Faster Than Light Communications

Name: FTLComm
Age: 10
Birthday: August 1995
Parent company: Shire Education and Computer Corporation
Main focus: Multi-media production
Main web site: Ensign 
Current development: Video
Head Office: 1115 95th St. Box 1776, Tisdale SK 306 873
About Us
Photo pages

Saskatchewan News

Ensign Pic of the day

Canada Summer Games
Stories and Articles
The meaning of life and death
That winter look
What’s this cartoon story about?
deHavilland DHC-6 Twin Otter
2006 a tangled year
At the core
Apple Macintosh hardware
Adobe PhotoShop
Web development
We actually had a web site more than a year before the Internet was available to the public here in Saskatchewan and through the years we have maintained this focus. We have developed our own sites: Ensign and Saskatchewan News (which is now merged with Ensign) and we have produced and hosted many company and organisational web sites including: David Lamb Aviation Consulting, Tisdale Trojans, CCRV Tours, Parkland Terminal, Randall Automotive, Tisdale United Church, Little Corporation and some that are just a bit bigger like Regina’s Canada Summer Games.