August 20th, 2006: We got a bit of rain last night, not likely as much as an eighth of an inch. It had cleared up by nine AM and was a lovely day, all fresh and nice.
We went down to the Beach Café this morning - every once in awhile we have to get our fix of bacon and eggs and the Beach Café does a superb job of it. Duane ordered some toast the other morning, and when he got it, it was almost, but not quite, black - just the way I like it. Today I had pancakes instead of toast but next time I am going to see if they can duplicate that real dark toast.
We loafed around all day, no lunch, just some snacks in the middle of the afternoon, then went to The Cove for their supper smorg. Another great meal - I am crazy about their chicken! At both places, we were able to do some real, quality visiting, the icing that makes the cake.
Just think - we get to live here in Paradise, with two excellent eating places, each within a few minutes walk. Does it get any better than this?
Little, pale yellow butterflies are all over the place, some with black dots on their wings. On a recent trip to Tisdale, every semi we met had a blanket of them on its front. Talking about it over coffee the other day, someone said they are called cabbage butterflies. The caterpillars are small with an almost fluorescent bit of color on each end. I guess that’s so the cabbages can find them. I wonder if they are related to the worms that are decimating the canola crop?
I have still been referring to the boathouse as The Tackle Box; however, I spoke to Orrin Hergott and he says the new name is the Offshore Marina. He hasn’t got a new sign made yet - that will come next year.
There is a white structure on the peninsula that Orrin said is used as an arch for weddings - it was standing Friday night, but was laying on the ground Saturday morning. I went over and had a look at it and it has been ripped apart. I notice some skid marks on the lawn north of the store, and someone complained about tire squealing Friday night, so evidently the hooligan element has visited the Park.

We went to Nipawin yesterday and saw lots of combines and swathers at work. Crops look pretty good from the road although we saw some wheat that looked as if it had some burnt spots.
A few weeks ago, we got an invitation to a surprise birthday party for Francis Dubé. Yeah, right - imagine keeping something like that a secret in a closely-knit community like Perigord! We went to the party last night, and I asked Francis if he was truly surprised. He said, “Put it this way - if I had know about the party, I wouldn’t be here!” It was a lovely party, mostly relatives but a few of us outsiders who felt truly honoured to be invited. They had a seven-member band from Saskatoon called “Family & Friends”; they played music mostly from the fifties and sixties, loud enough that we could enjoy it but quiet enough that we could still talk. Nicole’s husband, Daniel, played in the band. Congratulations to Nicole and her siblings for putting on a great do, and for keeping it secret!
Rose Steadman had a show of her art in the Park Hall last night and today and it was very well attended. She had over thirty pieces on display, all big, bold and colourful. We were there this morning, and a lot of pieces already had a “sold” sticker on them. Rose has been a serious painter for years, in fact as long as we have known her, and we and our family have several pieces. Her work is the kind that makes a dreary living room feel bright and cheerful on a cold winter day. I believe she is the most talented and productive person I know.