a little above - but then the sun comes out and it feels marvellous. Yesterday morning everything was covered with hoar frost and a drive over the big hill was a real treat. Today, it’s only about –5°, but windy most of the day and overcast.
Yesterday, Doreen’s sorority, Beta Sigma Phi, put on a soup and sandwich luncheon for Prairie Women on Snowmobiles. It was at the community hall in Porcupine Plain. The ten core riders, plus numerous support riders, left Langenburg on Friday. They spent Friday night at Preeceville, then came on to Porcupine Plain. Jenny was not a core rider this year; she was treasurer for the group, but chose to ride along with her snowmobile. From Porcupine Plain, they made a brief stop at Greenwater, then on to Archerwill for afternoon coffee. They wind up at Wadena on the tenth; there will be a banquet there, which we plan on going to.
Attendance at the luncheon was disappointing, but still the sorority was able to present the riders with a donation of over $200. Jenny indicated that so far, the ride had been a huge success financially. Since their inception several years ago, they have raised over $600,000 for cancer research. Small town Saskatchewan at work!
The girls tell me driving conditions are marvellous - weather just right and trails as well.
Our son, Lloyd, spent years as a member of STEP - the Saskatchewan Trade and Export Program - and last trip to Saskatoon he showed us his Saskatchewan Centennial Medal, awarded for his work in the program. Pretty nice!

A tale arose at coffee the other day - a fishing story but nothing to do with Greenwater Lake. This was gleaned from the news media and I can’t remember who told it. Anyway, a woman was ice fishing in the St. Lawrence River. She caught a big one, too big to pull up through the hole. A chain saw was put to use to enlarge the hole, but she still couldn’t land the fish Finally, the line was tied to a snowmobile which was able to pull the fish out onto the ice - a 500 pound fresh water shark! We asked the person who brought the story to do a little more research and tell us:
· What kind of tackle was she using? It must have been a logging chain.
· What kind of bait? A side of beef?
· How did it happen that a chain saw was handy?
Tempering the nice weather, I have come down with a dilly of a cold, complete with cough. It seems no matter how much I snivel and complain, nobody pities me - they just kind of ignore me. I might just as well suffer in silence. Think I’ll make myself a nice hot rum and crawl back into bed.
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Editor : Timothy W. Shire
Faster Than Light Communication
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