Batoch Church by Gerald Crawford
Readjustment of the legal framework
Niagara Falls, Ontario - Wednesday, June 17, 2003 -
by: Joe Hueglin |
What follows relates to a readjustment of the legal framework
governing domestic relationships. It is sent to you to add to the mix of thoughts
already in your mind. Seldom is anything new but at times actions that offer positive
alternatives to issues come to mind. |
The purpose of this post is to offer for your consideration
an alternative direction on one of the more contentious issues facing our society
at this moment in time. |
- Committed lifetime monogamous heterosexual relationships through
wedlock, once the only socially accepted norm, have had added to them serial monogamy,
relationships outside of wedlock and homosexual relationships. .
- There are types of committed relationships other than sexual.
- The extension, the equalization, of economic and other benefits
now restricted to heterosexual unions to other types of committed relationships is
not contingent upon application of the term marriage.
- The division of assets upon the dissolution of relationships have
created a situation where a contract going in is a increasingly necessary reality.
- The congruence once existing between institutions of the state
and the precepts of established religions no longer attain in a number of fields
and need not exist for there to be legal relationships established between/among
those committing to them.
- The state can establish legal frameworks in which those choosing
to enter into commitments can do so. It can as well establish the means through which
these relationships can be mutually or unilaterally dissolved.
- The term to be applied to such a relationship must of necessity
be broad enough to encompass both sexual and non-sexual relationships. Both Registered
Civil Union and Registered Domestic Partnership are but examples of suitable
inclusive descriptive terms.
- The term marriage is not a suitable term in that it is
a sexually based term inextricably linked in Canadian society to religion.
- Entering into wedlock, the joining of a bride and groom and the
societal usages associated with them are essentially religious rather than legally
The argument presented here is that there be a clear
cut division between the contractual arrangement being entered into through registration
with the state of the mutual obligations being entered into...and...that which is
essentially a religious act, that of entering into wedlock. |
Marriage, a term which flows out of wedlock, ceasing
to have legal implications becomes not denotative in meaning but connotative and
as such open to differing usages among those employing it. |
Such action on the part of the Government would provide
equitable treatment to all entering into domestic partnerships under the law and
leave the meaning of the word marriage, the basis of contention, to be determined
by societal usage and not by statute. |
Joe Hueglin
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Faster Than Light Communication
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