Prime Minister Stephan Harper and conservative candidate for Esquimalt-Juan de fuca, Troy DeSouza |
Cover up is what brings down politicians |
Victoria, B.C., Monday, April 28, 2008, by : Eugene Parks |
This past week Jack Knox and the Victoria Times Colonist provided a window into the Harper Conservatives’ money laundering scam. The plaintiff is Elections Canada and a complaint by former Conservative supporter Eugene Parks. The defendants are 67 Conservative candidates, 17 Conservative MPs, and their federal party organizers and campaign managers. Last week, Eugene Parks and two leading Vancouver Island conservatives spoke to the Times Colonist about the scandal.
On the record, Conservative candidate Troy DeSouza states he did not know about the Advertising Expense - until Elections Canada investigators asked him about it – citing ignorance of the expense claimed . British Columbia Tory Campaign manager Bruce Hallsor, cited in the Election Canada’s warrant executed on Conservative Party Ottawa Headquarters, states that the media costs expensed to a second Vancouver Island riding were not relevant to that riding’s campaign.
Elections Canada has also taken the view that the expenses claimed are not relevant to the campaigns - further charging that those involved should have known they could not claim expenses that did not apply to them. Election Canada additionally believes that false expense claims were made in order to violate election spending laws.
Simply stated, Conservative party ridings associations claimed an expense that was not relevant to them in order to appear as if following election laws - on the advice of the national campaign.
Elections Canada ruled that the Conservative Party of Canada both provided materially false accounting statements and believes the Conservative Party is trying to cover up violating other election laws.
The Conservative Party has responded with arguments like those of Bruce Hallsor and Troy DeSouza – claiming ignorance and irrelevance as a defense.
In my opinion, cover up is what brings down politicians. In this case, the Conservatives’ scam is now in plain site and is no longer covered up – arguements of irrelevance and ignorance don’t justify the actions. Justice requires the 17 Conservatives MPs be barred from taking their seats and those implementing the scheme have criminal charges brought against them for altering invoices.
Eugene Parks |
Physics Graduate, University of Waterloo
Descendant of the Ottawa Valley People |
Reference: |
Knox, Jack, Jack Knox: Tory shell game adds to public distaste for politics, April 22, 2008, The Victoria Times Colonist |
Harnett, Cindy H., Tory ads legal, organizer claims, April 24, 2008, The Victoria Times Colonist
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