The Week of March 13 to 19,
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March -15 - 16 - 17
- 18
- Kearose
Clothing & Tack Opens today
March 15, 2005
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : A new
business opened downtown Tisdale today. Western clothing, jewelry, saddles and equipment
in a completely rennovated store.
Tisdale in the Springtime
- Wednesday
March 16, 2005
by: Doug Ives
Point Roberts B.C.
: It seems that there is a California vineyard called Tisdale. Doug has taken some
pictures of their products to share with us.
Greenwater report
- Wednesday
March 16, 2005
by : Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park : This report dishes up thirteen pictures of snowplanes from a rally
this past weekend at Kelvington.
Mean streets
- Thursday
March 17, 2005
by : Timothy W. Shire
Regina : Day
by day the evidence mounts that as a society, Saskatchewan is well beyond an urban
crisis and yet we are all going merrily on our way ignoring poverty, social dysfunctionality
and a growing danger to all.
naivete´ is amazing
- Thursday
March 17, 2005
by : Edwin Wallace
Success : Saskatchewan's
farmers lost control of their own grain marketing company through provincial legislation
all of the rest has been just natural consequences.
- The fault of the system (State), be it Saskatchewan, United States
or elsewhere: disregard of individual rights in a further privatized system (State)

- Thursday
March 17, 2005
by : Mario deSantis
Prince Albert
: Excuses and half truths mask the underlying motivations of much of the power base
in an ever growing single big brother government of this world.
Greenwater Report
- Friday
March 18, 2005
by : Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park : This is the last week of February report but brings us up to date
on birds in the park and a story about an outdoor rink at Perigold.