As was mentioned in the story about the Terra-gator, high floatation field equipment may be the only way to seed and apply fertilizers to this year's crop land.
This is a brand new machine sitting on John Bob Farm Equipment's lot. Like the Terra-gator this is a purpose built machine and not an adaption of a truck for this specialised field work.
What is interesting about this machine is its interesting background as the agricultural farm machinery business has always been a very complex system of independent manufacturers, name brand companies and some back yard innovation type shops turning out specialised equipment. This machine was built and assembled in St. Nazianz, Wisconsin by Miller based on their Miller CenterRide Chassis and giving the name Silverwheels. But as you see it on the John Bob lot it carries the
Mertz logo across the front.
Mertz is a manufacturer in Ponca City Oklahoma that was recently bought out by Compact Power of Fort Mill, South Carolina.
The Miller built machine is assembled from major manufacturers, having a 330hp Cat engine, an Allison automatic transmission and the cab is made by Deere.