STS Provincial Vice-President, Margaret Martin (centre) presents twenty year membership awards to Dorothy Hobbs and Ron Eremko
Provincial STS vice-president visits Tisdale superannuates |
Tisdale, Wednesday, October 21, 2009 by: Darlene McCullough |
On Monday, October 19, Tisdale Chapter of the Superannuated Teachers of Saskatchewan held a pot luck lunch at the Anglican Church Hall. Chapter President, Maureen Donald, welcomed everyone especially the guests from the Nipawin Chapter and the Red Deer River Valley Chapter and the special guests from Saskatoon, Provincial Vice - President Margaret Martin and her husband Bill.
Following a hearty lunch, a short business meeting was held.
Secretary-Treasurer, Darlene McCullough, invited the members to visit a display of Mac Hone's art work in the Tisdale Library. Mac was an Honourary Life Member of STS and he designed the STS logo.
STF diaries are available from Darlene or Maureen.
Darlene commented on the good press coverage we are receiving as well as exposure on the Ensign web site. We do appreciate this.
Ten year membership pens were earned by Mae Moritz, Cheryl Weenk, Sylvia Dion, Jim Hoffart, Selena Kowal, Jeanne McCorriston and Bill Zorn. Provincial Vice-President, Margaret Martin, presented Dorothy Hobbs and Ron Eremko with their key fobs for twenty year memberships. An interesting note is that Ron was Bill Martin's Grade Seven teacher.
Maureen then introduced Margaret as our guest speaker and she brought the members up to date on happenings at the provincial level. Membership in STS is now 8,974. The Annual General Meeting will be held in the Travelodge Hotel in Saskatoon on May 11 - 13. Both the operating fund and the benefits fund received a clean audit. She also mentioned a few things we could do to keep our benefit plans working well. There are 4,519 members enrolled in the benefit plans. The government and the Saskatchewan Seniors Mechanism are sponsoring long term care workshops where they are studying the areas such as elder abuse, accessibility of personal care homes, home care supports, affordable housing and health care costs for seniors.
Maureen then thanked Margaret for driving out from Saskatoon to spend time with the members in Tisdale and presented her with a gift of honey.
Bill Martin, STS Provincial Vice-President Margaret Martin of Saskatoon,
Tisdale Chapter President Maureen Donald and Chapter Secretary-Treasurer Darlene McCullough |
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Editor : Timothy W. Shire
Faster Than Light Communication
Box 1776, Tisdale, Saskatchewan, Canada, S0E 1T0
306 873 2004 |