The Week of May 25 to 31, 2008
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- The Greenwater report
- Monday

May 26, 2008
by: Gerald Crawford
Saskatoon: The Crawfords spent the weekend garage saling. Even though Gerald's heart wasn't in the bargain hunting he was able to turn the event into a means of meeting and talking to people even stumbled on a "Report" fan.
- Making us look like fools
- Monday

May 26, 2008
by: Tom Brewer
Regina: External Affairs minister Bernier, who resigned today, while in Rome last week promised the use of a C-17 to move helicopters from the Ukraine to Burma. One is in Afghanistan two are laid up for maintenance and the fourth is broken down in Burma. It cost $900,000 to get a Russian plane to do the job. The useless C-17s cost us $3.5 Billion.
- Housing start thirteen comes to life
- Tuesday

May 27, 2008
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Work began yesterday on a new duplex on 95th St. with the installation of water and sewer services and the preparation of the area for its foundation. Today 49 holes were drilled and the rebar installed with cement to create piling for the project.
- More government than needed
- Tuesday

May 27, 2008
by: Tom Brewer
Regina: Not only is the government bent on enacting legislation to turn 70% of over the counter medications into perscriptive drugs but they are going to have customs officials going through your iPod and Laptop looking for pirated music.
- Tisdale's housing marketplace
- Wednesday

May 28, 2008
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: With seventeen housing units either underway or completed this year people have been building as there was little to choose from to buy. With house number 2 and 3 almost complete two new houses are now available and two duplex units are on the market.
- Treaty turns internet into a virtual police state

- Wednesday
May 28, 2008
by: Alex Bussmann
Kirkland, Washington: The ACTA was initiated by the United States in October of 2007 and negotiated with the Conservative government of Canada since then. Since it is a trade agreement it will never come before parliament and could result in the police deciding what you have stolen and have on your iPod or computer system.
- 35 gets a touch up
- Wednesday

May 28, 2008
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: This morning the Department of highways drove down Tisdale's main street (highway #35) and added a centre line which over the past few years had totally vanished.
- Parkland Photography club May meeting
- Thursday

May 29, 2008
by: Darlene McCullough
Tisdale: This month's report has loads of pictures, the monthly competion plus spring collection images. The club selects its executive and hands out award.
- Replacing fragile metal water line
- Thursday

May 29, 2008
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: In front of Curiousity Corner store there has been a massive excavation this week as repairs to the water main lead to replacing everything under the intersection and as a part of the work a major SaskTel cable was severed.