is the low cost machine.
What is deceptive about the computer
industry is that if you market an older product, developed several years ago, you
can sell it for low prices, but the performance will be that of the technology of
the past. When you see advertisements for low cost computers today, you are simply
seeing old equipment. The real low cost computer that manufacturers are aiming for
now, is a state of the art computer with present day and beyond capability, but at
a price of around that $1,000 US. Apple, has achieved this, as its newiMacto
be released in August is state of the art, all in one box computer, but alas they
missed the mark by $300. However, Appleis betting that because of its reputation
and the quality of their machines, their costumers will pay the extra money. But
in the PC market place, Compac, HP, GatewayandDellwill
be duking it out.
flat LCD screens
These things have been around now for two years, mostly as a spin
off from the
of screens for laptop computers. Their price is beginning to move
to the point that we see them now on television programs almost
night. Right now, a LCD panel monitor of 14" is going to cost you about
same amount as a high end 21" display, for the least expensive on the
But the effects for the consumer are remarkable. This is putting the
on conventional CRT monitor prices and they are descending very
15" monitors are now under $300 Canadian and 17" displays can be had
just a little more then $500. So if you are squinting at a dim old monitor you
afford to upgrade, in fact buy Windows 98June 25, slam in another
and buy yourself two 15" monitors, that will set you back about half the
of a single LCD screen.
Timothy W. Shire
Than Light Communications