It Has Begun

FTLComm - Tisdale - April 26, 2001

The seeding of the crop of 2001 got underway in the Tisdale area this week. This morning during a regular patrol the scene on the right was noticed that in the distance on the East side of town there was a tractor snorting around a field. Driving North then West it was clear that many fields had already had some attention and there were rising clouds of dust in all directions as farm tractors were out in force.

Yesterday's very high winds (almost 40 knots) produced a dust storm in this area turning the air a brown colour.

The image above shows one farmers attempt at diversification as you can make out a nice knoll of Christmas Trees.

It seems that the grass around this pond is still brown but this Puffin has dropped into consider this as a suitable spot to spend the summer.

With the size of equipment it takes little time to make a quick pre-seeding pass over fields and it is was clear that between Tisdale and Star City about 30% of the land has already received some attention.

These pictures were taken right at the historical Norwood school established in 1905, the year Saskatchewan became a province.

In the picture on the right you can see a tractor working but in the distance the dust of other tractors and perhaps the smoke from some burning. But field preparation for seeding is well underway.